Take Race out of the Discussion


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Imagine a group of Social-Psychologists conducting a major study on the impact of intelligence on various forms of "success."

From the overall population, they select a group of 50,000 individuals, such that the AVERAGE tested IQ is one standard deviation below the national mean IQ. That is to say, 85. The 50,000 includes people who are along the entire spectrum of intelligence, from genius level to the lowest testable level, but maintaining an average of 85.

And they follow these 50,000 "selectees" from Kindergarten throughout their lives. They include White people Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and people whose race and ethnicity is so muddled it is impossible to classify. They are religious people, non-religious people, people born to wealth and poverty, people born to PhD's and high school dropouts. The entire spectrum, in every conceivable way.

Would anyone be surprised if that group ultimately, was,
  • less prosperous than average,
  • less educated than average (more likely to fail to graduate from HS, less likely to go to college or graduate),
  • less likely to be in the Learned Professions (doctor, lawyer, etc.),
  • less likely to be in other "professions" requiring a technical degree,
  • more inclined to substance abuse than average,
  • more inclined to criminal behavior than average,
  • more likely to produce out-of-wedlock children, or
  • more likely to be unemployed?
Of course not. They are, ON AVERAGE, significantly less intelligent than the rest of the population.

And those bulleted traits could have nothing to do with prejudice or discrimination against them; they are representative of every single demographic group. They are just people who happen to be, on average, less intelligent.

And yet, if rather than a randomly selected group, we find that we are talking about 50,000 members of an ethnic, racial, or religious group which happens to have an average IQ that is one standard deviation below the mean, ALL of those bulleted items are attributed to ill treatment by the majority against them BECAUSE OF THEIR RACIAL, ETHNIC, or RELIGIOUS affiliation.

In all of science, "we" seek out the simplest explanation for an observed phenomenon, but here we seek out - and exalt - the most nefarious explanation, even where the individual examples of bigotry are so sporadic as to be newsworthy.

It is perverse.
Would anyone be surprised if that group ultimately, was,
  • less prosperous than average,
  • less educated than average (more likely to fail to graduate from HS, less likely to go to college or graduate),
  • less likely to be in the Learned Professions (doctor, lawyer, etc.),
  • less likely to be in other "professions" requiring a technical degree,
  • more inclined to substance abuse than average,
  • more inclined to criminal behavior than average,
  • more likely to produce out-of-wedlock children, or
  • more likely to be unemployed?
Hmmm. And we have to keep race out of this, eh?

I think I know where you are going with this. Yep - White folks like us are less intelligent than Asians on average.
I think I know where you are going with this. Yep - White folks like us are less intelligent than Asians on average.
Yep, asians and jews score higher than us whites. I have zero problem admitting that. Some races are better runners, some are stronger, and some are smarter than others.

Black people have long bragged about being more athletic than everyone else. If you were to say that black people are also just as smart as everyone else, then you would be promoting racial superiority, which of course is racist. If you say black people are the most athletic race, then you have to acknowledge that they are also the least intelligent race. You cant have it both ways.

No race is superior. Every race has its strong points and its weak points, and those differences arent by large margins anyway.
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You can't take race out of what race created.
“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose his preference , because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”
... Some races are better runners, some are stronger, and some are smarter than others.
Kenyan runners would disagree. Or better yet, Indians are the shortest race on average, which is why India has never won a gold medal in heavy weight lifting. To suggest we are all the same is simply not true. There are differences between the races, particularly when broken down into their sub categories of nationality.

There are many different breeds of humans out there, and each has their strong suits.
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... India has never won a gold medal in heavy weight lifting. T....

Not true.
Name one person from India who won the gold medal at the Olympics in the 109 kg weight lifting class.
Only at that specific weight class? How fucking ridiculous do you need to be?
That specific weight class is the heavy weights, and there are only 10 categories of weights anyway. Why hasnt India won one in ALL weight classes by now? I already pointed out that Indians are the shortest race on average, hence why they have won no medals in Heavy Weight lifting.

There are obviously differences between the races. Denying that is simply dishonest.
... India has never won a gold medal in heavy weight lifting. T....

Not true.
Name one person from India who won the gold medal at the Olympics in the 109 kg weight lifting class.
Only at that specific weight class? How fucking ridiculous do you need to be?
That specific weight class is the heavy weights, and there are only 10 categories of weights anyway. Why hasnt India won one in ALL weight classes by now?...
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your weak-minded racism.
... India has never won a gold medal in heavy weight lifting. T....

Not true.
Name one person from India who won the gold medal at the Olympics in the 109 kg weight lifting class.
Only at that specific weight class? How fucking ridiculous do you need to be?
That specific weight class is the heavy weights, and there are only 10 categories of weights anyway. Why hasnt India won one in ALL weight classes by now?...
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your weak-minded racism.
How is it racist to point out that Indians are the shortest race on average? Are you under the impression that im saying short people are inferior? Im not saying that.

You arent [sic] making any arguments to support your position. Have you given up? You were so confident in the beginning, but look at you now. You have no rebuttal whatsoever.

Ok idiot, it is flatly stupid to suggest strength is unique to any particular 'race.' Your reference to one very, very specific sporting event at one specific weight class is so illogical that even an idiot like you should be ashamed to propose it.

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