So, France is Scrapping its 75% Tax Rate

Can you read? They also have the best free health care, day care etc free. Much better roads and infrastructure after 30 years of Reaganism.
And the US taxpayers protects their cheap butts
Greedy idiot megarich GOP and its penny wise, pound foolish, brainwashed hater dopes, you mean....the ugly American a-holes ruin our reputation and wreck the world all the time.
Can you read? Us USA taxpayers are paying the entire dime for the free world security force dupe
BS, France per capita pays plenty for defense, more than half ours. It's not their fault the GOP keeps our spending at idiotic levels. Australia pays more than us %wise etc etc. Saudi Arabia much more than that. And we've had plenty of help against ISIS. It's only when the chickenhawk GOP goes off half cocked that we take all the burden, and even then there's always our poodle UK.
Oh yea they pay so much money they couldnt even go to war in syria when your dear leader chickened out
Only chickenhawk Pubs are that stupid. Terrorist Assad's Syria is shytte now.

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