The Woman Who Couldn't Win A Rigged Election Says, 'Don't Let Trump 'Sneak Or Steal' A Win'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
20 Best Laughing Obama Pictures images | Obama, Barack, President ...

Hillary Clinton was protected from
indictment, Protected from going
to prison, was given the Democratic
Party nomination she could not win
on her own, colluded with foreign
ex-spies and the Russians for 'dirt'
/ propaganda she and Obama tried
to use to prevent Trump from winning,
and when that failed Barry tried to
affect a political coup...and failed....

Yet during the 2020 DNC Convention
Wednesday night, she actually told
Americans not to let President TRUMP
'sneak or steal a win'.


Hillary ought to think about doing 'stand up' comedy, because she was funny as hell last night. Here's another good one:

"America needs a president who shows the same compassion, determination, and leadership in the White House that we see in our communities."

Is she talking about all the Liberal / Democrat politician-run communities that have the highest crime / murder rate in the United States, the ones under siege by foreign-funded and Democrat-supported violent protestors and domestic terrorists, the ones being looted, burned, whose citizens are being held hostage by socialists / communists who hold communities hostage and beat, bloody, and murder its citizens in the streets?


Portland police investigating violent assault, say no arrests made ...

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Solutions To Chicago's Violence - N'DIGO


Protesters Defy Curfew On Third Night Of Demonstrations In D.C. | WAMU

200 arrested as protests become violent in D.C. | Pittsburgh Post ...
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Hillary Clinton was protected from
indictment, Protected from going
to prison, was given the Democratic
Party nomination she could not win
on her own, colluded with foreign
ex-spies and the Russians for 'dirt'
/ propaganda she and Obama tried
to use to prevent Trump from winning,
and when that failed Barry tried to
affect a political coup...and failed....

Yet during the 2020 DNC Convention
Wednesday night, she actually told
Americans not to let President TRUMP
'sneak or steal a win'.


The Hildebeast is a monstrous creature, isn't she?
Hillary ought to think about doing 'stand up' comedy, because she was funny as hell last night. Here's another good one:

"America needs a president who shows the same compassion, determination, and leadership in the White House that we see in our communities."

Is she talking about all the Liberal / Democrat politician-run communities that have the highest crime / murder rate in the United States, the ones under siege by foreign-funded and Democrat-supported violent protestors and domestic terrorists, the ones being looted, burned, whose vcitizens are being held hostage by socialists / communists who hold communities hostage and beat, bloody, and murder its citizens in the streets?


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Nice post, thank you.
All the democrats have are lies for their gullible voters.
1. Biden is a "populist" (while Hunter got $1,500,000,000 from China to "invest", and got $83,000 a month from Burisma)
2. Everyone will have a job that pays $100,000 a year with benefits
3. Everyone gets free healthcare
4. Everyone gets free college
5. We don't need the police, we can save a lot of money
6. Rioters and looters are just getting their reparation money early
7. Any white people rioters beat up deserved it
8. Crime now pays, even if arrested you get out on free bail!!
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Hillary Clinton was protected from
indictment, Protected from going
to prison, was given the Democratic
Party nomination she could not win
on her own, colluded with foreign
ex-spies and the Russians for 'dirt'
/ propaganda she and Obama tried
to use to prevent Trump from winning,
and when that failed Barry tried to
affect a political coup...and failed....

Yet during the 2020 DNC Convention
Wednesday night, she actually told
Americans not to let President TRUMP
'sneak or steal a win'.


You forgot secretly being given debate questions in advance, avoiding the press for weeks and months at a time, and being carried around while a complicit media looked the other way.
View attachment 377318

Hillary Clinton was protected from
indictment, Protected from going
to prison, was given the Democratic
Party nomination she could not win
on her own, colluded with foreign
ex-spies and the Russians for 'dirt'
/ propaganda she and Obama tried
to use to prevent Trump from winning,
and when that failed Barry tried to
affect a political coup...and failed....

Yet during the 2020 DNC Convention
Wednesday night, she actually told
Americans not to let President TRUMP
'sneak or steal a win'.



It's actually a good sign really. Months before the election they are already trying to make excuses why Joe lost. Polls can say anything they want, but the insiders know what the real score is. This time mail in voting will be their excuse, and of course, will blame Trump for rigging the election.
they are already trying to make excuses why Joe lost.

They got it all covered:
  • Why Joe lost (Russia, Post office)
  • Why Joe doesn't need to debate (Covid-19)
  • Why Joe doesn't need to interview or come out of his basement (fear of shadow)
  • Why Joe doesn't need to recognize his wife (he just called himself Joe Biden's Husband)
  • Why Joe doesn't need to take any cognitive tests (he's not a junkie)
I'm just waiting now for the announcement that something sudden came up calling Joe out of the country on an emergency that he won't be back until very late October. :smoke:
All the democrats have are lies for their gullible voters.
1. Biden is a "populist" (while Hunter got $1,500,000,000 from China to "invest", and got $83,000 a month from Burisma)
2. Everyone will have a job that pays $100,000 a year with benefits
3. Everyone gets free healthcare
4. Everyone gets free college
5. We don't need the police, we can save a lot of money
6. Rioters and looters are just getting their reparation money early
7. Any white people rioters beat up deserved it
8. Crime now pays, even if arrested you get out on free bail!!

Incredible isn't it. ^^^ these are the actions of a wounded animal that's desperate aka the Democratic party.

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