Zone1 If Jesus Was A Jew

Good for you.

Evidence from the Babylonian Talmud​

There are only a few clear references to Jesus in the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings compiled between approximately A.D. 70-500. Given this time frame, it is naturally supposed that earlier references to Jesus are more likely to be historically reliable than later ones. In the case of the Talmud, the earliest period of compilation occurred between A.D. 70-200.[20] The most significant reference to Jesus from this period states:

[21] The Babylonian Talmud, transl. by I. Epstein (London: Soncino, 1935), vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a, 281, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, 203.
That is hilarious. You are taking the Soncino translation's inclusion of a word as Yeshu to be meaningful ?

If you'd like me to post an image or three of the specific talmudic pages and you won't find any Jesus on any of them. Just let me know.
You believe that Hitler was a totally normal human being? Totally normal?


Are you insane?


Do you also think that Joseph Goebbels and Josef Mengele were two totally normal loving family men?

In case of Josef Mengele I'm not sure. But also Joseph Goebbels was a totally normal human being. You seem to think men are per se "loving family men". This is weird. Education and experience is able to make someone to a "loving family man". Whether this is "normal" or not I do not know. I love it to be a loving family man. Christian socialisation and education. The astonishing thing in case of Goebbels: He was unbelievable intelligent but completely in bondage to Hitler.

By the way: Very most of the leading Nazis had been educated in school to be humanists.


You call it narcissism. I would call it malignant narcissism

Narcissism is not to take a look into a mirror and to make yourself beautiful. Narcissism is always deadly. The combination malignant and narcissism makes for me not a big sense. Narcissism is a psychological sickness in my view to the world. A sickness is not malignant - a sickness is a sickness - is just simple a kind of "wrongness" which is able to be corrected if we know how to do it. That's a question of medical research.

but still its just another word for INSANE

Hitler was an artist. He liked to become the most famous German. He became the most famous German by creating an unbelievable piece of artwork: the Endlösung, the Shoa, the Holocaust. Absurd or not absurd - he did do it and was ready to pay the price.
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Jesus redeemed the world. This means the Way of Salvation is open to everyone. Will all choose salvation, choose to worship God, make Him their first priority? Sadly, no. Will that stop God from calling them to salvation? Happily, no.

How do you explain Pharaoh in the Bible? There was a point where God participated in the heart-hardening. In my own words, (and a loose paraphrase of the Bible), God "gave him over".

Spiritual battles are a very real thing that people take too lightly. At some point, when you mess with dark things, God might give you over to them.

A harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless.

(universal "you", not you specifically)
How do you explain Pharaoh in the Bible? There was a point where God participated in the heart-hardening. In my own words, (and a loose paraphrase of the Bible), God "gave him over".

Spiritual battles are a very real thing that people take too lightly. At some point, when you mess with dark things, God might give you over to them.

A harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless.

(universal "you", not you specifically)
The best explanation/analogy regarding Pharaoh is noting how sun affects different materials: It melts wax, it hardens clay. With Pharaoh, we see an inclination within him to do the right thing, to free the Israelites. But the material liabilities (his own wealth and comfort) were also factoring into his decision. His love of self (clay) was greater than his love of others (wax). God fought hard for Pharaoh, but in the end it is always our own choice that God allows. Pharaoh could have joined in God's plans, but Pharaoh's own plans were always his priority.

We see this hardening of hearts in earthly matters as well. For example, the more part of the country claims President Trump has the best interests of the country at heart, the more the other part of the country hardens their hearts against him. The same man who melted the hearts of some, hardened the hearts of others.

Consider how many times, and over how many years, God worked with Pharaoh. God is patient, God is kind--and He has His own plans, His own work which will prevail. When His work does prevail...well look at the reaction of some of the people of Israel. They lamented their freedom, arguing they should have remained in Egypt!

No, God does not give us over to dark things. God remains love and goodness--it is who He is. It is the individual who turns from love and goodness (which softens our hearts) to favor material wealth and/or selfishness, self-interests (which hardens our hearts).
emerging from CHAOS ----of course
Lots of people confuse the inherent attributes of life with evolution / natural selection. Confusing the inherent attributes of life with chaos is a new one on me. This is pretty simple, life and intelligence were preordained by the laws of nature which were in place before time and space itself.
That is hilarious. You are taking the Soncino translation's inclusion of a word as Yeshu to be meaningful ?

If you'd like me to post an image or three of the specific talmudic pages and you won't find any Jesus on any of them. Just let me know.
Yes, coupled with the other testimony, I am.

