Thanks to Biden’s policies, prepare for a cold, expensive winter

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
One of the wonders of the modern age is that fossil fuel allows us to avoid freezing in the winter or overheating in the summer. Climate change fanatics, however, who ignore that the Earth’s climate has cycled endlessly between hot and cold for billions of years, desperately want to return us to a pre-modern state. Their efforts are paying off, for the U.S. government is warning of a 54% increase in winter heating bills.

Upon entering the Oval Office, Biden immediately shut down the Keystone Pipeline and ended news drilling on federal lands. While Trump had brought America to energy independence and affordable energy, Biden reduced America to a vassal of oil-producing countries.

Thanks to this policy, gasoline prices keep climbing. In my neighborhood, they’ve increased by almost 78% in just nine months. The same is true everywhere.

Like all Biden policies, this is devastating for the middle and working classes for it doesn’t just make commuting more expensive, it increases the price of every single item in America. Fuel is needed for farming, manufacturing, shipping, wholesaling, and retailing. Every aspect of life becomes more expensive when fuel prices rise, with the middle and working classes bearing the ultimate burden.

All of this is in the name of fighting alleged climate change. That, of course, is a faith, not a science. We humans can pollute, and I believe we have a moral obligation to keep our environment clean and healthy, but the whole climate change theory is a joke and a bad one at that.

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And the USA will be in no position to help Europe when Putin turns off the natural gas pipeline that Xiden approved. The Europeans will freeze with the smug smile from Trump losing in a stolen election. The USA is headed for the same green/frozen future.....
The US is not a highly centralized form of govt. it doesn't control the capitalists and their need for higher prices after the industry shut down last year.

But the Energy Information Administration said the main reason for the spike in energy prices is that fuel demand has shot up from recent lows faster than producers have increased supply.


What you are seeing is a capitalist system that is struggling to supply people with the amount they produce, ever hear of the law of supply and demand in a free market system? This fuel shortage is world wide and yet you try to blame just one guy, how misguided can one poster be?
One of the wonders of the modern age is that fossil fuel allows us to avoid freezing in the winter or overheating in the summer. Climate change fanatics, however, who ignore that the Earth’s climate has cycled endlessly between hot and cold for billions of years, desperately want to return us to a pre-modern state. Their efforts are paying off, for the U.S. government is warning of a 54% increase in winter heating bills.

Upon entering the Oval Office, Biden immediately shut down the Keystone Pipeline and ended news drilling on federal lands. While Trump had brought America to energy independence and affordable energy, Biden reduced America to a vassal of oil-producing countries.

Thanks to this policy, gasoline prices keep climbing. In my neighborhood, they’ve increased by almost 78% in just nine months. The same is true everywhere.

Like all Biden policies, this is devastating for the middle and working classes for it doesn’t just make commuting more expensive, it increases the price of every single item in America. Fuel is needed for farming, manufacturing, shipping, wholesaling, and retailing. Every aspect of life becomes more expensive when fuel prices rise, with the middle and working classes bearing the ultimate burden.

All of this is in the name of fighting alleged climate change. That, of course, is a faith, not a science. We humans can pollute, and I believe we have a moral obligation to keep our environment clean and healthy, but the whole climate change theory is a joke and a bad one at that.

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And the USA will be in no position to help Europe when Putin turns off the natural gas pipeline that Xiden approved. The Europeans will freeze with the smug smile from Trump losing in a stolen election. The USA is headed for the same green/frozen future.....

American thinker lies all over the place. Keystone is an export pipeline. The oil companies have plenty of lease options on Federal lands and Nordstream2 is very important to US allies.
The whole world is suffering the same or worse on heating fuels....

The Key stone pipeline was never closed, and Keystones XL PIPELINE is not built yet for transporting Canadian shale or dirty sand the Gulf, so no loss there. The hurricane Ida was some loss, but that's a natural disaster....

This is a worldwide shortage....and logistics back up.
One of the wonders of the modern age is that fossil fuel allows us to avoid freezing in the winter or overheating in the summer. Climate change fanatics, however, who ignore that the Earth’s climate has cycled endlessly between hot and cold for billions of years, desperately want to return us to a pre-modern state. Their efforts are paying off, for the U.S. government is warning of a 54% increase in winter heating bills.

