
Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
I address this in my first chapter of my Book and needs to be discussed because it's clear that they do not understand what an ad hominem excuse is or what it reveals about them.

from : Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1: The Teacher's Syndrome-
*skipping to the portion involving this subject:

What separates me from common man is my ability to see how things are and realize how things could be in a supernal sense. I am not a follower of the masses in the error of their ways.

I want to help people find their way, but I have a problem. My problem arises because I cannot teach people who have no initiative to change, improve, or expand in vision, who cannot be inspired to action because they refuse to self-reflect and recognize their problems and admit to them. Neither will they surrender to the direction or solutions being offered along with such insight, in order to inspire that initiative to action.

There are always excuses. Maybe this is because of how the average person views unpopular truths in life.

Someone discussing this topic with me observed that most humans would rather cling to the security of familiar misery than risk unknown joy. I concur. It’s like the woman who stays with her battering husband.

She knows the misery she's put through is not natural, but she clings to the status quo. Mankind, in the same way, is scared to leave what's familiar, even when they know it's not working out and they could do

better. Mankind in general is truly in denial, willing to live in an abusive society of their own making.

That denial usually causes people to resort to abuses of their own, a denial which turns into deceptive tactics, ongoing rhetoric, and tainted logic often used in deceptive and flawed religious or political discussions in order to make excuses and avoid the problems. These tactics, listed below, consequently get in the way of teaching the unpopular truth and saving people from themselves.

If only they could avoid these traps they set for themselves, and recognize their error in doing these things, then they could stop this nonsense and start listening, which of course would then allow them to actually learn something and perhaps walk away from what is abusing them.

I am constantly fighting this escapist spirit with its powers of untruth. Please try to understand that it can all be rationally addressed in order to be tended to and then cured.

The Basic 10 Tactics Used in Arguments to Avoid Unpopular Truth:

1) The ad hominem argument. Seen too often when someone is attacking the arguer with personal rants, often mixed with false testimony. This never addresses the argument itself; it is only a smokescreen and avoidance technique to avoid unpopular truth.

2) The argument from authority. Though there must be independent confirmation of the facts, they seek to avoid unpopular truth by citing a favorite authority.

3) The argument from adverse consequences. Pointing out dire consequences of an “unfavorable" decision, like going to hell, needing to be saved, and other condemning and degrading commentary – all used to avoid unpopular truth.

4) The argument from absence of evidence. Merely stating their opinion, which is unfounded in substance and not backed by any reality, reason, or proof, relying on the bare false claim or observation per se to avoid unpopular truth. Obviously they have no foot to stand on, nor any substance to offer.

5) The smokescreening attempt. A drawing away from the attention of the original point or argument by putting up a smokescreen between them and the unpopular truth.

6) The blatant denial. Displacing everything; always refusing to admit to anything, sometimes in the form of accusing others instead, in order to displace the blame and guilt they associate with acceptance of the unpopular truth.

7) Making it disappear by not wanting to address it; in other words running away or trying to hide or censor the unpopular truth by flooding posts or banning the messenger of the unpopular truth.

8) The selective observation. Picking and choosing small portions sometimes even outside the context to avoid the main or whole issue addressed. Often used as part of the smokescreen and avoidance tactic.

9) The drawing of conclusions from inadequate sample sizes. Forgetting the many times something never occurred while dwelling on the few times or one time it did occur, thus being selective in what they want to see.

10) The inconsistency factor. Contradicting themselves and/or their own scriptures and/or icons, sometimes playing both sides of the field switching back and forth to whichever fits their arguments in a misguided need to save face when confronted with the unpopular truth. So there you have the ten basic mental scapegoats used to avoid unpopular truth. Accordingly we will never get to where we want and need to be, until we learn to face the unpopular truth head on without these excuses.

The first step is to actually hear what the speaker is saying. The problem is that, when you hear or see something that's unpopular but true, you start evaluating and conceptualizing it as it gets amplified through emotions in a quick short stage of processing in which you are compelled to make a hasty decision. This decision is filtered by prior experiences, fears, and even pride, which in the end changes the perception or the input to what you are willing to accept of it and not what that input was intended to be viewed or understood. These extraneous outside factors affect your honesty within your own belief system as well as subject to simple errors distorting ones outlook on the subject.

That is why there is always a problem being a real honest teacher in a world that seeks displacement and excuses rather then insightful solutions. It seems it is always the teachers of the unpopular truth throughout the ages who have been persecuted, not for who they were and what they offered, but because they hit the raw nerve of the ego of man or were a threat to the status quo.

