Should France be cancelled?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

So I was bored and saw this story about the frogs being butthurt again, and even though I Thought "OK... Good. When bed wetting euroweenies piss and moan, progress was made." I'm watching the video and I saw this....


This is the National Symbol of the Frog Global Collectivist Republic. Those of you with functioning frontal lobes will see that the focal point of the symbol is a lictor's fasces. In other words a fascist symbol. Why aren't queen Antifa's minions not destroying THAT shithole country, destroying it's monuments, demanding it pay for the centuries of slavery and colonialism they inflicted all over the world? Let's face it, between the limies and frogs and their crimes in the middle east alone we are still dealing with constant war and conflict thanks to international boundaries they arbitrarily drew without regard to local culture or tribal influences. Never mind their dispersal of african slaves all over the world, and general exploitation of any people they could oppress because of their ability to manufacture weapons provided them the opportunity to dominate otherwise peaceful people.

How is it that (LOL) "educated" people who run around indoctrinating American youth are ignorant of these facts?

It's because liberal ignorance is deliberate.

France is nice to visit. The romantic Paris the movies show is not the reality but it is nice to visit. SO are some of the small towns and the coastline.
Freedom Fries Part Deux?

France has a right to be angry. It's definitely a high stakes game of geopolitics being played by Biden. Not only in regards to the relationship with France, but maybe even more importantly the concerns from The Quad. How will Japan and India view this new relationship?

Some of you might recall I mentioned a few months back that the U.K were trying to squeeze their way into the Quad and they faced resistance. Why is that and from whom? So the U.K, who is desperately trying to revive their dying empire, used a work around approach. A success on their part I suppose, hopefully they stay the course after the HK fiasco. This agreement will make some patriotic Brits a little more confident in their future and past sacrifices being for a purpose.

For the record, this interest in the nuke subs had been building for a long time. There were many on Aussie news openly critical of the deal with France. They believed the time to operational was too long, the cost too high and the effectiveness of the subs in these increasing dangerous times not worth the money for their need.
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. A success on their part I suppose, hopefully they stay the course after the HK fiasco
If I remember correctly, the majority of the Hongkongers were in favour of joining China on the principle of 'one country, two political systems'.
So I was bored and saw this story about the frogs being butthurt again

You're missing the point, Pete. France SHOULD be mad, Biden went behind their back on a DONE NATO DEAL set since 2016 to supply 10-12 diesel powered subs which they re-engineered just to Australia's specs as France has a lot of people and interests in the Australia region, and Biden quashed the deal without so much as a word to them costing them billions of dollars and a lot of jobs plus huge international embarrassment.

They have terminated their ambassadorial status with us. This is serious shit.

Only Joe could out Trump Trump.
Biden went behind their back on a DONE NATO DEAL set since 2016 to supply 10-12 diesel powered subs which they re-engineered just to Australia's specs as France has a lot of people and interests in the Australia region, and Biden quashed the deal without so much as a word to them costing them billions of dollars and a lot of jobs plus huge international embarrassment.
While I support OZ getting the better submarines, I agree that Biden as good as shanked the French in the back with this deal. Has anyone else noticed that EVERY deal or decision this regime has taken, EVERY ONE OF THEM, has caused the U.S. to be weakened to some degree? Nonexistent borders in the south, abject, cowardly humiliation in Afghanistan, forcing vaccinations that are so unpopular that people are having to look for new jobs because they won't submit, flooding the economy with so much "funny money" that the dollar is certain to collapse... on and on it goes. We may be lucky if we SEE an election in 2022.
You're missing the point, Pete. France SHOULD be mad, Biden went behind their back on a DONE NATO DEAL set since 2016 to supply 10-12 diesel powered subs which they re-engineered just to Australia's specs as France has a lot of people and interests in the Australia region, and Biden quashed the deal without so much as a word to them costing them billions of dollars and a lot of jobs plus huge international embarrassment.

They have terminated their ambassadorial status with us. This is serious shit.

Only Joe could out Trump Trump.
I'm not going to pretend to be all nuanced and understanding of geo-politics. I'm more concerned about the fact I can't find reasonably priced ammo.

I have a general disgust about euroweenies as a foundation. They embraced marxist philosophies, ended up with shitty economies and fought wars that should have been avoided. There should not be so much intrigue and spying among "allies", and it has always existed. If you feel compelled to secretly read all your "friends" emails and shit, you're a shitty friend.

We ought to withdraw from the world, hunker down, watch them go to war again, and sell them weapons from their recycled scrap.

I've heard that ammo is starting to come back. The democrats are trying to price it out of affordability.
It's also a circumstance where millions of people who have only recently entered the market after watching cities burn are buying ammo at ridiculous prices because they have new guns, need ammo, and have no idea that 9mm shouldn't cost ¢.50 a round.

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