Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

The Einsatzgruppen was set up to kill Russian Jews.

Because most Russian Jews were communists and fighting against the German army.

So Hitler in essence was just killing the enemy.

But that many of them were Jews was just a bonus to the Nazis.
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[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]ltEz4DInDsU[/MEDIA] - ‪The Fake 40' Chimney at Auschwitz 480p‬‏[/ame]

You're a good DemoKKKrat...

De Gaulle, Churchhill, and Eisenhower all wrote books that comprised several volumes about their role during WWII

None of the three included one single sentence about the so called Holocaust in their books .

Which would lead one to believe that it either didn't happen or was a very minor footnote in the scheme of things.
Google for wannsee conference!
here is some more fuel to rile up the Bidiot Normie tards,,,,,The zionists worked with the 3 reich in persecuting poor jews. They had to do this in order to force jews from Europe into the newly forming Israel; it was the only way jews were going to leave Europe.

It is scary to see the normies fall in line just as they had under Stalin and Hitler. In Silesia and East Europe, jews were using "logic and reason" to explain why there could be no way that jews were being rounded up, so they dismissed any warnings; that was 1938 and they thought people that were trying to wake them up were kooks.
Human nature never changes.

Look up the "Transfer Agreement"
There is not a single document from the Nazi leadership that discusses their desire and detail to kill jews. They simply wanted them out of the country.
Why is this under Conspiracy Theories? Can take a different point of view?

I've found that it is virtually impossible to have a civil and rational discussion about the validity of the standard Holocaust narrative without being slandered by those unable to refute simple facts.

Among the first realities about all wars is that the victors write the history.

All sides use propaganda and it is naive to believe that only the "other side" used propaganda. WW 2 and the Holocaust are no exception.

The difference is that Hollywood's WW 2 / Holocaust propaganda industry is still grinding out one dimensional, melodramatic, fictional fodder.

The difficulty about discussing the Holocaust is that it is no longer a horrific and tragic event to be respectfully memorialized but, regrettably, it has become a crassly exploited and profitable cult / industry.

"Disciples" of the Holocaust cult abhor critical thinking and quickly become openly hostile when confronted with facts that that they cannot refute.
That's why it's difficult to have a productive discussion with other views about the facts concerning the Holocaust.

I've found that it is virtually impossible to have a civil and rational discussion about the validity of the standard Holocaust narrative without being slandered by those unable to refute simple facts.

Among the first realities about all wars is that the victors write the history.

All sides use propaganda and it is naive to believe that only the "other side" used propaganda. WW 2 and the Holocaust are no exception.

The difference is that Hollywood's WW 2 / Holocaust propaganda industry is still grinding out one dimensional, melodramatic, fictional fodder.

The difficulty about discussing the Holocaust is that it is no longer a horrific and tragic event to be respectfully memorialized but, regrettably, it has become a crassly exploited and profitable cult / industry.

"Disciples" of the Holocaust cult abhor critical thinking and quickly become openly hostile when confronted with facts that that they cannot refute.
That's why it's difficult to have a productive discussion with other views about the facts concerning the Holocaust.

I think that is a great post.
I will add to this thread later.
I've found that it is virtually impossible to have a civil and rational discussion about the validity of the standard Holocaust narrative without being slandered by those unable to refute simple facts.

Among the first realities about all wars is that the victors write the history.

All sides use propaganda and it is naive to believe that only the "other side" used propaganda. WW 2 and the Holocaust are no exception.

The difference is that Hollywood's WW 2 / Holocaust propaganda industry is still grinding out one dimensional, melodramatic, fictional fodder.

The difficulty about discussing the Holocaust is that it is no longer a horrific and tragic event to be respectfully memorialized but, regrettably, it has become a crassly exploited and profitable cult / industry.

"Disciples" of the Holocaust cult abhor critical thinking and quickly become openly hostile when confronted with facts that that they cannot refute.
That's why it's difficult to have a productive discussion with other views about the facts concerning the Holocaust.


It's a waste of time here because you are posting with people entrained to the official narrative who simply regurgitate without ever having done some research .
Just telling them that the Holocaust narrative was largely invented and then embroidered by the Jews and mostly after the war blows their brains .
And if you assert that the central issues are subject to huge deliberate misinformation and that the numbers unlikely reached 10% of the total claimed, they become hysterical .

Here's an Auschwitz snippet not widely known .
This camp was the main source for slave labour ( camp 3) and they were used in the development of the Atomic bomb .
The first German test was years in front of the nonsense Oppenheimer Manhatten project and tested on a small island in the Baltic Sea .
So regardless of Holocaust facts the Germs did not want to kill too many back in Camp 2 as they were needed to test radiation effects-- amongst other matters--- and results were rather gruesome .
Fake things made up after WW II ----

The Germans made lampshades out of peoples' skins.
The Germans made soap out of people.
The Germans wanted to conquer the world.
The Germans engaged in diabolical experiments to create a "master race."
The Germans had a plan to exterminate jews, homos, etc.

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