This is why Right Wingers Love Candace Owens Pt. 2


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It is funny how white racists think. I started this thread then some idiot decided that blacks aren't capable of writing and decided to look up what was written.

When Candace Owens was born, I was 28 years old. I didn’t watch old videos of Dr. King; I saw things live and as shown on TV. I watched my father cry while King's funeral was aired on national TV. I did not read about the 1960s civil rights movement. I watched my parents and other older blacks fighting for a future many of them KNEW they would not see. Deacon Alfred Montgomery was an 87-year-old man when he told me in 1970 that there would be a black president one day. Deacon Montgomery died in 1976. He never saw Barack Obama. Deacon Montgomery never saw the day Colin Powell would make it to head the joint chiefs, much less Secretary of State. These are our ancestors. They always have looked to the future.

I was three years old when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I have seen the backlash by whites and how it has modified over time. When the act passed, some whites refused to follow the law. School segregation was supposed to have ended in 1954, but it did not. People like Owens have fallen for a racist depiction of black people. Adopting the right-wing opinion of the victim limits the greatness from which we came.

So to Owens, I say this: “When you believe that supporting a political view created to exclude us is thinking independently, it is time to think about your mental condition.I got news for you kiddo, BLACKS WERE REPUBLICANS FOR 100 YEARS! We left the party because the party never wanted us. You’re going backward and trying to take others with you.”

This comes from a book titled Get You Knee Off Our Necks-Essays on Racism in America. And the thing is, that these words are actually excerpts from chapter 13.

Right-wing blacks like Owens only help foster division. The only reason the whites they associate with accept them is because each of them validates what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. These are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. Blacks who think independently do not believe or repeat what racist whites think of us and challenge that belief. Today, white extremists on the right have tried to insert blacks into our national discourse who believe only a certain way. Candace Owens is one of then.

Now what you racists need to understand is that blacks are capable of writing such things. Because what could you say If I was the guy who actually wrote that book? You would surely look like the stupid low forehead neanderthal racist pieces of trash that you are.
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Candace Owens gives great advice, you and your people should take it. Of course you probably won't, you didn't take the good advice offered by Bill Cosby.
Candace Owens is an idiot. You need to concern yourself with your own people because you guys are the ones committing 40,000 suicides per year while talking about 3-4 thousand black on back killings.
It is funny how white racists think. I started this thread then some idiot decided that blacks aren't capable of writing and decided to look up what was written.

When Candace Owens was born, I was 28 years old. I didn’t watch old videos of Dr. King; I saw things live and as shown on TV. I watched my father cry while King's funeral was aired on national TV. I did not read about the 1960s civil rights movement. I watched my parents and other older blacks fighting for a future many of them KNEW they would not see. Deacon Alfred Montgomery was an 87-year-old man when he told me in 1970 that there would be a black president one day. Deacon Montgomery died in 1976. He never saw Barack Obama. Deacon Montgomery never saw the day Colin Powell would make it to head the joint chiefs, much less Secretary of State. These are our ancestors. They always have looked to the future.

I was three years old when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I have seen the backlash by whites and how it has modified over time. When the act passed, some whites refused to follow the law. School segregation was supposed to have ended in 1954, but it did not. People like Owens have fallen for a racist depiction of black people. Adopting the right-wing opinion of the victim limits the greatness from which we came.

So to Owens, I say this: “When you believe that supporting a political view created to exclude us is thinking independently, it is time to think about your mental condition.I got news for you kiddo, BLACKS WERE REPUBLICANS FOR 100 YEARS! We left the party because the party never wanted us. You’re going backward and trying to take others with you.”

This comes from a book titled Get You Knee Off Our Necks-Essays on Racism in America. And the thing is, that these words are actually excerpts from chapter 13.

Right-wing blacks like Owens only help foster division. The only reason the whites they associate with accept them is because each of them validates what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. These are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. Blacks who think independently do not believe or repeat what racist whites think of us and challenge that belief. Today, white extremists on the right have tried to insert blacks into our national discourse who believe only a certain way. Candace Owens is one of then.

Now what you racists need to understand is that blacks are capable of writing such things. Because what could you say If I was the guy who actually wrote that book? You would surely look like the stupid low forehead neanderthal racist pieces of trash that you are.

I don't love her. I think she's a grifter and I'm deeply suspicious tbh
Candace Owens is an idiot. You need to concern yourself with your own people because you guys are the ones committing 40,000 suicides per year while talking about 3-4 thousand black on back killings.
Isn't Candice black? She concerns herself with black issues, namely a sick racial culture where violence and the single mothers who churn out thugs dominates.

Why shouldn't she, being black and all?
It is funny how white racists think. I started this thread then some idiot decided that blacks aren't capable of writing and decided to look up what was written.

