Remember when lies were important?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Let's review, first Trump said grab a pussy. That didn't work out, so soon he was "racist". That failed and soon he was a Russian traitor, blah blah blah, you got the idea.

In-between he was "A LIAR". I guess PROGS missed the part all politicians lie. They missed the part Trump never shuts up and is mostly honest in the process. Matter of fact he's the most bluntly honest POTUS in history, that's what really pisses them off. They missed the part "fact-check" is code for PROG-run dressings in order to apply a desired conclusion true/false. They're PROGS, thus don't understand or care to know the reasons, it's not how they operate.

Then came mostly crickets about lies right, and the reason? Because they support Biden for POTUS.

Not a word out of Biden's mouth is honesty. Matter of fact he rarely if ever says anything substantial that can be supported by anything measurable or common sense. Matter of fact he's just a seasoned politician, he doesn't tell you what is, he tells you how you should feel.

In other terms, it never mattered to PROGs that Trump lied, they only enjoyed the idea giving themselves something to complain about in order to nurture their need for validations.
So you're saying that Biden's lies matter more than Trump's lies?

No dumbfuck, you're a PROG and can't read. It is ironic though. Biden tells you how you should feel free of the planet you live on. You're well trained and did the same thing.
What is Trump up to 3 million lies yet? Still has a way to go to catch black jesus and obiden.
Let's review, first Trump said grab a pussy. That didn't work out, so soon he was "racist". That failed and soon he was a Russian traitor, blah blah blah, you got the idea.

In-between he was "A LIAR". I guess PROGS missed the part all politicians lie. They missed the part Trump never shuts up and is mostly honest in the process. Matter of fact he's the most bluntly honest POTUS in history, that's what really pisses them off. They missed the part "fact-check" is code for PROG-run dressings in order to apply a desired conclusion true/false. They're PROGS, thus don't understand or care to know the reasons, it's not how they operate.

Then came mostly crickets about lies right, and the reason? Because they support Biden for POTUS.

Not a word out of Biden's mouth is honesty. Matter of fact he rarely if ever says anything substantial that can be supported by anything measurable or common sense. Matter of fact he's just a seasoned politician, he doesn't tell you what is, he tells you how you should feel.

In other terms, it never mattered to PROGs that Trump lied, they only enjoyed the idea giving themselves something to complain about in order to nurture their need for validations.

I realized all politicians were liars when Obama caved to the deep state after his first brief and gave us Obamacare instead of a public option...With ZERO REPUBLICAN VOTES. Could have done whatever he wanted.

I was still young and pure then

Saying you're an honest politician is like saying you're non violent relative to other murders lol
So you're saying that Biden's lies matter more than Trump's lies?

No dumbfuck, you're a PROG and can't read. It is ironic though. Biden tells you how you should feel free of the planet you live on. You're well trained and did the same thing.

Not sure what any of that means..."free of the planet"? Weird thread.

You really got me a good one Candy Corn.

I have to give you credit, of all the PROGS here, your avatar is the only one that's accurately reflective.
Self-professed conservatives and Republicans threw out the importance of lies when they, not only selected Trump, but supported him through his LEGION of lies.

Go blow it out of your lying ass OP.
So you're saying that Biden's lies matter more than Trump's lies?

No dumbfuck, you're a PROG and can't read. It is ironic though. Biden tells you how you should feel free of the planet you live on. You're well trained and did the same thing.

Not sure what any of that means..."free of the planet"? Weird thread.

You really got me a good one Candy Corn.

I have to give you credit, of all the PROGS here, your avatar is the only one that's accurately reflective.
And it just got stranger....
Self-professed conservatives and Republicans threw out the importance of lies when they, not only selected Trump, but supported him through his LEGION of lies.

Go blow it out of your lying ass OP.
So you're saying that Biden's lies matter more than Trump's lies?

So you're saying that Biden's lies matter more than Trump's lies?


but they matter just as much.

Actually not. One guy is a private citizen, the other is the President.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You were all over Trump for his lies when he was a candidate.

And he was running against another non-President at the time...right?

Remember when he said he was bringing the troops home? They're still in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan....
Really no comparison.
What is Trump up to 3 million lies yet? Still has a way to go to catch black jesus and obiden.
There is no such thing as a Democrat that supports the Second Amendment because they were told not to. That tells me you have a mental short coming. Do you talk to yourself and then answer? It could be when you feel like a snitching piece of shit your democrat side of your split personality is coming out. When you just want to kill em all it's your conservative side begging you to pull your head out to destroy the libtards in you.

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