obama gave Iran 150 billion dollars...and they are using it to murder people, as we said they would.

ok I read the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" citation------I am impressed that the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" wrote so naïve
a piece--------I am not Israeli-----but know lots-----I never met
an Israeli who would consider "ARABS BLAME IRANIANS"
to be NEWS I mentioned it to hubby whose first thought each morning is ------"must go and get the Hebrew papers"-------he laughed too

How is it naive?

The individual quoted in the Times of Israel article is Hillel Neuer who appears to be most impressive advocate as does his NGO human rights watch organization "UN Watch." Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
Just because the MSM is not interested in righteous criticism and just because politicians do not want to get messy, none of that means news from a very tiny # of sources must not be true.

My comment on the article was not a dismissal of Hillel Neuer-----with whom I am not familiar------I construed "TIMES OF ISRAEL" to be a periodical aimed at the Israeli population for which "arabs blame Iran" WOULD NOT BE NEWS. Naïve is-----the notion "arabs blame Iran"-----
as NEWS----for me and for anyone who has any knowledge of what goes on OVER THERE. I have never seen a copy of "TIMES OF ISRAEL" either. Did you find the article INFORMATIVE?
The article's salient point was simple: Since the Iran deal Iran has only gotten more aggressive in sponsoring Shiite terrorism in other nations. To Americans that is news.... because our media would not even bother (or, of course, purposefully not bother) to report on that. It should be a concern of ours.
what shia terrorism? where? please give me one example.
can you mention one american or european victim by shia terrorist after iran deal ?
shia fighting against isis wahabi terrorist in mosul iraq and syria now.

why are you limiting the scope of current Shiite shit to the murder of americans and Europeans?--------ask a Yemeni Of course Shiite shit are involved in murder of Europeans and
americans-----but not SO MUCH as they are in --------various other VENUES ---right now
suidi arabia kill yemen shia people . 45+% of yemeni are shia and they are majority ...
.they had revolution and fighting for it .
suidi arabia attack to yemen and killing people .
Saudi-led coalition airstrike hits Yemen funeral, killing over 140 people

this source is for west. it isnt for shia propaganda media

Saudi-led coalition airstrike hits Yemen funeral, killing over 140 people
America Should Quit Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen: The Senseless Killing Must Stop
America Should Quit Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen: The Senseless Killing Must Stop
Airstrikes on Yemen funeral kill at least 140 people, UN official says
Airstrikes on Yemen funeral kill at least 140 people, UN official says
Moron...Breitbart simply linked from another news source...are you really that stupid?

Moron...right at the end of the 2nd paragraph they have a link to the Times of Israel.....

ok I read the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" citation------I am impressed that the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" wrote so naïve
a piece--------I am not Israeli-----but know lots-----I never met
an Israeli who would consider "ARABS BLAME IRANIANS"
to be NEWS I mentioned it to hubby whose first thought each morning is ------"must go and get the Hebrew papers"-------he laughed too

How is it naive?

The individual quoted in the Times of Israel article is Hillel Neuer who appears to be most impressive advocate as does his NGO human rights watch organization "UN Watch." Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
Just because the MSM is not interested in righteous criticism and just because politicians do not want to get messy, none of that means news from a very tiny # of sources must not be true.

My comment on the article was not a dismissal of Hillel Neuer-----with whom I am not familiar------I construed "TIMES OF ISRAEL" to be a periodical aimed at the Israeli population for which "arabs blame Iran" WOULD NOT BE NEWS. Naïve is-----the notion "arabs blame Iran"-----
as NEWS----for me and for anyone who has any knowledge of what goes on OVER THERE. I have never seen a copy of "TIMES OF ISRAEL" either. Did you find the article INFORMATIVE?
The article's salient point was simple: Since the Iran deal Iran has only gotten more aggressive in sponsoring Shiite terrorism in other nations. To Americans that is news.... because our media would not even bother (or, of course, purposefully not bother) to report on that. It should be a concern of ours.
what shia terrorism? where? please give me one example.
can you mention one american or european victim by shia terrorist after iran deal ?
shia fighting against isis wahabi terrorist in mosul iraq and syria now.

Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran’s Continuing War against the U.S. and the West

Hey, it's all B.S., don't bother reading it. Everyone lies but you.
ok I read the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" citation------I am impressed that the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" wrote so naïve
a piece--------I am not Israeli-----but know lots-----I never met
an Israeli who would consider "ARABS BLAME IRANIANS"
to be NEWS I mentioned it to hubby whose first thought each morning is ------"must go and get the Hebrew papers"-------he laughed too

How is it naive?

The individual quoted in the Times of Israel article is Hillel Neuer who appears to be most impressive advocate as does his NGO human rights watch organization "UN Watch." Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
Just because the MSM is not interested in righteous criticism and just because politicians do not want to get messy, none of that means news from a very tiny # of sources must not be true.

