Replace the ACA with single payer

Bring on the Single Payer.
I don't want any part of the idiotic "single payer". So how do you propose such an ignorant idea? Where do you derive the power to force me into anything?
Representative democracy (the republic) and our justice system. Hasn't happened yet. So we'll have to get by on TrumpCare....which means ACA will not be repealed, dupe.
Only in stupid, ex-scam happy, obstructionist red states, dupe.
Well guess what, nitwit? The U.S. Constitution and our entire structure of government permits state legislatures to do what they feel is in the best interest of their state. If you idiot progressives and your idiotic ACA didn't account for what you consider "obstructionism" then that is just another illustration of your stupidity and the failure of the legislation you people crafted.

You nitwits knew that conservatives staunchly opposed Obamacare and wanted the government out of the healthcare system. If you couldn't craft legislation knowing in advance that something would be in opposition, then progressives are not the least bit qualified to be crafting legislation and your entire excuse for why Obamacare was such a catastrophic failure simply proves our entire point to begin with.
It's not a failure. Except in Dupe country red states and areas. Too bad for them.
Lack of Single Payer was my biggest gripe with ACA. Bring on the Single Payer.

You missed out.....the Soviet Union fell apart in '91

But Communism is still strong with Putin, your fucking hard-on generator.

First....... Are you saying that Political Chic gives you a hard-on? (not that I would disagree, just an odd thing to tell us).

Second.... No, communism is not the primary economic system in the Russian Federation.

If anything, they have a hybrid capitalist and nazi style system. In that while most of the smaller businesses are ignored by the government, the major companies are influenced and controlled by the government, for governmental purposes, while still having control over their own business.

In other words, Gazprom, the Russian natural gas company, has a fairly wide ability to determine it's own operations.... which includes pricing, marketing, and profit making.

That is until the company is involved in something that Russia wishes to influence, like say.... the Ukraine... where a deal was struck to provide gas at a price point far lower than a private company would have ever offered..... in exchange for pro-Russian policies, and of course domination of the gas market in the Ukraine.

Then to cut off gas supplies abruptly when they were most needed, when anti-Russian policies are adopted.

It is most certainly not a communist system. If it was still communism, Russia would be a barren wasteland devoid of people by now, other than some cannibals surviving off of eating whoever they could capture.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

Republican President!

Republican Senate!!

Republican House!!!

Not a chance in fucking hell!

Your side had it chance to pass some form of Universal Healthcare when Nixon was President and it was the Democratic Party that stopped it and now you want the GOP to pass Single Payer!?!

I would ask if you were insane but knowing the answer already would be a waste of my time and yours!
Lack of Single Payer was my biggest gripe with ACA. Bring on the Single Payer.

You missed out.....the Soviet Union fell apart in '91

But Communism is still strong with Putin, your fucking hard-on generator.

First....... Are you saying that Political Chic gives you a hard-on? (not that I would disagree, just an odd thing to tell us).

Second.... No, communism is not the primary economic system in the Russian Federation.

If anything, they have a hybrid capitalist and nazi style system. In that while most of the smaller businesses are ignored by the government, the major companies are influenced and controlled by the government, for governmental purposes, while still having control over their own business.

In other words, Gazprom, the Russian natural gas company, has a fairly wide ability to determine it's own operations.... which includes pricing, marketing, and profit making.

That is until the company is involved in something that Russia wishes to influence, like say.... the Ukraine... where a deal was struck to provide gas at a price point far lower than a private company would have ever offered..... in exchange for pro-Russian policies, and of course domination of the gas market in the Ukraine.

Then to cut off gas supplies abruptly when they were most needed, when anti-Russian policies are adopted.

It is most certainly not a communist system. If it was still communism, Russia would be a barren wasteland devoid of people by now, other than some cannibals surviving off of eating whoever they could capture.

I believe that this adds credence to your post:

"Modern Russia has never properly dealt with the legacy of 1917. Across the country, the iconography of the revolution and its leaders is still confused. Visitors to Moscow can still pay their respects to Lenin’s mummified corpse, which peers sinisterly out of its glass box inside the marble mausoleum on Red Square. But across the cobbles from the founder of Russian communism, a flashy department store draws rich Muscovites to its expensive fashion departments.

