Serious Bible question for those in the know


I find that your courtesy, respectful nature, and pleasant discourse to be very refreshing. I completely disagree with your beliefs, but you are the kind of person that I would like to enjoy a beer and good conversation with.

I regret to say that I do not find that in the majority of believers that I have met. Instead, I find either the pseudo believer, who mouths the words, because it is expected of him, and he wants to fit in with the community, or much worse, those that have all the answers to unanswerable questions, with a level of arrogance that is somewhere up there with Dennis Rodman and Donald Trump. Unfortunately, this later type is often found on message boards.

History is my hobby, and I study the basis of Christianity from a historical point of view, with all the mysticism removed. I consider myself pretty well informed, from that perspective. I have also read the Bible, cover to cover, three times. My belief is that it is made up of centuries of Jewish folk tales with little basis in fact, translation errors from the original languages, and downright fabrications, by those who had much to gain by revising history. I believe that Revelations was written by a mad man. I am also fascinated by the branches of Christianity that taught completely different messages, but were wiped out by religious authorities. I have read the books that were rejected as holy scripture. Early Christianity, which was split between the teachings of Paul, and the teachings of Peter, and Jesus' brother, James, is fascinating. In fact, if Paul had lost that battle, my understanding is that Christianity would today be no more than a Jewish sect.

Anyway, thanks for the respectful tone, and discourse. I believe that you present a good example of your beliefs...and I have a positive rep. for you...

Thank you. I also love history. All kinds of history. It fascinates me. As far as bible goes I don't have all the answers and cannot believe anyone else would either. Seems quite an impossible thing to do. In all honesty, I see greater flaws in myself than I do in the people around me ( all people - not just those calling themselves Christians ) I do the stupidest things sometimes and then say how could I be so stupid? But then I think this is a good reminder for me not to ever think more highly of myself then I should. Because the more I find out about God the more I realize I don't know a thing!! Good thing God already knows that! lol.. Definitely takes the burden off! Thank you for your nice reply! :eusa_angel: - Jeremiah
lol. That is hysterical. Who does Dante think wrote the bibe?

Instead of making fun of him, you could ask him.

I will never understand this elitist attitude.

I am responding to a guy who specifically said that there is a Christian Bible that is significantly different from the Jewish Bible, making fun of him is all he deserves.

By the way, elitist believe that they deserve better treatment because of their social status, a good example of that would be Pelosi saying that a pay cut is beneath the dignity of Congress. Me making fun of Dante because he is Dante is not elitism.

I seriously don't want to make fun of anyone though. I would feel terrible about it as I did in this case because it was me being stupid not thinking first about what I wrote and how it sounded. Everybody is created in Gods image, you know? Dante is created in God's image. God forbid I make fun of His Image, you know? - Jeremiah
Instead of making fun of him, you could ask him.

I will never understand this elitist attitude.

I am responding to a guy who specifically said that there is a Christian Bible that is significantly different from the Jewish Bible, making fun of him is all he deserves.

By the way, elitist believe that they deserve better treatment because of their social status, a good example of that would be Pelosi saying that a pay cut is beneath the dignity of Congress. Me making fun of Dante because he is Dante is not elitism.

I seriously don't want to make fun of anyone though. I would feel terrible about it as I did in this case because it was me being stupid not thinking first about what I wrote and how it sounded. Everybody is created in Gods image, you know? Dante is created in God's image. God forbid I make fun of His Image, you know? - Jeremiah

I have been serious in this thread, except when addressing Dante, because he is a troll. If you don't believe me, ask him, he admits it openly, so I poke at him when he drops into a serious thread and trolls to remind him that no one takes him seriously. Including him.

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