Terral's 9/11 Pentagon Timeline


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

My current 8:00 AM to 10:38* AM Pentagon Timeline (updated from here = more supporting links) is as follows (red denotes explosion):

Pentagon Timeline:

1. 8:10 AM American Airlines Flight #77 and Flight #11 tail numbers never assigned = never took off (link).
2. 8:30 AM Bush leaves the Colony’s suite for Booker Elementary School (link).
3. 8:30 AM US Military Holding “Practice Armageddon” Training Exercises: Global Guardian (link).
4. 8:46 AM Phantom Flight #11 strikes the north tower (link).
5. 8:48 AM First pictures telecast of burning WTC on TV (link).
6. 9:03 AM Flight #175 strikes south tower (link).
7. 9:03 AM President Bush sits down in classroom of second-graders to read about pet goats (link).
8. 9:20 AM FBI is notified that Phantom Flight 77 has been hijacked (link).
9. 9:25 AM Radio-controlled A-3 Jet (pic) diverted from "Northern Vigilance" Exercise (Laura's work = #1 in Addendum)
10. 9:31:39 AM A-3 Jet Flyover Plane Missile Attack at Column 14 (pic) on South Flight Path splitting Route 27 Cloverleaf (pic and pic)
11. 9:31:39 AM Citgo Security Camera #7 catches A-3 Jet Shadow (gif = exactly 10 mins fast)
12. 9:31:39 AM Pole #1 uprooted by Missile ‘bow shockwave’ (pic) for A-3 Jet to propel into Lloyd’s taxi cab (pic)
13. 9:31:39 AM A-3 Jet Plane takes down Pole 2 (pic = upper right)
14. 9:31:39 AM Missile Strikes Wedge One Column Line 14 of E-Ring Wall (gif = diagram)
15. 9:31:39 AM Battery powered Navy Clock stops ticking (pic on right)
16. 9:31:40 AM A-3 Jet clips Poles 3, 4 and 5 (pic) with starboard wing during brief right-hand turn.
17. 9:31:40 AM Missile Bomblet explodes at D-Ring Slab (center pic = diagram) for third to create 9-feet hole in rear C-Ring wall (pic = on right = rear view pic)
18. 9:31:40 AM On Station Foam 161 firemen running north are injured near Heliport (Alan Wallace Testimony)
19. 9:31:46 AM President Bush finishes speech and leaves Booker (link)
20. 9:31:46 AM Vice President Cheney is moved to Presidential Emergency Operations Bunker (link).
21. 9:32 AM Terry Cohen runs from construction trailer to see "Just Smoke" (News video)
22. 9:32 AM FAA Reports Aircraft crashes into west side of Pentagon (FAA Timeline)
23. 9:32 AM Double Tree Security Video sees Missile Strike Explosion (pic)
24. 9:32 AM The firefighters are suddenly ordered out of WTC 1 (link)
25. 9:32 AM The New York Stock Exchange is ordered closed (link)
26. 9:32 AM The reported "Bomb on board" Flight 93 (link)
27. 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet crashes between Column Line 8 and 13 at base of E-Ring wall (diagram = lower pic)
28. 9:36:27 AM Clock stops in Room 3E452 (pic), located near 'hinge' of collapsed floors
29. 9:36:27 AM Terry Cohen hears "Terrible Explosion" (News video)
30. 9:36:29 AM Lloyd and his helper turn around to witness Small Jet "Big Boom" crash (story)
31. 9:37 AM Foam Unit 161 firemen try to run farther away to escape escalating fire and heat (Alan Wallace Testimony)
32. 9:38 AM Captain Defina (Reagan shift commander) orders response by Foam Unit 331 and SERV-329 (Public Action Timeline)
33. 9:41 AM Captain Defina enters the Pentagon’s south parking lot with Engine 105 on his bumper (ACAAR Page 200)
34. 9:42 AM Massive explosion throws fire and smoke from the entry hole as DoD attempts to bring E-Ring roof down (timeline)
35. 9:42 AM Lloyd England experiences his 'third' explosion (story)
36. 9:43 AM Captain Defina orders Foam Unit 331 to set up where Engine 161 established a hydrant supply of water (Public Action Timeline)
37. 9:43 AM Massive Impact Area Explosion (link)
38. 9:45 AM Massive Impact Area Explosion [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ_g1buWhAA"]Explosion Video[/ame]
39. 9:55 AM Captain Gibbs evacuates Impact Area (ACAAR Page 200)
40. 9:55 AM Firefighters interrupted operations, abandoned equipment, shut off hoses, and ran to protected areas (ACAAR Page 200)
41. 9:58 AM Huge Explosion (timeline)
42. 10:00-10:15 AM Explosions continue shaking the Pentagon in DoD vain attempts to bring E-Ring roof down (timeline)
43. 10:09:00 Impact Area Explosion (timeline)
44. 10:12:56 Impact Area Explosion [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WefPzgxvfS4"]News video*[/ame]
45. 10:13:04 Impact Area Explosion (News video*)
46. 10:13:08 Impact Area Explosion (News video*)
47. 10:15 AM Chief Schwartz orders full evacuation over warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft (ACAAR Page 200)
48. 10:15:16 Impact Area Explosion (News video*)
49. 10:15 AM E-Ring Impact Area Roof Collapses (video)
50. 10:38 AM Chief Schwarts sounds all clear, ending first evacuation (ACAAR Page 200)
51. 10:38 AM Firemen reengage the Pentagon fire (ACAAR Page 200)

