Serious Bible question for those in the know

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
I did some bible reading in Sunday school but I haven't been inside a church for other than a wedding or a funeral for more than, omfg I'm gittin old, 50 years. From a college course almost that many years ago, I seem to remember that the Bible does not mention the existence of a "devil", only something about Lucifer being an angel who went over to the Dark Side or some such.

I'll google this but -

Does the Christian Bible identify Lucifer as the "devil" or a "demon" or .................?

I did some bible reading in Sunday school but I haven't been inside a church for other than a wedding or a funeral for more than, omfg I'm gittin old, 50 years. From a college course almost that many years ago, I seem to remember that the Bible does not mention the existence of a "devil", only something about Lucifer being an angel who went over to the Dark Side or some such.

I'll google this but -

Does the Christian Bible identify Lucifer as the "devil" or a "demon" or .................?


The name Lucifer is mentioned once in the bible, Isaiah 14:12 In that verse it says, "How thou art fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. ( Verse 13 continues......) For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. ( God Almighty alone is the Most High)

In these verses it is describing the fall of Lucifer ( in which he took one third of the angels in heaven with him ) and the reason for it: PRIDE. he said in his heart he would ascend higher than God and even be like God! In another chapter of Isaiah Lucifer is referred to as a blacksmith a mere tool God is using to shape and mold us through various trials on the earth, etc.
So, no "devil" or "demon" is mentioned in the Bible?

I totally missed that part of your question! The devil is mentioned over 70 times in the New Testament. I can list them for you so you can look them up later on. Mt. 4:1, 4;5,4;8, 4;11,9;32, 9:33, 11:18, 12:22, 13:39, 15:22, 17:18, 25:41, .......then for the book of Mark 5:15, 5:18,7:26,7:29,7:30 and in Luke 4:2, 4:3, 4:5, 4:6, 4:13, 4:33, 7:33, 8:12, 8:29,9:42, 11: 14 ( twice )

In the book of John there is John 6:70,7:320,8:44,8:48,8:49,8:52, 10:20-21, 13:2

Then twice in the book of Acts 10:38 , 13:10 Twice in Ephesians: Ephesians 4:27: 6:12 and then there is 1 Titus ( twice ) Hebrews, James, Peter, Revelation 5 times, Jude once and so on, at least 70 times I believe but this is enough for you to do your own study. He is listed in each verse I've given you. - Jeremiah
I did some bible reading in Sunday school but I haven't been inside a church for other than a wedding or a funeral for more than, omfg I'm gittin old, 50 years. From a college course almost that many years ago, I seem to remember that the Bible does not mention the existence of a "devil", only something about Lucifer being an angel who went over to the Dark Side or some such.

I'll google this but -

Does the Christian Bible identify Lucifer as the "devil" or a "demon" or .................?


So can I ask what is the motive behind your question concerning whether or not he is identified by name in bible?
The adversary has skillfully removed alot of references to Him from the text. But as with the others, I suggest reading the scriptures for yourself.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

It's a bit silly to be a critic of the Bible when you don't even understand it and admit to not wanting to understand.

Makes you look foolish.

It's like being a gun critic when you've never owned one, never fired one, never seen one in real life, or never learned their capabilities.
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READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

It's a bit silly to be a critic of the Bible when you don't even understand it and admit to not wanting to understand.

Makes you look foolish.

It's like being a gun critic when you've never owned one, never fired one, never seen one in real life, or never learned their capabilities.

Well, since I studied the bible in college, served my sentence in Sunday school and own guns, you must not mean me.

More likely, you didn't read my posts and just want to do your usual ignorance-based name calling.

One thing for sure - its no wonder intelligent adults want no part of the lunacy. Instead of a warm welcome and gracious info, what I got for my sincere question is what the bible thumpers always spew - nastiness. If I'm ever tempted to learn more, I'll just visit here and I'm sure you "Good Christians" will set me straight.

Hell if you could, I have no doubt you'd burn me at the stake - just for asking a question. And, if I dared to show up at your sacred church, you'd criticize me for not wearing the right clothes.

Yep. That's "Christians" for you.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

You start off so well, with a meaningful question, and then you descend to your usual unsufferable condescending prick mode.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

You start off so well, with a meaningful question, and then you descend to your usual unsufferable condescending prick mode.

Isn't that funny. I was just thinking the same about the rude and nasty christians.

Read the thread and you'll see I'm right.
I did some bible reading in Sunday school but I haven't been inside a church for other than a wedding or a funeral for more than, omfg I'm gittin old, 50 years. From a college course almost that many years ago, I seem to remember that the Bible does not mention the existence of a "devil", only something about Lucifer being an angel who went over to the Dark Side or some such.

I'll google this but -

Does the Christian Bible identify Lucifer as the "devil" or a "demon" or .................?


The name Lucifer is mentioned once in the bible, Isaiah 14:12 In that verse it says, "How thou art fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. ( Verse 13 continues......) For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. ( God Almighty alone is the Most High)

In these verses it is describing the fall of Lucifer ( in which he took one third of the angels in heaven with him ) and the reason for it: PRIDE. he said in his heart he would ascend higher than God and even be like God! In another chapter of Isaiah Lucifer is referred to as a blacksmith a mere tool God is using to shape and mold us through various trials on the earth, etc.

If heaven is perfect how/why did the angels revolt and go to war?
So once christians go to heaven will there be war there then?
Judging from some who clim to be christians I say a definate yes.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

You start off so well, with a meaningful question, and then you descend to your usual unsufferable condescending prick mode.

Isn't that funny. I was just thinking the same about the rude and nasty christians.

Read the thread and you'll see I'm right.

Well your reputation as an asshat preceedes you, buttmunch.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

Educating oneself is good thing, not a bad thing.

Personally, I don't think ignoring thousands of years of human history and wisdom is a particularly good idea.

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