One More Trump Lie ….His Promise to Support and Defend LGBTQ Interests

Nearly every homo-dude I've met is very cool. Especially those who are conservatives. I know one who is a fucking FREAK. He's a liberal of course, and he pulls the gay-card anytime he's challenged on any matter. Can't stand the fucker. As for lesbians, I don't know why, but the majority are hateful fucking bitches, I say hateful fucking bitches.

At the end of the day, while they're equally human, they should not twist the public's views into believing they're something they're not, such as men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and play women's basketball. Anytime you allow this shit it dumbs us all down. And corrupts the most basic of principles that can only be described as queer.
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Well folks, we’re approaching the fist anniversary of Trumps awful presidency and the list of atrocious deeds that he is responsible for is long. There is undermining health care for millions, supporting the rape of the environment to the horror of much of the world, preparing to sign so call “tax reform “legislation that is a giveaway to the wealthy and to corporations to name just a few.

But there is one issue that is getting little press and scant public attention. Among his many lies during the campaign and since, was his promise to promote LGBTQ rights and interests. He fooled people into thinking that he would be a pro LGBT president who is better on the issue than Clinton. The fact is that gay, lesbian, and transgender Republicans who supported him were ultimately sucker- punched in the gut. Let’s take a look at his first year, but first some background.

President Donald Trump speaks to the 2017 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump thrilled conservative gay leaders. He promised to “do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens” and described himself as “fine” with marriage equality, which he said had been “settled” by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gay Republicans, who have had little experience with candidates expressing anything other than hostility, lost all sense of perspective. Chris Barron, a co-founder of GOProud, pronounced Trump “a better friend to the LGBT community than Hillary Clinton could ever be.” Breitbartista Milo Yiannapoulos went even further, declaring, “Donald Trump is the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history.” Both statements were obviously and wildly untrue, as Trump’s damaging first year in office has made clear. As Miranda’s recent post noted, this was the year that the Religious Right moved into the White House. And the consequences for LGBTQ people have been predictably awful.

Indeed, last December, anti-LGBTQ extremist Scott Lively celebrated the election of Trump, who he said wisely concealed his anti-equality agenda as a candidate. Lively predicted that after Trump named new Supreme Court justices, “Kennedy and his homosexualist fellow travelers will presumably never again be able to repeat their past acts of violence to the Constitution and its Biblical foundations.”

Many LGBTQ people have been or will be harmed by broad-based Trump-GOP policies, like the tax bill and its assault on the Affordable Care Act, that also affect millions of non-LGBTQ Americans. But LGBTQ Americans are also facing very focused attacks from the Trump administration. That’s why NBC called Trump’s first 100 days “fear-inducing” for LGBTQ Americans. And by mid-year, German Lopez at Vox was calling Trump’s campaign promises to the LGBTQ community “total bullshit” and Luke Darby at GQ was calling the administration “a disaster for LGBT Americans.” The Human Rights Campaign’s Sarah McBride went even further, writing in Cosmopolitan that the Trump administration has “revealed itself to be the ugliest, most explicitly anti-LGBTQ presidency in U.S. history.” Journalist Michelangelo Signorile seconded that emotion in September.

Follow the above link for a list of his betrayals. Even if you don’t care much about this issue, you should care about the lies, which know no bounds, as well as his lack of loyalty to others, even while he insists on loyalty to himself.
You queers are less than 1% of the population. Put me down as I don't give a damn about your opinions.
Us queers?? What a moron. And the people who support equality and care about human rights number a lot more. You bigots are a minority and an endangered species
LOL I am an endangered 9Species! You stupid ass Faggot!
How are you gonna reproduce by button funding Bruce?
Your sick species is the endangered one!
Well folks, we’re approaching the fist anniversary of Trumps awful presidency and the list of atrocious deeds that he is responsible for is long. There is undermining health care for millions, supporting the rape of the environment to the horror of much of the world, preparing to sign so call “tax reform “legislation that is a giveaway to the wealthy and to corporations to name just a few.

But there is one issue that is getting little press and scant public attention. Among his many lies during the campaign and since, was his promise to promote LGBTQ rights and interests. He fooled people into thinking that he would be a pro LGBT president who is better on the issue than Clinton. The fact is that gay, lesbian, and transgender Republicans who supported him were ultimately sucker- punched in the gut. Let’s take a look at his first year, but first some background.

President Donald Trump speaks to the 2017 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump thrilled conservative gay leaders. He promised to “do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens” and described himself as “fine” with marriage equality, which he said had been “settled” by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gay Republicans, who have had little experience with candidates expressing anything other than hostility, lost all sense of perspective. Chris Barron, a co-founder of GOProud, pronounced Trump “a better friend to the LGBT community than Hillary Clinton could ever be.” Breitbartista Milo Yiannapoulos went even further, declaring, “Donald Trump is the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history.” Both statements were obviously and wildly untrue, as Trump’s damaging first year in office has made clear. As Miranda’s recent post noted, this was the year that the Religious Right moved into the White House. And the consequences for LGBTQ people have been predictably awful.