With all of the evidence of many 'explosions,' the bogus 911 Commission Report (link) and the error-filled Arlington County After-Action Report (ACAAR) use the term ('explosions') exactly ZERO times. Both of these Govt-produced 9/11 Documents use the singular word 'explosion' exactly six times and the 911 Commission Report supposedly describes all of these related 9/11 Cases (Flight 93, AA77 and WTC-7 included). In fact, the bogus ACAAR has been keyword sanitized of 'all' mentions of 9:31 and 9:32 to hide the fact that the Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon Missile at precisely 9:31:39 AM (my post and blog entry). Somebody try to explain how these two Official Govt Documents (over 800 pages) can possibly tell 'the' 911Truth without ever using the term 'explosions' even one time? :0)

The 9/11 Inside-Job Conspiracy (my blog) is MUCH larger than you realize . . . and they are back for Round 2 using a Biological Weapon (Lab-created Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus).


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Has this timeline changed from all of the other timelines that you have already posted on here?
Has this timeline changed from all of the other timelines that you have already posted on here?

More importantly, I want to know the martial law/FEMA death camps time line. Then I'll know when to stay indoors.

Being a Canadian, you are safe.

You just need to worry about when Queen Elizabeth gives the order to the RCMP to activate all of the remote control robotic death moose.
Plus, as a member of the Illuminati, I already have the timeline


But since you are not a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, you don't know the REAL timeline!

Yeah, well me and Bush and Osama are all sitting around eating a pizza as I type this.

And I can laugh much more eviler than you can!

Hi Toro:

Yeah, well me and Bush and Osama are all sitting around eating a pizza as I type this.

And I can laugh much more eviler than you can!


Somebody please tell me what is accomplished by the idiot parade filling these threads with your nonsense and stupidity? Why come to the USMB Conspiracy Forum every damned day to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my signature)?? The purpose of a Pentagon Timeline is to place each event in chronological order from a gathering of all the related evidence. The 911Truth says exactly what all the evidence says without creating a single contradiction.

The Official Cover Story says the Pentagon was struck by AA77 at 9:38 AM, but the Official FAA Timeline (link) says that happened at 9:32 AM. We have Pentagon clocks stopped at 9:31:39 AM (on right*), which supports the 9:31-9:32 AM First Explosion Hypothesis. The Army Clock (on left*) in the same picture also stopped around 9:32 AM, because the Official Cover Story is A LIE and the FBI/CIA/DoD Cover-up Operation has been running since before these attacks took place. The members inside the out-of-control Bushie Administration have been LYING . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]. . . From The Very Beginning . . .[/ame]

Spreading your stupidity on this thread only helps these readers define 'you' . . .


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