Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

Considering the fact the the last four polls I've seen all have Trump beating Biden - and Trump always outperforms his polls, I think maybe you should get a grip on reality.

But I know, that's impossible for you.

Too simple.

You just lap up everything the mainstream garbage press funnels down your throat, despite the fact all they do is lie.
Polls mean jack. Votes reign supreme.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

Bobby Jindal is a fucking Neo-Con.

Is that what you are too? A neo?

One of the scumbags that likes to torture people?

One of the 'why do you hate America' idiots?

The Neo-Scum are the only people I can think of that are actually worse than the Democrats.

These are the people you think are better than Trump? The man who brought you 1% inflation and ZERO foreign wars?

What the heck is going on in your pointy little head?
If you watch MSNBC.

Meanwhile, in the Real World...
“The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists…”


The idol Republicans worship is a product of a GOP that has long been illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – a party that breeds extremism and is controlled by extremists.

The GOP hasn’t been hijacked, its road to tyranny and authoritarianism began more the 50 years ago when Republicans embraced the Christo-fascist right, hateful bigots and racists, and wrongheaded conservative dogma hostile to responsible governance and sound public policy.
Progs cheated. No way that the diluted human in that white house building was elected legally. Sadly, the elites of the world have near total control of much of it. Approximately 20% inflation since his installation up to now and the Trump tax cuts set to expire in a year or so. So much fun.
Trump thinks 10% tariffs will save our economy. Not so brilliant. The guy is wrong.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

Holy shit, most all the victims are on the left but you totally ignore that.
I can't speak for Trump people, but for me it's about principal. I really don't care what the court of public opinion thinks or who has what chances, because if I don't believe in the candidate that can win it's irrelevant. I'm the kind of person that would rather die with my pride and dignity intact rather than sell out. I'll never fall in line and vote for the benefit of the party. I strictly will only vote for the candidate I believe in. Trump supporters may feel something similar.
I wonder why Liberals CARE so much about who's voting for Trump? What are they so worried about. They talk non stop, completely obsessed with Trump, MSNBC even had a segment where you could scan a code to hear court proceedings. They have been obsessed with Trump for 6 years and always hope "This will get him!" Yeah this will get him! But as usual it is backfiring and America wants Trump. Try again Liberals.
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is merely a placeholder President who had two (2) main tasks ahead of him in 2020...

(1) get Trump out of the White House

(2) hold the fort until something better came along

Re: (1)(above)... Mission Accomplished.

Re: (2)(above)... Mission Creep... he's deviated from his Placeholder role and has handed the country over to dangerous LIbProgs.

I seriously doubt that the Republic could easily weather another four years of LibProg idiocy and Woke-ism and Illegal Aliens.

That said...


The idiot Republicans are deluding themselves that Donald Trump will ever again set foot in the White House.

They no longer have the numbers to win on their own.

They need Independents and Swing Voters to vote alongside them in November 2024 in order to win back the Presidency.

They will not get those Independents and Swing Voters in numbers large enough to win if they stupidly run Trump again.

Why? January 6, 2021.

Because of that traitorous behavior, most Indies and Swing-Voters would vote for a fence-post rather than for Trump.

And, frankly, most folks outside the GOP are sick-and-tired of Trump's crybaby whining and his cult followers mimicking.

Oh, Pubs can find solace in sticking-by their "principles" - so called - but they're being conned by a consummate liar.

The entire point of the exercise in November 2024 is to take back the White House and the Senate and to keep the House.

They will lose the White House, and lose the House, and fail to take take the Senate... Trump will hamper them as in 2022.

The sad part about this is, that the Republicans have a very, very deep "bench" or "bullpen" of alternates to draw upon...

Far deeper and more attractive than the handful of wannabe's sniffing around Old Joe looking for Dead Man's Shoes...

The Right in this country has developed a catastrophic case of Political Myopia... they have blinders on... and will fail in 2024.

Unless they somehow - by some miracle - manage to get their heads out of their a$$e$ long enough to set Trump aside.

Pigs will fly first, IMHO. :cool:
So who do you think will have the balls to fight the Democrats other than Trump? Nobody? Thought so. Now fuck off.
You're no conservative.

You're not a rightie.

You're spouting Democratic Party talking points.
You are not the arbiter of labels. This purity test shit where people accuse each other of not being this or that is cringy as fuck.
So who do you think will have the balls to fight the Democrats other than Trump? Nobody? Thought so. Now fuck off.
Did I not just say that the Republicans have a much deeper bench of Alternates than the Democrats do?

There are over a dozen of them out there willing-and-eager to take-on the Democrats. Take your pick.

YOUR trouble is that your orange-tinted Benedict Arnold will lose massively if you're stupid enough to run him again.

Personally, I could support any of Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie or Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz for the slot.

All of whom would be both comfortable and effective in hammering the Democrats, without the lethal Trump baggage.

Run Trump again and you lose (again) on November 5, 2024... but this time by a vastly large margin than you lost in 2020.
Did I not just say that the Republicans have a much deeper bench of Alternates than the Democrats do?

There are over a dozen of them out there willing-and-eager to take-on the Democrats. Take your pick.

YOUR trouble is that your orange-tinted Benedict Arnold will lose massively if you're stupid enough to run him again.

Personally, I could support any of Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie or Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz for the slot.
Or — and here’s the thing — you may be very wrong

If your side runs Potato again, it is quite possible that he will get mashed, this time, by any GOP alternative, including (and maybe especially) by Trump.
So tell me again...who was the last Republican Presidential candidate you voted for?

You've already told me it wasn't Trump, Romney, McCain, Bush Sr or Dole.

And you're not old enough to have voted for Reagan.

If you've NEVER voted for a single Republican candidate for is your opinion any different than Synthaholic's or Bulldog's or The Banker's?
How many “RINO”s have you voted for?
You are not the arbiter of labels. This purity test shit where people accuse each other of not being this or that is cringy as fuck.
Hey, if you're spouting Democratic party talking points you're not a rightie. End of story.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"



But they are still in the throes of their Orange Messiah.

The economy is very good (cue the delusional tard-rage here), Trump is wildly unpopular, and the abortion issue is dragging down the GOP. Democrats are energized, Republicans are demoralized. People really like having an intelligent normal decent human being like Biden in office. And everyone is sick of the stolen election BigLie. That's whiny sore-loser talk, and Americans hate sore-loser wimps.

So, it's difficult to see how Biden loses. A viable 3rd party run designed to siphon votes from Democrats could do it, but that isn't materializing. The "No Labels" stuff is getting laughed at, being what an obvious GOP ploy it is.

The problem that the Trump cultists here have is that they live in an alternate-reality bubble. They consume a steady diet of fictional alt-right propaganda, so they're no longer capable of discerning fantasy from reality. They actually think that people outside of their cult pay attention to their deranged propaganda about Biden. They don't realize that they're only shouting at each other in an echo chamber.
Did I not just say that the Republicans have a much deeper bench of Alternates than the Democrats do?

There are over a dozen of them out there willing-and-eager to take-on the Democrats. Take your pick.

YOUR trouble is that your orange-tinted Benedict Arnold will lose massively if you're stupid enough to run him again.

Personally, I could support any of Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie or Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz for the slot.

All of whom would be both comfortable and effective in hammering the Democrats, without the lethal Trump baggage.

Run Trump again and you lose (again) on November 5, 2024... but this time by a vastly large margin than you lost in 2020.
For a party with so many “alternatives” the blob and Vivek are their most popular members

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