Indeed, last December, anti-LGBTQ extremist Scott Lively celebrated the election of Trump, who he said wisely concealed his anti-equality agenda as a candidate. Lively predicted that after Trump named new Supreme Court justices, “Kennedy and his homosexualist fellow travelers will presumably never again be able to repeat their past acts of violence to the Constitution and its Biblical foundations.”

Many LGBTQ people have been or will be harmed by broad-based Trump-GOP policies, like the tax bill and its assault on the Affordable Care Act, that also affect millions of non-LGBTQ Americans. But LGBTQ Americans are also facing very focused attacks from the Trump administration. That’s why NBC called Trump’s first 100 days “fear-inducing” for LGBTQ Americans. And by mid-year, German Lopez at Vox was calling Trump’s campaign promises to the LGBTQ community “total bullshit” and Luke Darby at GQ was calling the administration “a disaster for LGBT Americans.” The Human Rights Campaign’s Sarah McBride went even further, writing in Cosmopolitan that the Trump administration has “revealed itself to be the ugliest, most explicitly anti-LGBTQ presidency in U.S. history.” Journalist Michelangelo Signorile seconded that emotion in September.

Follow the above link for a list of his betrayals. Even if you don’t care much about this issue, you should care about the lies, which know no bounds, as well as his lack of loyalty to others, even while he insists on loyalty to himself.
You queers are less than 1% of the population. Put me down as I don't give a damn about your opinions.
Us queers?? What a moron. And the people who support equality and care about human rights number a lot more. You bigots are a minority and an endangered species
LOL I am an endangered 9Species! You stupid ass Faggot!
How are you gonna reproduce by button funding Bruce?
Your sick species is the endangered one!
Straight people don't have gay kids? Could you really be that fucking stupid??!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Nearly every homo-dude I've met is very cool. Especially those who are conservatives. I know one who is a fucking FREAK. He's a liberal of course, and he pulls the gay-card anytime he's challenged on any matter. Can't stand the fucker. As for lesbians, I don't know why, but the majority are hateful fucking bitches, I say hateful fucking bitches.

At the end of the day, while they're equally human, they should not twist the public's views into believing they're something they're not, such as men were intended to marry, have kids, use the women's bathroom and play women's basketball. Anytime you allow this shit it dumbs us all down. And corrupts the most basic of principles that can only be described as queer.

Homosexuality is no different then smoking or alcoholism.
Well folks, we’re approaching the fist anniversary of Trumps awful presidency and the list of atrocious deeds that he is responsible for is long. There is undermining health care for millions, supporting the rape of the environment to the horror of much of the world, preparing to sign so call “tax reform “legislation that is a giveaway to the wealthy and to corporations to name just a few.

But there is one issue that is getting little press and scant public attention. Among his many lies during the campaign and since, was his promise to promote LGBTQ rights and interests. He fooled people into thinking that he would be a pro LGBT president who is better on the issue than Clinton. The fact is that gay, lesbian, and transgender Republicans who supported him were ultimately sucker- punched in the gut. Let’s take a look at his first year, but first some background.

President Donald Trump speaks to the 2017 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump thrilled conservative gay leaders. He promised to “do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens” and described himself as “fine” with marriage equality, which he said had been “settled” by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gay Republicans, who have had little experience with candidates expressing anything other than hostility, lost all sense of perspective. Chris Barron, a co-founder of GOProud, pronounced Trump “a better friend to the LGBT community than Hillary Clinton could ever be.” Breitbartista Milo Yiannapoulos went even further, declaring, “Donald Trump is the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history.” Both statements were obviously and wildly untrue, as Trump’s damaging first year in office has made clear. As Miranda’s recent post noted, this was the year that the Religious Right moved into the White House. And the consequences for LGBTQ people have been predictably awful.

Indeed, last December, anti-LGBTQ extremist Scott Lively celebrated the election of Trump, who he said wisely concealed his anti-equality agenda as a candidate. Lively predicted that after Trump named new Supreme Court justices, “Kennedy and his homosexualist fellow travelers will presumably never again be able to repeat their past acts of violence to the Constitution and its Biblical foundations.”

Many LGBTQ people have been or will be harmed by broad-based Trump-GOP policies, like the tax bill and its assault on the Affordable Care Act, that also affect millions of non-LGBTQ Americans. But LGBTQ Americans are also facing very focused attacks from the Trump administration. That’s why NBC called Trump’s first 100 days “fear-inducing” for LGBTQ Americans. And by mid-year, German Lopez at Vox was calling Trump’s campaign promises to the LGBTQ community “total bullshit” and Luke Darby at GQ was calling the administration “a disaster for LGBT Americans.” The Human Rights Campaign’s Sarah McBride went even further, writing in Cosmopolitan that the Trump administration has “revealed itself to be the ugliest, most explicitly anti-LGBTQ presidency in U.S. history.” Journalist Michelangelo Signorile seconded that emotion in September.