When Candace Owens was born, I was 28 years old. I didn’t watch old videos of Dr. King; I saw things live and as shown on TV. I watched my father cry while King's funeral was aired on national TV. I did not read about the 1960s civil rights movement. I watched my parents and other older blacks fighting for a future many of them KNEW they would not see. Deacon Alfred Montgomery was an 87-year-old man when he told me in 1970 that there would be a black president one day. Deacon Montgomery died in 1976. He never saw Barack Obama. Deacon Montgomery never saw the day Colin Powell would make it to head the joint chiefs, much less Secretary of State. These are our ancestors. They always have looked to the future.

I was three years old when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I have seen the backlash by whites and how it has modified over time. When the act passed, some whites refused to follow the law. School segregation was supposed to have ended in 1954, but it did not. People like Owens have fallen for a racist depiction of black people. Adopting the right-wing opinion of the victim limits the greatness from which we came.

So to Owens, I say this: “When you believe that supporting a political view created to exclude us is thinking independently, it is time to think about your mental condition.I got news for you kiddo, BLACKS WERE REPUBLICANS FOR 100 YEARS! We left the party because the party never wanted us. You’re going backward and trying to take others with you.”

This comes from a book titled Get You Knee Off Our Necks-Essays on Racism in America. And the thing is, that these words are actually excerpts from chapter 13.

Right-wing blacks like Owens only help foster division. The only reason the whites they associate with accept them is because each of them validates what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. These are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. Blacks who think independently do not believe or repeat what racist whites think of us and challenge that belief. Today, white extremists on the right have tried to insert blacks into our national discourse who believe only a certain way. Candace Owens is one of then.

Now what you racists need to understand is that blacks are capable of writing such things. Because what could you say If I was the guy who actually wrote that book? You would surely look like the stupid low forehead neanderthal racist pieces of trash that you are.

How is the political view “excluding” blacks when it includes blacks like Owens?
Owens views are only used to move forward the white nationalist agenda. She is not listened to or taken seriously. She's a prop.
What exactly is the “white nationalist agenda”?
What agenda are we supposed to embrace? Black nationalist agenda?
What exactly is the “white nationalist agenda”?
What agenda are we supposed to embrace? Black nationalist agenda?
There is no black nationalist agenda and you know good and well what the white nationalist agenda is because you're working to get it done. You're tactic is tired, boy. Your responses are disingenuous.
Last I checked, Owens lost favor with Trump

Last I checked, the conservative media has called Owens out on her hypocrisy.

"the right wing", is more than happy to vet our leaders, those we support and do not support. Candace Owens, last I checked it is the Democrat party searching for dirt, scouring the internet and the media for anything and everything they can associate with Trump so that the democrats can smear Trump.

Candace Owens has not been relevant to us "right wingers", to us true Americans, pretty much forever. Do "right wingers", love Owens? Last I checked I do not. Last I checked not one of my friends have ever mentioned Owens.
Democrats love to attach anything and everything to Conservatives. Democrats stereotype and exhibit bigotry, when is the last time that any Conservative here on USMB started a thread about Owens?

No, us conservatives do not love Owens, if fact we are very critical of all who appear as hypocrites. It is also worthwhile to note that Trump removed her from his inner circle.

Some love there, from top conservative media criticizing Owens to Trump removing Owens from his inner circle.

I was fortunate enough to first come across Owens in a clip where she declared racism is not a problem in America, only to later read up on her and discover that she had been the victim of race-related threats, threats that prompted her to team up with the NAACP, file a lawsuit, and score just under forty-thousand dollars in damages. Apparently, racism is a problem for her when there’s a monetary windfall in her favor.
Even though I found myself in agreement with a great deal of what she espoused, the disingenuous racism remark left a bad taste in my mouth. I always considered Owens an opportunist who was as much out to promote herself as the agenda of the American right, and upon hearing that Trump had removed her from his circle of trust, I was not at all surprised.
It is funny how white racists think. I started this thread then some idiot decided that blacks aren't capable of writing and decided to look up what was written.

When Candace Owens was born, I was 28 years old. I didn’t watch old videos of Dr. King; I saw things live and as shown on TV. I watched my father cry while King's funeral was aired on national TV. I did not read about the 1960s civil rights movement. I watched my parents and other older blacks fighting for a future many of them KNEW they would not see. Deacon Alfred Montgomery was an 87-year-old man when he told me in 1970 that there would be a black president one day. Deacon Montgomery died in 1976. He never saw Barack Obama. Deacon Montgomery never saw the day Colin Powell would make it to head the joint chiefs, much less Secretary of State. These are our ancestors. They always have looked to the future.