Ever hear of the good teacher is unpopular syndrome? Students hate the teacher who tries to get them to do work and stay straight in their path in order to grow in intellect and purpose. However, they love the teacher who lets them get away with everything. So to them the good teacher is evil, but the failed teacher is nice, even though in reality the poor teacher is not leading them to be all they could and should be. It’s like the gentiles who have love for Paul the apostate Pharisee who removes all homework (deeds and commands), but have dislike for the true Jews who tried to teach these proper values that brought civility.

This is what causes Israel to be the suffering servant in Isaiah chapters 42-54, as the holder of the unpopular truth spoken about in the "MIKEitz" portion of the Torah. For holding dear to these commands they must sacrifice holding these unpopular truths till the time they are proven right in the long run. Sometimes these things aren't appreciated or understood until we see and live through life adverse to these...(shortened)./
Lol...It never changes of course Hobe is still going on about the sacrificing of farm animals Yada Yada even though there was an offering of a lamb in the morning and in the evening and it was to be forever so that the priests and Levis could have something to eat... Yup I am sure he will start ranting about it again but hey he just wants to knock over everyone's barbecue and tell them to become vegans....I also find it humorous how people find it difficult to envision a moshiach... I myself see it like this every corporation has or government or organization has one person in charge that person is not doing all the work or is some supernatural beings he is just organizing and delegating responsibility for things that need to be done and if there is a problem he is either working it out or making the final decision so things can be accomplished... In most cases a Moschiach or head of the hosts would be teaching people and returning them back in line from areas they had deviated from... Doctors do this with patients that are not looking after themselves coaches do this with players who are not being all they could be and are not helping the team but hindering it and the list goes on and on....
I know it boggles the mind that they comprehend and believe the Pope exists yet they don't get the simple correlation of "the rerurn" of the head priest at the return of the Temple.
Of course this is all due to the fact they reinvent the role or persona when anthropromorphizing the title into a deity mythical fantasy image.
Even the non believers and church haters are duped into this false precept of the Hebrew concept of Moshiach thus they truly do keep the Shiloh from coming to that ancestoral inheritance (rightful place as royal Messiah).

1QM v, 1-2 (not to be confused with 1QM 1-2)Mentions:little room to act as the Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (Busy fighting through the folly, smoke screens, and spiteful deceptions before he can look royal or in political terms; presidential), then it says:"God himself is the supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael."
Small sample size of ad hominem responses to various discussions by various posters not just my commentaries:

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

-end small sample size-

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic.
I think about 3 Angry Christians replied to my topics with lies that there were "no sources" and yet the post as most of mine have had many sources=caught lying and missleading the topic instead of discussing it like adults.
The "no source" ad hominem response is very problematic for them not just because it's a blatant lie anyone can see, but because they are subject to that standard that they themselves never meet with zero sources in their merw subjective commentary.
Furthermore when their own text or idols words are used then this is rejecting their own text and idol as having any validity or use=checkmate as their argument removes their own king and their game is over.
Yah the old shoot the " messenger" syndrome....Seen it in so many places with you I wonder if any of them realize just how humorous it is...L mean if someone walks up to a homeowner and knocks on his door and says excuse me but I noticed some of your tiles on your roof are loose and it is going to rain tonight and instead of the homeowner thanking the guy for the message he rants on him and tells him to go away... Then doesn't the homeowner deserve to be flooded out ... Of course showing how funny it is the homeowner/ Christian is just mad because you are using their tried and true tactics against them and are doing a better job of pointing out their deficiencies... They do not really care if a storm is coming and they are going to get flooded out because you hurt their ego by pointing out where they and their hero( that peculiar carpenter.... Wink) didn't do the proper job of protecting them and theirs from whatever storm is heading their way...
Are you one of those Orthodox Jews that doesn't have a job and goes to the synagogue all day and argues with other Orthodox Jews and then come home and post this stuff on this forum?
Why don't you dig into that Vatican archive to find out who I am.
Orthodox Jews don't spend their time arguing with other Jews ...They pray, then they all get together for a communal meal then they say amicable goodbyes and get on with their days like everyone else wherever did you get such strange ideas Blackrook... Shocking but some have jobs...Maybe some play chess and have kicked your rook all over the board is that why you are angry...Regardless I think my kNIGHT took your rook....wink...
One of the most disturbing Ad Hominems has been the ole you must be crazy-insane- etc. because they'd have to admit they were the un-Shalem ones (=un-stable) who wasted their lives on a bad charade perpetrated by the enemies of the anointed.

Just because they don't understand another cultures ideology or precepts or because they are to lazy to research the resources available to them readilly and effortlessly in our computer age.
If they truly thought someone ill they would get them help not abuse them.
So what is the fatuation to avoid unpopular truth by hating on, harassing, displacement behavior, and abusing disabled people?

