The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

He was never fit for office. He knew it. We knew it. The Dumbocrats knew it.

An old man with dementia requires substantial downtime.
We’re all suffering due to the ignorance and incompetence of the Dumbocrats…
The Democrats doing what they do best - destroying jobs and collapsing economies…
High Power Costs Force US Industrial Factories to Shut

And yet, ½ million jobs added last month... lowest unemployment rate in 53 years... lowest Hispanic unemployment rate ever recorded.

Because more people have officially dropped out of the labor force than any time in US history.

Only the low-IQ left would consider people giving up & not working, a “win” :lmao:

Why lie, Buttplug? The labor force participation rate was at its lowest in half a century under Trump, not Biden.
We need more patriots like Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson.
He knows everything Glenn Beck does is 100% true. Remember, Smokin' OP claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was "fake news" and a "conspiracy theory". But of course, it was 100% true. Just as the real journalists (Breitbart, The Blaze, etc.) reported.
NO, Q-NUT, the taliban needs more "patriots" like Beck and Carlson.
Russia does too.
How dumb do you look, right now? You gullible little rube. :lmao:
He knows everything Glenn Beck does is 100% true. Remember, Smokin' OP claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was "fake news" and a "conspiracy theory". But of course, it was 100% true. Just as the real journalists (Breitbart, The Blaze, etc.) reported.


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