Follow the above link for a list of his betrayals. Even if you don’t care much about this issue, you should care about the lies, which know no bounds, as well as his lack of loyalty to others, even while he insists on loyalty to himself.
You queers are less than 1% of the population. Put me down as I don't give a damn about your opinions.
Us queers?? What a moron. And the people who support equality and care about human rights number a lot more. You bigots are a minority and an endangered species
LOL I am an endangered 9Species! You stupid ass Faggot!
How are you gonna reproduce by button funding Bruce?
Your sick species is the endangered one!
Straight people don't have gay kids? Could you really be that fucking stupid??!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Tell us again how brilliant you are? Using a rectum instead of a vagina.
There are no such things as LGBTQ rights. There are only Individual rights. Rights do not come as groups.
There are no such things as LGBTQ rights. There are only Individual rights. Rights do not come as groups.
They have a right to equality as individuals who are part of a group -to not be demeaned and discriminated against because they are part of that group. All people have that right whether they are a minority or not. Even you.
They have a right as individuals who are part of a group -to not be demeaned and discriminated against because they are part of that group. All people have that right whether they are a minority or not. Even you.

I agree with you that gay people should have equal Individual rights. And Individuals have the right to freely associate. But a core principle of Individual liberty is that groups of Individuals can self-organize and impose rules upon themselves, but they should not look to the federal government to force the same on others.

Where you lose me is with the use of of the word 'gay interests.' I agree with you with regard to protecting Individual rights. In fact, that's really the only role with which the federal government is delegated in the constitution. To protect Individual liberty.

Leave it to the states. Not the federal government. The last thing you want is the federal government in your business. Because then they'll be telling you what you can and cannot do. Your problems will be a hundred fold with them in the mix. And everyone elses.
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Well folks, we’re approaching the fist anniversary of Trumps awful presidency and the list of atrocious deeds that he is responsible for is long. There is undermining health care for millions, supporting the rape of the environment to the horror of much of the world, preparing to sign so call “tax reform “legislation that is a giveaway to the wealthy and to corporations to name just a few.

But there is one issue that is getting little press and scant public attention. Among his many lies during the campaign and since, was his promise to promote LGBTQ rights and interests. He fooled people into thinking that he would be a pro LGBT president who is better on the issue than Clinton. The fact is that gay, lesbian, and transgender Republicans who supported him were ultimately sucker- punched in the gut. Let’s take a look at his first year, but first some background.

President Donald Trump speaks to the 2017 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump thrilled conservative gay leaders. He promised to “do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens” and described himself as “fine” with marriage equality, which he said had been “settled” by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gay Republicans, who have had little experience with candidates expressing anything other than hostility, lost all sense of perspective. Chris Barron, a co-founder of GOProud, pronounced Trump “a better friend to the LGBT community than Hillary Clinton could ever be.” Breitbartista Milo Yiannapoulos went even further, declaring, “Donald Trump is the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history.” Both statements were obviously and wildly untrue, as Trump’s damaging first year in office has made clear. As Miranda’s recent post noted, this was the year that the Religious Right moved into the White House. And the consequences for LGBTQ people have been predictably awful.

Indeed, last December, anti-LGBTQ extremist Scott Lively celebrated the election of Trump, who he said wisely concealed his anti-equality agenda as a candidate. Lively predicted that after Trump named new Supreme Court justices, “Kennedy and his homosexualist fellow travelers will presumably never again be able to repeat their past acts of violence to the Constitution and its Biblical foundations.”

Many LGBTQ people have been or will be harmed by broad-based Trump-GOP policies, like the tax bill and its assault on the Affordable Care Act, that also affect millions of non-LGBTQ Americans. But LGBTQ Americans are also facing very focused attacks from the Trump administration. That’s why NBC called Trump’s first 100 days “fear-inducing” for LGBTQ Americans. And by mid-year, German Lopez at Vox was calling Trump’s campaign promises to the LGBTQ community “total bullshit” and Luke Darby at GQ was calling the administration “a disaster for LGBT Americans.” The Human Rights Campaign’s Sarah McBride went even further, writing in Cosmopolitan that the Trump administration has “revealed itself to be the ugliest, most explicitly anti-LGBTQ presidency in U.S. history.” Journalist Michelangelo Signorile seconded that emotion in September.
Who cares?

Follow the above link for a list of his betrayals. Even if you don’t care much about this issue, you should care about the lies, which know no bounds, as well as his lack of loyalty to others, even while he insists on loyalty to himself.
Who cares?
There are no such things as LGBTQ rights. There are only Individual rights. Rights do not come as groups.
They have a right to equality as individuals who are part of a group -to not be demeaned and discriminated against because they are part of that group. All people have that right whether they are a minority or not. Even you.
So then no demeaning or discriminating against NAMBLA according to you? Or polygamists? Or necrophiliacs? One sexual orientation is as good as another!

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