Seattle Police Department braces for mass firing of officers as hundreds have yet to show proof of vaccination

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
We've reached the low water mark that parents whom are truly concerned about their children, are now monitored by the FBI and any day may be accused of being a domestic terrorist.

AMERICA I hardly recognize ye anymore!
The criminal chaos that will ensue in Seattle will be a beautiful site to behold if they follow through with this. It's pleasing watching Regressives initiate their own destruction

LOL I just sat through a WebEx meeting in my Org. Many people are not getting the shot and are leaving. The end of November is going to be a fireworks show.
The criminal chaos that will ensue in Seattle will be a beautiful site to behold if they follow through with this. It's pleasing watching Regressives initiate their own destruction

I wager the majority will get vaccinated when the rubber meets the road....just like is happening everywhere else that gauntlet is thrown down.
In healthcare, the resignation rate is <1%. Police forces won't be much different.

Anwyays, let the dumbest and most fascist of the cops resign. That's a massive win for the citizens.

Why do antivaxxers think that their worthless carcasses aren't replacable? Everyone is replacable, especially whiny loser antivaxxers.
The criminal chaos that will ensue in Seattle will be a beautiful site to behold if they follow through with this. It's pleasing watching Regressives initiate their own destruction

You know, that it was Bill Clinton, who authorized the selling of missile technology to China so they could accurately put a nuke on a US city. China then gave that technology to Kim Jung ill and he now has the capability to put a nuke on a city on the west coast. One day we are going to wake up and maybe Portland, or San Fransicko, or Los Angles will be vaporized..You can thank Bill Clinton for that glorious day.

..that's on top of the defund police crap
That probably is "the defund crap", figuring it looks better if they got rid of them over Covid Vaccinations.
After last year, I am not sure if they would know what to do with 291 officers if they kept them. They sure didn't use them effectively during the riots and occupations of that year, in my opinion.

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