My comment on the article was not a dismissal of Hillel Neuer-----with whom I am not familiar------I construed "TIMES OF ISRAEL" to be a periodical aimed at the Israeli population for which "arabs blame Iran" WOULD NOT BE NEWS. Naïve is-----the notion "arabs blame Iran"-----
as NEWS----for me and for anyone who has any knowledge of what goes on OVER THERE. I have never seen a copy of "TIMES OF ISRAEL" either. Did you find the article INFORMATIVE?
The article's salient point was simple: Since the Iran deal Iran has only gotten more aggressive in sponsoring Shiite terrorism in other nations. To Americans that is news.... because our media would not even bother (or, of course, purposefully not bother) to report on that. It should be a concern of ours.
what shia terrorism? where? please give me one example.
can you mention one american or european victim by shia terrorist after iran deal ?
shia fighting against isis wahabi terrorist in mosul iraq and syria now.

Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran’s Continuing War against the U.S. and the West

Hey, it's all B.S., don't bother reading it. Everyone lies but you.
i dont want talk about this propaganda article .true or lie isnt about this thread.
afhganistan war is for 15 years ago .
give me one example after iran deal.
ok I read the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" citation------I am impressed that the "TIMES OF ISRAEL" wrote so naïve
a piece--------I am not Israeli-----but know lots-----I never met
an Israeli who would consider "ARABS BLAME IRANIANS"
to be NEWS I mentioned it to hubby whose first thought each morning is ------"must go and get the Hebrew papers"-------he laughed too

How is it naive?

The individual quoted in the Times of Israel article is Hillel Neuer who appears to be most impressive advocate as does his NGO human rights watch organization "UN Watch." Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
Just because the MSM is not interested in righteous criticism and just because politicians do not want to get messy, none of that means news from a very tiny # of sources must not be true.

My comment on the article was not a dismissal of Hillel Neuer-----with whom I am not familiar------I construed "TIMES OF ISRAEL" to be a periodical aimed at the Israeli population for which "arabs blame Iran" WOULD NOT BE NEWS. Naïve is-----the notion "arabs blame Iran"-----
as NEWS----for me and for anyone who has any knowledge of what goes on OVER THERE. I have never seen a copy of "TIMES OF ISRAEL" either. Did you find the article INFORMATIVE?
The article's salient point was simple: Since the Iran deal Iran has only gotten more aggressive in sponsoring Shiite terrorism in other nations. To Americans that is news.... because our media would not even bother (or, of course, purposefully not bother) to report on that. It should be a concern of ours.
what shia terrorism? where? please give me one example.
can you mention one american or european victim by shia terrorist after iran deal ?
shia fighting against isis wahabi terrorist in mosul iraq and syria now.

Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran’s Continuing War against the U.S. and the West

Hey, it's all B.S., don't bother reading it. Everyone lies but you.

Really Zionist news. Bibi has had that bomb pic since 1992, pushing for America to bom bom bom , bom bom Iran. Sick. I am sickened by what we are doing in Syria and helping the Sunnis Arabians in Yemen.
even though you are an Iranian---TRY to stop lying-----the OVERWHELMING majority of the muslims in Yemen are SUNNI not stinking HOUTHI SHIITE. Try to keep in mind---my very own husband was born in the stinking shariah shit hole---YEMEN. The filthy Houthis have been armed with sophisticated weapons by Iran and FORTIFIED with Hezbollah dogs and THEY-----stole the capital city SANAA Hubby's informant-----is from SANAA----a sunni muslim desperately trying to rescue HIS family from the stench of what is actually HOUTHI SHIITE IRANIAN filth. sheeeesh DANI------give up the crap
How is it naive?

The individual quoted in the Times of Israel article is Hillel Neuer who appears to be most impressive advocate as does his NGO human rights watch organization "UN Watch." Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
Just because the MSM is not interested in righteous criticism and just because politicians do not want to get messy, none of that means news from a very tiny # of sources must not be true.

My comment on the article was not a dismissal of Hillel Neuer-----with whom I am not familiar------I construed "TIMES OF ISRAEL" to be a periodical aimed at the Israeli population for which "arabs blame Iran" WOULD NOT BE NEWS. Naïve is-----the notion "arabs blame Iran"-----
as NEWS----for me and for anyone who has any knowledge of what goes on OVER THERE. I have never seen a copy of "TIMES OF ISRAEL" either. Did you find the article INFORMATIVE?
The article's salient point was simple: Since the Iran deal Iran has only gotten more aggressive in sponsoring Shiite terrorism in other nations. To Americans that is news.... because our media would not even bother (or, of course, purposefully not bother) to report on that. It should be a concern of ours.
what shia terrorism? where? please give me one example.
can you mention one american or european victim by shia terrorist after iran deal ?
shia fighting against isis wahabi terrorist in mosul iraq and syria now.