Upon entering the Oval Office, Biden immediately shut down the Keystone Pipeline and ended news drilling on federal lands. While Trump had brought America to energy independence and affordable energy, Biden reduced America to a vassal of oil-producing countries.

Thanks to this policy, gasoline prices keep climbing. In my neighborhood, they’ve increased by almost 78% in just nine months. The same is true everywhere.

Like all Biden policies, this is devastating for the middle and working classes for it doesn’t just make commuting more expensive, it increases the price of every single item in America. Fuel is needed for farming, manufacturing, shipping, wholesaling, and retailing. Every aspect of life becomes more expensive when fuel prices rise, with the middle and working classes bearing the ultimate burden.

All of this is in the name of fighting alleged climate change. That, of course, is a faith, not a science. We humans can pollute, and I believe we have a moral obligation to keep our environment clean and healthy, but the whole climate change theory is a joke and a bad one at that.

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And the USA will be in no position to help Europe when Putin turns off the natural gas pipeline that Xiden approved. The Europeans will freeze with the smug smile from Trump losing in a stolen election. The USA is headed for the same green/frozen future.....

Such a hateful and deplorable pointing of fingers at President Biden. The author of the OP must believe Joe Biden has the omnipotent power to bring about workers On Strike all across our country:
Now, I know the usual subjects will ignore this reality and the real cause of Reaganomics, that is GREED. For decades now we've learned that the rich get much richer, and labor can no longer afford to put their children through college or even buy a home or save for retirement.

Consider: J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

From this link:

J-curve hypothesis, also called Davies’ J-curve, in sociology and political science, theory that attempts to identify the reasons behind the collective rebellion of individuals who are perceived as victims of injustice. The J-curve hypothesis was introduced in 1962 by American sociologist James C. Davies, who believed that social and political unrest was precipitated by a brief period of sharp decline in economic development after a prolonged period of economic growth and improvement.

According to Davies’s hypothesis, persistent economic growth and advance lead to the development of psychological expectations that conditions will continue to improve. When such expectations are suddenly thwarted, individuals experience an intolerable gap between what they have come to expect and the realities of their circumstances. At this point, individuals are most likely to engage in collective revolutionary activity.
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Now, I know the usual subjects will ignore this reality and the real cause of Reaganomics, that is GREED. For decades now we've learned that the rich get much richer, and labor can no longer afford to put their children through college or even buy a home or save for retirement.

Greed caused Reaganomics?
Its just a tax dodge by the Canadians and the Chinese owners of tarsands. You should know that much after 11 years.

Tax dodge? Corporate taxes are still paid.
Employees still earn a wage. And apparently none of the actual crude is exported.
But please, post your "Chinese owners" evidence.
Tax dodge? Corporate taxes are still paid.
Employees still earn a wage. And apparently none of the actual crude is exported.
But please, post your "Chinese owners" evidence.


Thirty-two cargoes with a combined 16 million barrels of Canadian crude loaded in the U.S. Gulf Coast from May until mid-September have been shipped mainly to buyers to China, India, South Korea and Europe, according to market intelligence firm ClipperData. Last year, such shipments totaled 7.7 million barrels.

4.5 days worth of exports in 4.5 months? Wow!
Thirty-two cargoes with a combined 16 million barrels of Canadian crude loaded in the U.S. Gulf Coast from May until mid-September have been shipped mainly to buyers to China, India, South Korea and Europe, according to market intelligence firm ClipperData. Last year, such shipments totaled 7.7 million barrels.

4.5 days worth of exports in 4.5 months? Wow!

So what? I never said I opposed exporting it. I assume somebody gets paid along the way to ship it through our ports. Nor do I care that refiners can use their excess capacity to make and export refined products. Lets just not kid ourselves that these new pipeline are for our energy needs.
Tax dodge? Corporate taxes are still paid.
Employees still earn a wage. And apparently none of the actual crude is exported.
But please, post your "Chinese owners" evidence.

Look it up . China owns Canadian tarsands. Everything that gets refined in the Free Trade zone is exported to avoid taxes.

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