Sarah Sanders leaving the WH at the end of the month.......

She made up a lie just like her boss does

Only difference is Trump will not testify under oath
He did he submitted answers. What’s your question we can answer it for you

Under oath...And he answered "I don't recall" to a large portion of them.
About what? Dates? you don’t think the anti-trumpors tried to get them in a perjury trap like general Flynn ?

Here’s what he couldn’t remember when asked by Mueller.

  • He didn’t recall whether he learned about the Trump Tower meeting before it happened.
  • He didn’t recall whether he learned about it after the meeting took place or about the email chain that set it up or about Donald Trump Jr.'s various interactions that led to its happening.
  • He didn’t recall what parts of the days before the meeting he spent in Trump Tower.
  • He didn’t recall whether he spoke with Trump Jr., Jared Kushner or Paul Manafort on the day of the meeting, though his calendar showed a meeting with Manafort that morning.
  • He didn’t recall any communications with the family of Russian developers (the Agalarovs) that set up the meeting after June 3, 2016.
  • He didn’t recall being aware of any communications involving his son, his son-in-law, Kushner, his campaign chairman, Manafort, or any of the external people involved in the meeting.
  • He didn’t recall being told that the Russians supported his candidacy during the campaign, though he was “aware of some reports indicating that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin had made complimentary statements” about him.
  • He didn’t recall being told that a foreign government had offered to support his campaign.
  • He didn’t recall when he learned that the emails of the Democratic Party had been hacked or learning about the hacking of emails of individuals — meaning Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta — before it was reported by the media.
  • He didn’t recall being aware of people associated with his campaign having any contact with WikiLeaks during the campaign.
  • He didn’t recall being told about Russian efforts to hack Clinton’s emails before reading about them in the media.
  • He didn’t recall being told that WikiLeaks had emails related to Podesta before their release.
  • He didn’t recall being told that his adviser Roger Stone or anyone linked to Stone had communicated with WikiLeaks.
  • He didn’t recall the specifics of any conversations he’d had with Stone from June to November 2016 or ever discussing WikiLeaks with Stone.
  • He didn’t recall being aware that Stone had discussed WikiLeaks with members of his campaign.
  • He didn’t recall discussing a possible pardon for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
  • He didn’t recall being aware during the campaign that Russia was trying to assist his campaign by posting on social media or organizing rallies.
  • He didn’t recall any conversation about traveling to Russia as part of the Moscow development deal or being aware of conversations between his personal attorney Michael Cohen and any Russian government official about a letter of intent focused on that project.
  • He didn’t recall being aware of people associated with his campaign — Manafort — sharing internal polling with people linked to Russia.
  • He didn’t recall being told during the campaign of efforts by Russian officials to meet with him or members of his campaign.
  • He didn’t recall details of when he learned about a change made to the Republican Party platform that was favorable to Russia.
  • He didn’t remember being asked to attend a chess event in Russia.
The very first question was a perjury trap about a DATE LOL
Your sick.. go away losers

They didn’t want a date, dumb ass. It was a before or after question.
This is who I would like to see replace her. It would drive the filthy ass Moon Bats crazy.

she is flat out amazing.
can you be more specific? i went and looked and i see a shitload of headlines saying SHE ADMITTED SHE WAS WRONG and then some serious liberties about what she admitted. so far in the 7 articles i've read, all i see are people saying she lied and phrasing it to be intentional and buried in the article, she says she's correcting a factual error.

hardly the same thing. so can you let me know where you're getting this from so i can read up on it also?
She created information about the FBI workers to support her position in front of the press
It was an outright lie that she would not repeat under oath
since you're full of shit 110% of the time, give an unbiased link or go away.

Sanders lied about “countless” FBI agents losing faith in Comey
Of all the lies, this is the one that Sanders herself admitted was a lie to Mueller: the claim, expressed both in the May 10 press conference and in other interviews, that she had heard from “countless” members of the FBI who did not support Comey and were glad he was fired.

This too was a suspicious claim at the time, since contemporaneous reporting portrayed the FBI as being in mourning over Comey’s ouster. But the Mueller report discloses that Sanders didn’t have any backing for the claim at all:

Sanders told this Office that her reference to hearing from “countless members of the FBI” was a “slip of the tongue.” She also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made ”in the heat of the moment” that was not founded on anything.

Of course, these too appear to be lies — or at least flimsy excuses. Sanders is saying that a statement she made several times just during the May 10 presser was a “slip of the tongue,” and that its use again in a different interview was “in the heat of the moment.” Sanders’s statements to the special counsel’s investigators portray her as someone with too little self-control to be an effective messenger; the much more likely answer is that she was simply lying, and knew it, and kept doing it.

7 times the Mueller report caught Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders lying to press
She made up a lie just like her boss does

Only difference is Trump will not testify under oath
He did he submitted answers. What’s your question we can answer it for you
His lawyers submitted the answers for him
[you don’t think the anti-trumpors tried to get them in a perjury trap like general Flynn ?