Both Josephus and Lucian indicate that Jesus was regarded as wise. Second, Pliny, the Talmud, and Lucian imply He was a powerful and revered teacher. Third, both Josephus and the Talmud indicate He performed miraculous feats. Fourth, Tacitus, Josephus, the Talmud, and Lucian all mention that He was crucified. Tacitus and Josephus say this occurred under Pontius Pilate. And the Talmud declares it happened on the eve of Passover. Fifth, there are possible references to the Christian belief in Jesus' resurrection in both Tacitus and Josephus. Sixth, Josephus records that Jesus' followers believed He was the Christ, or Messiah. And finally, both Pliny and Lucian indicate that Christians worshipped Jesus as God!"
I wouldn't expect them to anymore than you should expect me to buy into your bullshit that you aren't pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.
I don't expect anything of you. You continue to be wrong, but that suits you.
Yes, coupled with the other testimony, I am.

Both Josephus and Lucian indicate that Jesus was regarded as wise. Second, Pliny, the Talmud, and Lucian imply He was a powerful and revered teacher. Third, both Josephus and the Talmud indicate He performed miraculous feats. Fourth, Tacitus, Josephus, the Talmud, and Lucian all mention that He was crucified. Tacitus and Josephus say this occurred under Pontius Pilate. And the Talmud declares it happened on the eve of Passover. Fifth, there are possible references to the Christian belief in Jesus' resurrection in both Tacitus and Josephus. Sixth, Josephus records that Jesus' followers believed He was the Christ, or Messiah. And finally, both Pliny and Lucian indicate that Christians worshipped Jesus as God!"
except Jesus is never mentioned in the talmud, and certainly never say anyone was crucified and you can't show otherwise. So keep shouting into your echo chamber. Those of us who actually can read the talmud and study it daily know your "source" is stuck in ignorance.
except Jesus is never mentioned in the talmud, and certainly never say anyone was crucified and you can't show otherwise. So keep shouting into your echo chamber. Those of us who actually can read the talmud and study it daily know your "source" is stuck in ignorance.
I already addressed that

Hitler was an artist. He liked to become the most famous German. He became the most famous German by creating an unbelievable piece of artwork: the Endlösung, the Shoa, the Holocaust. Absurd or not absurd - he did do it and was ready to pay the price.


Says the weird creature who said," The only things you know about me is it, that I am a blond and blue eyed German Catholic, who has also Jewish ancestors and that I don't smoke, never drink alcohol and that I use no drugs" You left out unrepentant Hitler loving Nazi. Now everyone knows.

Thanks for finally exposing what lurks within even if it was because you were compelled to. Nazi.

Sure, he paid the price. The shame of eternal abhorrence. Are you expecting presents from God?

Copra Sanctum!


Serios question - did you really call me "Nazi", racist weirdo? In this case I suggest to you to try to speak as soon a possible with god personally. And I suggest to you: If you are a slave of Putin or a slave of anyone else - like Donald Trump or Elon Murks for example - then change this. Now!

Says the weird creature who said," The only things you know about me is it, that I am a blond and blue eyed German Catholic, who has also Jewish ancestors and that I don't smoke, never drink alcohol and that I use no drugs" ...

The statement here is true - but you do not know thsi. You are only able to believe what I say or to let it be to believe what I say. "To believe" or "not to believe" is nothing what's your own choice. The question is only whether it is right or wrong what you say what you like to believe.

Says the weird creature who said," The only things you know about me is it, that I am a blond and blue eyed German Catholic, who has also Jewish ancestors and that I don't smoke, never drink alcohol and that I use no drugs" You left out unrepentant Hitler loving Nazi. Now everyone knows.

Thanks for finally exposing what lurks within even if it was because you were compelled to. Nazi.

Sure, he paid the price. The shame of eternal abhorrence. Are you expecting presents from God?

Hitler did not believe in god. And I also doubt you believe in god. Hitler payed with his ugly form to live and to die.

Copra Sanctum!

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Yes I really called you Nazi.. Are you hard of reading? You are the dimwit who posted this gem;

"Hitler was an artist. He liked to become the most famous German. He became the most famous German by creating an unbelievable piece of artwork: the Endlösung, the Shoa, the Holocaust."

and then act surprised that I called you a nazi? WTF!

You make Hitler famous - not I do so. For me Hitler is only a poor idiot. Tell me something about a German who is more familiar with you or more famous for you than is Adolf Hitler.

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