Very telling of their true cruel nature and their cold and callous hearts.
Nice to know that I'm so despised by Christians that they fulfill me in Isaiah 53 & the rest of these verses (*according to their own standards of reasoning*).
Isaiah 53:3 "Despised and rejected of men.", it cannot be a match to Jesus with the Christian Bible showing a man who was supposedly "praised by all"(Luke 2 :52,
Luke 4:14-15) and followed by multitudes (Matt. 4:25).
So then according to Christian standards I must be Called God's servant throughout Isaiah, both explicitly (Isa. 41:8-9; 44:1-2; 45:4; 48:20; 49:3) and implicitly (Isa. 42:19-20; 43:10, 52:13)
In 53:1 "And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"
52:15 - 53:1 "So shall he (the servant) startle many nations, the kings will stand speechless; For that which had not been told them they shall see and that which they had not heard shall they ponder. Who would believe what we have heard?"
In chapter 52, for example, ACCORDING TO CHRISTIAN STANDARDS I MUST BE "oppressed without cause" (v.4) and "taken away" (v.5).
Then you have to realize who Isaiah already exposed as the Messiah through the oral traditions and through the commentary. Isaiah first of all mentions the Prince of the Congregation-"Michael", as the Davidic Messiah (scroll 4 Q285 Fr. 5 which is written in the Book of Isaiah & In the "Isaiah Commentary" scroll: (IQSb,v 20-29), who slays by strokes (writings)with his sword (words), and claims "He'll Proclaim liberty to the captives" (Those bound by the Roman Authority) (Isaiah lxi,I)

In Isaiah 44-45 it's the redeemer(haSheva) who changes Cyrus heart and in Dan 10 the person battling the concious of the King/Prince of Persia is none other then Michael.
Since I will be mocked and persecuted over just sharing the messages I share and as seen by the way people treat me for getting to facts and exposing the fictions,
ACCORDING TO THEIR STANDARD (NOT MINE) I've fulfilled 11-13 more verses in scripture relating to this attack the messenger mentality. (Hymn 12,13,&14, PSALMS 22:7-8 & 22:14, Psalm 27:12, PSALMS 109:2-3, Zechariah 12:10, Isaiah 53:4, 53:7,& 53:12)

What else is fulfilled by the heart of Christians who seek to attack the messenger and not refute the message?
For the "Lord of hosts"
has a day against all that is proud and lofty...
And the haughtiness of man shall be humbled,
and the pride of men shall be brought low;
Isaiah 2.12-17

Psalm 52:1 .."Why do you boast, O mighty man, of mischief done against the godly? All the day
2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery.
3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth.
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
and truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15) The wickedness of the times will have it's effect upon children, who will act brazenly and disrespectfully towards elders, including their parents and parents-in-law. . The exemplary behavior of sin-fearing individuals, who will try to serve G-d, will not be followed, but rather they will be scorned and despised.

EXODUS 23:20 " Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him.

Thanksgiving Hymn 12
I seek thee and sure as the night that gives light to me.
Thou appearest as reflected light to me.
Teachers of lies have misled thy people with words,
and false prophets have led them astray;
they perish without understanding for their works are in folly.
For I am despised by them and they have no esteem for me that thou manifest thy might through me.
They have banished me from my land like a bird from it nest;
all my friends and Brethren are driven far from me and hold me for a broken vessel.
And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood,
have schemed against me a devilish scheme,
to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by thee for the smooth things which they speak to thy people.
And they withhold from the Thirsty the trend of knowledge (I.E. They keep info from the followers)......
But thou, O God, dost despise all Belial's designs....(Belial=Bel the fallen angel/SATAN/Sun-Son god)
Hymn 13 Wicked and fierce have stormed against me with their afflictions, they have pounded my soul all day. But Thou, oh my God, has change the tempest to a breeze; Thou has delivered the soul of the poor one like
a bird from the "NET" and like prey from the mouth of “Lions”.
Hymn 14 But I have been iniquity to those who contend with me, dispute and quarreling to my friends, Wrath to the members of my covenant and murmuring and protest to all my companions. All who had eaten my bread (taken my concepts, ideas, words, & insight) have lifted their heel against me, and all those joined to my Council have mocked me with wicked lips. The members of my covenant have rebelled and have murmured round about me, they have gone as talebearers before the children of mischief concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me. And to show thy greatness through me, and because of their guilt, thou has hidden in the fountain of understanding and the counsel of truth.............
they let fly those poisonous darts, vipers venom against which there is no charm; (in other words countering or protecting from this behavior, or exposing it, will not seem gracious) and this has brought incurable pain, and malignant scourge within the body of thy servant, causing his spirit to faint and draining his strength so that he maintains no firm Stand.......
They sound my censor upon a “HARP” and their murmuring and storming upon a Zither.....
According to the mysteries of sin, they change the works of God by their transgression.

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