What trap was Flynn "gotten" in? He knew they were FBI.

He was told he didn't need a lawyer. The Supreme Court has ruled that a person has an absolute right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning. Memo: FBI recommended Michael Flynn not have lawyer present during interview, did not warn of false statement consequences
Is Sarah still banned from the Red Hen restaurant?
Sad how far America has regressed. Some people were banned from hotels and restaurants years ago by Democrat Jim Crow laws because of skin color, now the Democrats are banning people because of their politics.
To be fair, that's not really the USA regressing. That's just the Democratic party being the Democratic party.
Is Sarah still banned from the Red Hen restaurant?
Sad how far America has regressed. Some people were banned from hotels and restaurants years ago by Democrat Jim Crow laws because of skin color, now the Democrats are banning people because of their politics.
Wasn't about her politics. She was betraying America and lying on a daily basis. She represented a disgusting and disrurbing display of fake Christianity.
Is Sarah still banned from the Red Hen restaurant?
Sad how far America has regressed. Some people were banned from hotels and restaurants years ago by Democrat Jim Crow laws because of skin color, now the Democrats are banning people because of their politics.
Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years

Well, she did a good job as Press Secretary in the face of a lot of adversity and hate from the Left. I'm sure that she will do well in the future.
Is Sarah still banned from the Red Hen restaurant?
Sad how far America has regressed. Some people were banned from hotels and restaurants years ago by Democrat Jim Crow laws because of skin color, now the Democrats are banning people because of their politics.
Wasn't about her politics. She was betraying America and lying on a daily basis. She represented a disgusting and disrurbing display of fake Christianity.
Do tell. When Jesus made a whip and beat the money changers and turned over their tables while driving them out of the temple, was that also fake Christianity? You among others somehow got this Idea that Christians are supposed to roll over and allow people to walk all over them and abuse them. You pitiful lost souls hate anyone that stands up to your nasty bullying.
she did an amazing job
No, she was a national embarrassment and disgraced her job.
She called out the leftist agenda and Democrat activists posing as journalists. It's natural that you would hate her.
I dont hate her, you whiny little baby. But her hiding in trump's butthole for 3 months at a time and her constant lying disgraced her and the job.

Of course, those are precisely the reasons you embarrassing cultists love her, so we are not going to see eye to eye.
Is Sarah still banned from the Red Hen restaurant?
Sad how far America has regressed. Some people were banned from hotels and restaurants years ago by Democrat Jim Crow laws because of skin color, now the Democrats are banning people because of their politics.
Wasn't about her politics. She was betraying America and lying on a daily basis. She represented a disgusting and disrurbing display of fake Christianity.
Christianity has been used to Alinsky extremes. Christians now consider you Satanic. Get it. Trump laid out his agendas. They were there for all to see. And they were not extreme.
she did an amazing job
No, she was a national embarrassment and disgraced her job.
She called out the leftist agenda and Democrat activists posing as journalists. It's natural that you would hate her.
I dont hate her, you whiny little baby. But her hiding in trump's butthole for 3 months at a time and her constant lying disgraced her and the job.

Of course, those are precisely the reasons you embarrassing cultists love her, so we are not going to see eye to eye.
She stood up to the hatefulness and nasty barbs like the warrior she is. Go fuck yourself.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.
You never paid attention to Obama's press secratary's. It is not an easy job. However, being a Repub president press secretary is battle training compared to a Prog. What we learned in reality with Trump is the swamp is real. And not one of you scumbags deserved to be protected if things ever get bad. Hell, if we went to war with Iran and somehow a few nukes were used here, many of us would cheer blue cities being obliterated. With you, its one way or no way. But that way is the final way.
One of the great female leaders of our time.. she took on the deep state..

Leader of what? Press Secretary doesn't lead a fucking thing.
No democrat female could have handled the verbal assault from domestic terrorist like she took.. She was amazing. Almost lynched one time at a restaurant. She goes home to a man and kids.. more then most democrat women can say.
One of the great female leaders of our time.. she took on the deep state..

Leader of what? Press Secretary doesn't lead a fucking thing.
No democrat female could have handled the verbal assault from domestic terrorist like she took.. She was amazing. Almost lynched one time at a restaurant. She goes home to a man and kids.. more then most democrat women can say.

You are wasted if you think any press secretary is a leader.
One of the great female leaders of our time.. she took on the deep state..

Leader of what? Press Secretary doesn't lead a fucking thing.
No democrat female could have handled the verbal assault from domestic terrorist like she took.. She was amazing. Almost lynched one time at a restaurant. She goes home to a man and kids.. more then most democrat women can say.

You are wasted if you think any press secretary is a leader.
You don’t think young ladies should look up to her? She was almost lynched fought back, she been attacked so many times. She’s amazing.. history is recording
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