Killing Americans and their Allies: Iran’s Continuing War against the U.S. and the West

Hey, it's all B.S., don't bother reading it. Everyone lies but you.

Really Zionist news. Bibi has had that bomb pic since 1992, pushing for America to bom bom bom , bom bom Iran. Sick. I am sickened by what we are doing in Syria and helping the Sunnis Arabians in Yemen.

You HATE the YEMENIS too? the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF YEMENIS are sunnis-------Yemen was one of the first lands to be ISLAMICIZED after Saudi Arabia In fact----some people call Yemen part of Arabia-----but Saudi Arabia never wanted it---------Saudi Arabia could have easily conquered the land over the past 1400 years., It is the IRANIANS who want to STEAL Yemen------because of its PORTS --ADEN, TAIZ, HODEIDAH etc-----even the ancient port which is part of the earliest city of Yemen---in SHARAB. gee-----I doubt that you ever met either a sunni or a Shiite--------and somehow you decided to hate SUNNIS and LOVE SHIITES
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

Breibart is not news, it's propaganda, and that was money owed to Iran.

it is money being used to fuel Iran's murderous and Imperialist agenda. Anyone interested----speak to a
YEMENI in the USA------Yemen is a very impoverished country and we got "economic immigrants" who usually
work in fairly low level positions------like in gas stations or
small groceries------some own small groceries. They generally speak English well enough. Generally, they are
sunnis and-----as education in Yemen goes----among the

No, they only like sticking up for and saying what is owed to the supporters of Hezbolla.

no---the YEMENIS in the USA are MOSTLY sunnis and they despise the people who have rendered YEMEN soaked in blood over the past two decades-----TO WIT---THE IRANIANS AND HEZBOLLAH. Most of Yemeni population is SUNNI ---the problem there now is a VERY WELL ARMED MINORITY---"HOUTHIS" who are actually Shiites and the CLIENTS OF IRAN----fortified with Hezbollah and on a KILLING SPREE. Say the word "HOUTHI" to any Yemeni in the USA and you can expect that Yemeni to SPIT
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

it was iran money
When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

it was iran money
When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

Breibart is not news, it's propaganda, and that was money owed to Iran.

it is money being used to fuel Iran's murderous and Imperialist agenda. Anyone interested----speak to a
YEMENI in the USA------Yemen is a very impoverished country and we got "economic immigrants" who usually
work in fairly low level positions------like in gas stations or
small groceries------some own small groceries. They generally speak English well enough. Generally, they are
sunnis and-----as education in Yemen goes----among the

No, they only like sticking up for and saying what is owed to the supporters of Hezbolla.

no---the YEMENIS in the USA are MOSTLY sunnis and they despise the people who have rendered YEMEN soaked in blood over the past two decades-----TO WIT---THE IRANIANS AND HEZBOLLAH. Most of Yemeni population is SUNNI ---the problem there now is a VERY WELL ARMED MINORITY---"HOUTHIS" who are actually Shiites and the CLIENTS OF IRAN----fortified with Hezbollah and on a KILLING SPREE. Say the word "HOUTHI" to any Yemeni in the USA and you can expect that Yemeni to SPIT
50 % of yemeni are wild people.they are barbarian.
. just 50 % are real human . and most of them are shia
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

it was iran money
When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
Yep.....obama, the biggest single funder of terrorism in this country.....

Arab Nations: Iran's Sponsorship Of Terrorism Has Only Worsened Since Nuclear Deal - Breitbart

how many Mahdis are there in that cess hole?-----I assumed it was just one------I think one of the sons of Fartimah----but I am not sure

it was iran money
When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
how many Mahdis are there in that cess hole?-----I assumed it was just one------I think one of the sons of Fartimah----but I am not sure

it was iran money
When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
yemeni children killed by suidi arabia airstrike

When take away allowance to punish child, you do not give back until appropriate behavior observed. No back pay. Call it a "military tax". Prove it in court. Not only BO "story". statute of limitations.
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
yemeni children killed by suidi arabia airstrike


yup and even more killed by HOUTHI and HEZBOLLAH shit------talk to some Yemenis -----well you cannot---but people living in the USA can
he isnt child anymore

who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
yemeni children killed by suidi arabia airstrike


yup and even more killed by HOUTHI and HEZBOLLAH shit------talk to some Yemenis -----well you cannot---but people living in the USA can
. you know because your husband born in yemen 100 years ago :badgrin::badgrin:
who? rouhani or the little bastard in the well in Qom?
who is real bastard in the well in qom?
yemeni children killed by suidi arabia airstrike


yup and even more killed by HOUTHI and HEZBOLLAH shit------talk to some Yemenis -----well you cannot---but people living in the USA can
. you know because your husband born in yemen 100 years ago :badgrin::badgrin:

why do you write 100 years ago-----your pimp ROUHANI told you to write stupidity?

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