The Trussia witch hunt turns on the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left's desperate attempt to get President Trump out of office due to their inability to accept defeat in the election has resulted in them resorting to some pretty desperate tactics - one of which has caused a watchdog group to file a complaint with the ethics committee...
Top conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a complaint asking the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for potential ethics violations including leaking classified information.
Adam Schiff gets brutal reality check when top government watchdog files ethics complaint against him
The left's desperate attempt to get President Trump out of office due to their inability to accept defeat in the election has resulted in them resorting to some pretty desperate tactics - one of which has caused a watchdog group to file a complaint with the ethics committee...
Top conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a complaint asking the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for potential ethics violations including leaking classified information.
Adam Schiff gets brutal reality check when top government watchdog files ethics complaint against him
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.
The left's desperate attempt to get President Trump out of office due to their inability to accept defeat in the election has resulted in them resorting to some pretty desperate tactics - one of which has caused a watchdog group to file a complaint with the ethics committee...
Top conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a complaint asking the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for potential ethics violations including leaking classified information.
Adam Schiff gets brutal reality check when top government watchdog files ethics complaint against him
"The Republicans couldn't impeach Obama" - because there were no grounds for impeachment. You can't impeach someone simply because they make you feel icky. Trump will be impeached not because liberals hate him. He will be impeached because of the preponderance of evidence of corruption and conflicts of interest, and possibly treasonous activities with foreign governments.
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
What goes around comes around. LMAO

After 8 years of obstruction, character assassination, and outrageous lies, i guess it's understandable that you recognize that what goes around comes around. I would add "payback is hell" to that too.
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
I'm not rolling shit. I'd love for the investigation to be over. Im sick and tired of hearing about Trump and Russia. If there is absolutely nothing then why hasn't the FBI, house and senate investigations closed the book? What the hell are they looking at? Logic says something is there to justify the time and manpower for the investigation. I just hope they make a charge or drop this thing but let's fucking finish It already.
What goes around comes around. LMAO

After 8 years of obstruction, character assassination, and outrageous lies, i guess it's understandable that you recognize that what goes around comes around. I would add "payback is hell" to that too.

Poor little freak, you keep grasping for straws and get nothing but thin air. Exactly what you deserve. LMAO
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
I'm not rolling shit. I'd love for the investigation to be over. Im sick and tired of hearing about Trump and Russia. If there is absolutely nothing then why hasn't the FBI, house and senate investigations closed the book? What the hell are they looking at? Logic says something is there to justify the time and manpower for the investigation. I just hope they make a charge or drop this thing but let's fucking finish It already.

Both the FBI and DNI Clapper said there was no collusion in Jan. Evidently their word isn't good enough, only thing new we've heard is British Intel may have actually been listening after all. But I'm not sure I even believe that, because it was suppose to have happened from late 2015 to mid summer 2016, long before the FBI and DNI announced no collusion.
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
I'm not rolling shit. I'd love for the investigation to be over. Im sick and tired of hearing about Trump and Russia. If there is absolutely nothing then why hasn't the FBI, house and senate investigations closed the book? What the hell are they looking at? Logic says something is there to justify the time and manpower for the investigation. I just hope they make a charge or drop this thing but let's fucking finish It already.

Both the FBI and DNI Clapper said there was no collusion in Jan. Evidently their word isn't good enough, only thing new we've heard is British Intel may have actually been listening after all. But I'm not sure I even believe that, because it was suppose to have happened from late 2015 to mid summer 2016, long before the FBI and DNI announced no collusion.
So why is the FBI still investigating?
The leftard clown posse blames Russia for exposing the corruption of the DNC which was actually a leak by Seth Rich that was later murdered. We already know that the Deep State aka "CIA" can mimic cyber-attacks and then blame it on a foreign entity so anything that comes out of their mouths is instantly discredited. At the heart of the matter lies the fact that the DNC was busted for being utterly corrupt to the core and they have used this "The Rooskies did it" bullshit to deflect from the contents of what Seth Rich revealed when he gave the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then passed it on to Julian Assange.

So, to sum it all up, the leftard clown posse is claiming that the "Rooskies" cheated for Trump by revealing how the DNC was trying to steal the election for the Hildebeast thus making the entire election process "null and void"........seriously, ya just can't make this kind of shit up. Why leftards are even perplexed and confused as to why people would even question them is a testament as to how utterly clueless that they actually are....fuck 'em.
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
I'm not rolling shit. I'd love for the investigation to be over. Im sick and tired of hearing about Trump and Russia. If there is absolutely nothing then why hasn't the FBI, house and senate investigations closed the book? What the hell are they looking at? Logic says something is there to justify the time and manpower for the investigation. I just hope they make a charge or drop this thing but let's fucking finish It already.