....1917 is problematic. On the one hand, the Soviet state that came from the revolution was the one that won the war and whose military and scientific achievements Putin thinks should be venerated. But on the other hand Putin has elevated “stability” to being one of the key tenets of his rule, and as such celebrating a revolution goes against the very grain of his political philosophy.

Putin’s main public comments on the anniversary so far have suggested he indeed views the year as a tragedy for the Russian nation. " Tragedy or triumph? Russians agonise over how to mark 1917 revolutions

What an Alice-in-Wonderland world.....the head of Russia views the communist revolution, correctly, as "a tragedy for the Russian nation. "

While in the United States, millions vote for a dunce who claims communism the same as capitalism!!!!
Lack of Single Payer was my biggest gripe with ACA. Bring on the Single Payer.

You missed out.....the Soviet Union fell apart in '91

But Communism is still strong with Putin, your fucking hard-on generator.

First....... Are you saying that Political Chic gives you a hard-on? (not that I would disagree, just an odd thing to tell us).

Second.... No, communism is not the primary economic system in the Russian Federation.

If anything, they have a hybrid capitalist and nazi style system. In that while most of the smaller businesses are ignored by the government, the major companies are influenced and controlled by the government, for governmental purposes, while still having control over their own business.

In other words, Gazprom, the Russian natural gas company, has a fairly wide ability to determine it's own operations.... which includes pricing, marketing, and profit making.

That is until the company is involved in something that Russia wishes to influence, like say.... the Ukraine... where a deal was struck to provide gas at a price point far lower than a private company would have ever offered..... in exchange for pro-Russian policies, and of course domination of the gas market in the Ukraine.

Then to cut off gas supplies abruptly when they were most needed, when anti-Russian policies are adopted.

It is most certainly not a communist system. If it was still communism, Russia would be a barren wasteland devoid of people by now, other than some cannibals surviving off of eating whoever they could capture.

I believe that this adds credence to your post:

"Modern Russia has never properly dealt with the legacy of 1917. Across the country, the iconography of the revolution and its leaders is still confused. Visitors to Moscow can still pay their respects to Lenin’s mummified corpse, which peers sinisterly out of its glass box inside the marble mausoleum on Red Square. But across the cobbles from the founder of Russian communism, a flashy department store draws rich Muscovites to its expensive fashion departments.

....1917 is problematic. On the one hand, the Soviet state that came from the revolution was the one that won the war and whose military and scientific achievements Putin thinks should be venerated. But on the other hand Putin has elevated “stability” to being one of the key tenets of his rule, and as such celebrating a revolution goes against the very grain of his political philosophy.

Putin’s main public comments on the anniversary so far have suggested he indeed views the year as a tragedy for the Russian nation. " Tragedy or triumph? Russians agonise over how to mark 1917 revolutions

What an Alice-in-Wonderland world.....the head of Russia views the communist revolution, correctly, as "a tragedy for the Russian nation. "

While in the United States, millions vote for a dunce who claims communism the same as capitalism!!!!

While the Soviet revolution was fantastic at unifying the country under a banner of peace, it at the same time ushered in an economic policy of absolute destruction.

Ironically, the whole reason Stalin agreed to divide up Poland, was to use Poland as a buffer zone, between the Russia land, and potential enemies. Of course in doing so, they actually opened up the highway for Hitler to roll into Russia.

Sadly, it would seem that this line of thinking is still present in Russia, which is why they are trying to take over parts of the Ukraine as a buffer. And similar to last time, it's on the verge of sparking a war.

We never do seem to learn anything from history, do we?
"Donald, I've never seen anything like it. I have more accountants than I have nurses. it's a disaster. my patients are beside themselves. they had a good plan. they have no plan now." - Dr Bob Sacamano to President Trump, as recounted by President Trump
the Physicians Foundation survey of 20,000 doctors indicated that 50 percent gave Obamacare an F grade, while 25 percent gave it an A.

the Physicians Foundation survey of 20,000 doctors indicated that 50 percent gave Obamacare an F grade, while 25 percent gave it an A.


That doesn't mean much. The ones giving it an A, could be because they were worried it would make things worse.

The ones giving it an F, could be only ticked off it wasn't fully socialized.

I don't really give much credit to the words of people actually in the system. You go to other countries where the health care system is absolutely horrible, and the doctors will say it's great..... because they...... are getting paid.

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