Our Violent World


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
In the past week, radical fundamentalists were busy killing people. In one case, a tourist who had been held hostage was decapitated, and in another case, a doctor was murdered in his church.

Violent world.
In the past week, radical fundamentalists were busy killing people. In one case, a tourist who had been held hostage was decapitated, and in another case, a doctor was murdered in his church.

Violent world.

Always has been
It takes 42 muscles to frown, but, it only takes 4 to reach out and bitch slap the SOB.
Actually, this is still the most peaceful era in all of history for humanity.

More people have been murdered today then have been murdered tomorrow.

No one has been murdered tomorrow yet. Give it time.

The perioud between 1815 and 1914 was pretty peaceful, on average, too. Some problems between the French and the Germans, the Crimea mess but by and large a pretty peaceful time. Comparitvly speaking.

Of course, it is getting scarier. What with the North Koreans behaving badly, and the Iranians getting close to being really stupid.

As bad as things seem some times, the level of bat5hi7 is way down since the end of the last world war.

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