Both the FBI and DNI Clapper said there was no collusion in Jan. Evidently their word isn't good enough, only thing new we've heard is British Intel may have actually been listening after all. But I'm not sure I even believe that, because it was suppose to have happened from late 2015 to mid summer 2016, long before the FBI and DNI announced no collusion.
So why is the FBI still investigating?

They are doing a counterintelligence investigation to find who did the hacking. Didn't you listen to the hearings, the one the regressives kept bringing up names with no evidence trying to just smear reputations.
You did get the memo that Nunes recused himself right? So did Sessions... and oh yeah, Flynn got fired, and multiple other Trump reps lied about meeting with the Russians... but it's only the first 100 days, nothing to see here, right? It's all fantasy land.

Investigation has been going on for 9 months, so far you freaks are rolling snake eyes.
I'm not rolling shit. I'd love for the investigation to be over. Im sick and tired of hearing about Trump and Russia. If there is absolutely nothing then why hasn't the FBI, house and senate investigations closed the book? What the hell are they looking at? Logic says something is there to justify the time and manpower for the investigation. I just hope they make a charge or drop this thing but let's fucking finish It already.

Both the FBI and DNI Clapper said there was no collusion in Jan. Evidently their word isn't good enough, only thing new we've heard is British Intel may have actually been listening after all. But I'm not sure I even believe that, because it was suppose to have happened from late 2015 to mid summer 2016, long before the FBI and DNI announced no collusion.
So why is the FBI still investigating?

They are doing a counterintelligence investigation to find who did the hacking. Didn't you listen to the hearings, the one the regressives kept bringing up names with no evidence trying to just smear reputations.
Haha, yeah I watched the hearings, you appear to have your facts mixed up. In the hearings Comey CONFIRMED, an ongoing criminal investigation on the Russian interference and collusion with the Trump campaign. What he debunked was any evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump.

FBI Director James Comey confirms probe of possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia to influence election - The Boston Globe
The leftard clown posse blames Russia for exposing the corruption of the DNC which was actually a leak by Seth Rich that was later murdered. We already know that the Deep State aka "CIA" can mimic cyber-attacks and then blame it on a foreign entity so anything that comes out of their mouths is instantly discredited. At the heart of the matter lies the fact that the DNC was busted for being utterly corrupt to the core and they have used this "The Rooskies did it" bullshit to deflect from the contents of what Seth Rich revealed when he gave the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then passed it on to Julian Assange.

So, to sum it all up, the leftard clown posse is claiming that the "Rooskies" cheated for Trump by revealing how the DNC was trying to steal the election for the Hildebeast thus making the entire election process "null and void"........seriously, ya just can't make this kind of shit up. Why leftards are even perplexed and confused as to why people would even question them is a testament as to how utterly clueless that they actually are....fuck 'em.

You just made all that shit up. so obviously it can be done, but you had help from all those voices in your head.
The left's desperate attempt to get President Trump out of office due to their inability to accept defeat in the election has resulted in them resorting to some pretty desperate tactics - one of which has caused a watchdog group to file a complaint with the ethics committee...
Top conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a complaint asking the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for potential ethics violations including leaking classified information.
Adam Schiff gets brutal reality check when top government watchdog files ethics complaint against him

I'm sure Schiff is shaking in his boots, having Judicial Watch file a complaint against him NOT.

Judicial Watch is the attack wing of the Koch Bros. PAC. If I had a dollar for every trumped up suit filed by those assholes, I'd be vacationing on the French Riviera right now.

Top government watchdog. Yeah right! Judicial Watch is a right wing vehicle to harass liberals. I can't recall a single one of their investigations which was upheld. These are the asshats who filed a complaint of pay for play against the Clinton Foundation with the IRS, because they knew that the IRS was required by law to investigate it.

That went nowhere too.
The leftard clown posse blames Russia for exposing the corruption of the DNC which was actually a leak by Seth Rich that was later murdered. We already know that the Deep State aka "CIA" can mimic cyber-attacks and then blame it on a foreign entity so anything that comes out of their mouths is instantly discredited. At the heart of the matter lies the fact that the DNC was busted for being utterly corrupt to the core and they have used this "The Rooskies did it" bullshit to deflect from the contents of what Seth Rich revealed when he gave the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then passed it on to Julian Assange.

So, to sum it all up, the leftard clown posse is claiming that the "Rooskies" cheated for Trump by revealing how the DNC was trying to steal the election for the Hildebeast thus making the entire election process "null and void"........seriously, ya just can't make this kind of shit up. Why leftards are even perplexed and confused as to why people would even question them is a testament as to how utterly clueless that they actually are....fuck 'em.

You just made all that shit up. so obviously it can be done, but you had help from all those voices in your head.

No, this is the case....of course since it makes the tiny little gerbil that runs the little treadmill in your head fall over due to exhaustion? It's not anything that someone of your limited intellect can comprehend........understandable......sad, but yet true.

You're right. I gave up on comprehending the odd stories you come up with a while back

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