Not so fast Nancy, you can't just kiss GI Joe off at the bus station anymore.

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
Van down by the river
You will now have to register for the draft, and go with him in this war that seems so popular right now. The chickens are coming home to roost, and Biden just promised another 10 years of bullshit Russian prodding through our Ukrainian project. You know this thing won't drag out any 10 years, 10 weeks is more probable. BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America… as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time –
Yet another example of the empire dying.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.

They might have something planned and it might involve killing lots of people.

Illegals too?
Yet another example of the empire dying.

We live in a failed state run by psychopaths.

They might have something planned and it might involve killing lots of people.

Illegals too?
View attachment 963115
Youll have about as much luck collecting illegal immigrants to get drafted as you will getting them to immigrate legally. Only real, tax paying citizens are going to pay the cost in blood for protecting this nation.
Youll have about as much luck collecting illegal immigrants to get drafted as you will getting them to immigrate legally. Only real, tax paying citizens are going to pay the cost in blood for protecting this nation.
I doubt it will have anything to do with protecting the nation. When did we have a war that was about protecting the nation?
I doubt it will have anything to do with protecting the nation. When did we have a war that was about protecting the nation?
All of them. Every single one. You didnt like the Vietnam war? It was to protect the US by fighting against the spread of communism. Do you disagree with that idea? No one cares what you think. It was still done to protect us whether you like it or not.

Want to talk about Iraq? You think killing Saddam, who was looking to acquire a nuke and had actively tried to assassinate out president isnt in our interests? Awww, did a bunch of Iraqis die in the process? I dont give a flying fuck about them.

Go ahead, try to name one war that we werent waging in our own defensive interests. You will fail.
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All of them. Every single one. You didnt like the Vietnam war? It was to protect the US by fighting against the spread of communism. Do you disagree with that idea? No one cares what you think. It was still done to protect us whether you like it or not.

Want to talk about Iraq? You think killing Saddam, who was looking to acquire a nuke and had actively tried to assassinate out president isnt in our interests? Awww, did a bunch of Iraqis die in the process? I dont give a flying fuck about them.

Go ahead, try to name one war that we werent waging in our own defensive interests. You will fail.

Wow, you truly have drank the kool aid.

I guess you think that what Reagan/Bush I did in Nicaragua/Panama was in our own defensive interest as well?
Wow, you truly have drank the kool aid.

I guess you think that what Reagan/Bush I did in Nicaragua/Panama was in our own defensive interest as well?
The Sandinistas were communists. We werent going to allow the spread of communism because, it was the enemy of democracies around the world.
The Sandinistas were communists. We werent going to allow the spread of communism because, it was the enemy of democracies around the world.

So, in order to stop it we allowed rigged elections in a country that was supposed to be a democracy....that is like burning down your house to get the fly out of it
No, its like burning your neighbors house down to stop them from producing meth next door to your kids.

It must be sort of comforting to have such blind faith in your government.
It must be sort of comforting to have such blind faith in your government.
Who said i have faith in these wars? Im able to have hindsight and see the problems with the wars, but the decision makers at the time, regardless of whether they were right or wrong, they WERE trying to protect the US and its interests.

Im perfectly fine with annihilating 2 million Gazan's if its in our interests, which it is. Fuck around and find out. Thats my motto. :dunno:
Who said i have faith in these wars? Im able to have hindsight and see the problems with the wars, but the decision makers at the time, regardless of whether they were right or wrong, they WERE trying to protect the US and its interests.

Im perfectly fine with annihilating 2 million Gazan's if its in our interests, which it is. Fuck around and find out. Thats my motto. :dunno:

Yet here you are defending our actions all in the name of "defending democracy".
All of them. Every single one. You didnt like the Vietnam war? It was to protect the US by fighting against the spread of communism. Do you disagree with that idea? No one cares what you think. It was still done to protect us whether you like it or not.

Want to talk about Iraq? You think killing Saddam, who was looking to acquire a nuke and had actively tried to assassinate out president isnt in our interests? Awww, did a bunch of Iraqis die in the process? I dont give a flying fuck about them.

Go ahead, try to name one war that we werent waging in our own defensive interests. You will fail.
Not one. All wars of choice and aggression. Total waste of lives and money, all to enrich the elite and increase the State’s power. This should be obvious to you.

Learn this…war is ALWAYS the health of the state.
Spreading capitalism at the point of a rifle is as wrong as spreading communism at the point of a rifle. Neither can stand without endless wars.
The endless wars will result in the death of the empire. It’s an historical fact happening over and over again throughout history.
Yet here you are defending our actions all in the name of "defending democracy".
I have no sympathy for any of our past enemies. The world is a safer place because they know that we will lose our shit and do something wild if you fuck with us, or even merely displease us. Well, that was until Biden got into office.
Spreading capitalism at the point of a rifle is as wrong as spreading communism at the point of a rifle. Neither can stand without endless wars.
If war is what keeps us standing, then let the wars begin!
Not one. All wars of choice and aggression.
AND???!!! Yeah, we choose to buttfuck the nations that displease us. The world needs to tread lightly around us or they get the pointy end of the stick. That position has saved many millions of lives over the decades. Dictators around the world are much less likely to go buck wild as a result from our previous aggressions.

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