Putting the Catholic Church in my rear view window...

Then tell me how Catholics are saved.
Hardly ever hear the word "Saved" in the Catholic Church. "Redemption" and "Redeemed" are more in the Catholic vocabulary. And, of course, the familiar line of, "He is our life and our salvation." Eternal life is God's gift to us. We are on the path of that right now, and it will continue on into the afterlife. We follow The Way Jesus taught--discern the will of God and follow it/do it. That is the Way of Salvation. Jesus is the Way, so Jesus is our life and our Salvation. He redeemed us.
Jesus also said, "This is eternal life, that you BELIEVE in Me". Salvation is through faith in Jesus and his work. There is only the blood of Jesus that washes sin away. A priest cannot wash sin away. Only FAITH in the blood of Jesus. Catholics for the most part don't know Scripture. Study the Epistles.
Find a church that teaches the Bible, not religion. If they act like Jesus freaks, it's a good thing usually. If they bring out the snakes after the first worship song, you're in the wrong church.
That option is unavailable to me.

My dislike for the evangelical churches is intense, probably because of the thoughtless way they tell a Catholic like me that I'm an idolater who is going to hell.

Also, the concept that faith alone saves is a dangerous error because it discourages such notions as obeying the commandments and giving money to charity, and the concept that one is saved by one altar call is dangerous because it denies the truth that one's spiritual development is a struggle that ends only at the moment of death.

The Episcopalians are the outer limit of how far I'm willing to plunge into the Protestant world.

Their priests dress like Catholic priests, their Masses our similar to our Masses, and their Eucharist is the same as ours -- though illegitimate according to the Catholic Church.

The Episcopalians are, however, moral relativists who will openly admit they're not really sure if Christianity is true. For me, the idea of showing up to Mass every Sunday for a religion you're not sure of doesn't make any sense at all. Why not sleep in?

It seems that the purpose of Episcopalianism is to give fallen away Catholics a soft landing for awhile before arriving at the ultimate end of complete lack of belief. And then, after you do reach this state of non-belief, you are still welcome to attend Mass on Sunday and go on behaving as if you believe, with everyone knowing and accepting that you really don't.

And while it might be a comfort to many to attend familiar rituals in familiar surroundings, I am a person who must actually believe in what I'm doing and could never believe in the watered-down Catholicism of the Episcopalian Church.
You believe in your own works for salvation. You're never going to be good enough. This is the problem with the catholic sect. This is why Luther broke away. The Bible clearly teaches that Salvation is through believing in Jesus, period. Works are good, yes. You will be rewarded, but your eternal life is in Christ, not works. This is where the Catholic church has gone off the rails.
The Bible clearly teaches that Salvation is through believing in Jesus, period.
actually that may be what they wrote in the 4th century composing your book and when the christian bible no longer exists the forgeries and fallacies will disappear with it - not so the prescribed religion to triumph through works over sin to attain remission - will remain for eternity.

for those having sinned.
So you believe works remit sin? How does that work?
So you believe works remit sin? How does that work?
remission - > readmission - to the Everlasting. for a&e. the task they chose.

if it were a sin to eat the apple or an advised step necessary to attain the knowledge for life's pursuits and possible immortality once taken it became a journey to understand the consequences of good and evil where eventually to triumph one over the other would be required for them to be readmitted to the Everlasting or perish - having made their decision to do as they did.

reinforced by the parable of noah, the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed again at that time for their to be a judgement rendered for the spirits admission to the Everlasting for any willing to make the attempt. to free their spirit by their own recognizance.
It's not biblical.
The Seven Sacraments are centered around the Life of Christ and his ministry and emulate it. Those who know the Gospels should know the seven Sacraments. The only way they are not Biblical is if the Bible does not relate the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Do you not believe the Bible tells this story?
It's not biblical.
The Seven Sacraments are centered around the Life of Christ and his ministry and emulate it. Those who know the Gospels should know the seven Sacraments. The only way they are not Biblical is if the Bible does not relate the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Do you not believe the Bible tells this story?
The seven Sacraments is a catholic doctrine, not a Christian Church doctrine.
Okay, I'm not Catholic, so I'm kinda confused as to why you have to completely give up your church and your religious belief system over this. Yes, I know the Catholic Church officially opposes divorce and remarriage. So does my church, but mine certainly isn't going to bar anyone from attending church over it.

He is confusing and why tell us the BIG SIN if that's what he's going to do?

“There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.” Proverbs 6:16-19

Then he says:

"My two choices then are this:

A lifetime of happiness with a woman I love -- then an eternity in hell; or

A lifetime of misery for the next thirty years or so -- then an eternity in heaven."

I learned a new internet word today -- spurtability. It means things coming in spurts or sudden bursts.

Announcer: "Their scoring has really come in spurts in the second half, and you've got to have it, spurtability is what I like to call it."

That's describes exactly what he's going to be doing.

ETA: Let's not forget "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
The seven Sacraments is a catholic doctrine, not a Christian Church doctrine.
The seven Sacraments have a Biblical base that center around the life and ministry of Christ. Catholics celebrate and live this.
Each of the seven sacraments has a Biblical origin. Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, Reconciliation, Annointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders. The Church codified them and defined rituals to formalize them going forward, but they are all Biblical. Indeed, all created by Christ Himself.

No one who is familiar with the New Testament believes that one can be "Saved" by faith alone. There are scores of authoritative statements in the NT citing the importance of love, and of good works. There is no single solution, no single or simple path; it is a package deal. Catholic and Lutheran theologians formally agreed with this general principle some years back.

As for a thirty year marriage that failed, and the prospects of a good, blessed "Christian" marriage with someone else in the future, there is no God-given right to, or guarantee of, a lifetime marital/sexual partner. People marry others who become incapacitated, or reject them. That's life.

Of course, you could kill W-1, go to confession and be forgiven, then marry W-2.

Just busting your balls...

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