I was three years old when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I have seen the backlash by whites and how it has modified over time. When the act passed, some whites refused to follow the law. School segregation was supposed to have ended in 1954, but it did not. People like Owens have fallen for a racist depiction of black people. Adopting the right-wing opinion of the victim limits the greatness from which we came.

So to Owens, I say this: “When you believe that supporting a political view created to exclude us is thinking independently, it is time to think about your mental condition.I got news for you kiddo, BLACKS WERE REPUBLICANS FOR 100 YEARS! We left the party because the party never wanted us. You’re going backward and trying to take others with you.”

This comes from a book titled Get You Knee Off Our Necks-Essays on Racism in America. And the thing is, that these words are actually excerpts from chapter 13.

Right-wing blacks like Owens only help foster division. The only reason the whites they associate with accept them is because each of them validates what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. These are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. Blacks who think independently do not believe or repeat what racist whites think of us and challenge that belief. Today, white extremists on the right have tried to insert blacks into our national discourse who believe only a certain way. Candace Owens is one of then.

Now what you racists need to understand is that blacks are capable of writing such things. Because what could you say If I was the guy who actually wrote that book? You would surely look like the stupid low forehead neanderthal racist pieces of trash that you are.

Silly post really.

I've been around a while and haven't seen any public figure not get your treatment. Anyway, your posts are always "see through"
You never criticize Rashida Tlaib, who says such things continuously
Owens views are only used to move forward the white nationalist agenda. She is not listened to or taken seriously. She's a prop.
All she is promoting is a form of morals. Following some discipline in which we all have flaws. It is not easy in areas where living is tougher.
There is no black nationalist agenda and you know good and well what the white nationalist agenda is because you're working to get it done. You're tactic is tired, boy. Your responses are disingenuous.
As usual, you can’t answer the question.

You are the one using the terms, and now you refuse to define them.

You are an intellectual coward. My “tactic” is to call out your fallacies and expose you for the dishonest scumbag that you are. You’re just mad it works.
As usual, you can’t answer the question.

You are the one using the terms, and now you refuse to define them.

You are an intellectual coward. My “tactic” is to call out your fallacies and expose you for the dishonest scumbag that you are. You’re just mad it works.
I think, "IM2", is much more than a dishonest scumbag
Liar, you never checked and there is nowhere to check.

Last I checked, you are a piece of a scab I scratched off my hemorrhoid.

And you're the hemorrhoid. So fuck off, asshole lump.

I never checked? I used fucking links to prove your dumb ass wrong. Fuck off you dumbass.
Racist democracks get upset to see a black conservative.

It's easy to see why the OP is upset. He's racist and projects that racism. To him racism is the most important subject facing the world today. To the OP, identity politics is the #1 topic, and excuse.

These are the same people who pretend to desire equality, all while they do their part to ensure there's division.
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It is funny how white racists think. I started this thread then some idiot decided that blacks aren't capable of writing and decided to look up what was written.

When Candace Owens was born, I was 28 years old. I didn’t watch old videos of Dr. King; I saw things live and as shown on TV. I watched my father cry while King's funeral was aired on national TV. I did not read about the 1960s civil rights movement. I watched my parents and other older blacks fighting for a future many of them KNEW they would not see. Deacon Alfred Montgomery was an 87-year-old man when he told me in 1970 that there would be a black president one day. Deacon Montgomery died in 1976. He never saw Barack Obama. Deacon Montgomery never saw the day Colin Powell would make it to head the joint chiefs, much less Secretary of State. These are our ancestors. They always have looked to the future.

I was three years old when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I have seen the backlash by whites and how it has modified over time. When the act passed, some whites refused to follow the law. School segregation was supposed to have ended in 1954, but it did not. People like Owens have fallen for a racist depiction of black people. Adopting the right-wing opinion of the victim limits the greatness from which we came.

So to Owens, I say this: “When you believe that supporting a political view created to exclude us is thinking independently, it is time to think about your mental condition.I got news for you kiddo, BLACKS WERE REPUBLICANS FOR 100 YEARS! We left the party because the party never wanted us. You’re going backward and trying to take others with you.”

This comes from a book titled Get You Knee Off Our Necks-Essays on Racism in America. And the thing is, that these words are actually excerpts from chapter 13.

Right-wing blacks like Owens only help foster division. The only reason the whites they associate with accept them is because each of them validates what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. These are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. Blacks who think independently do not believe or repeat what racist whites think of us and challenge that belief. Today, white extremists on the right have tried to insert blacks into our national discourse who believe only a certain way. Candace Owens is one of then.

Now what you racists need to understand is that blacks are capable of writing such things. Because what could you say If I was the guy who actually wrote that book? You would surely look like the stupid low forehead neanderthal racist pieces of trash that you are.

The truth is a real threat to you, isn't it?

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