Emphasis Is The New Game In Town


Sep 23, 2010
Let me begin by pointing out how the definitions of worship and religion overlap, while neither word mentions organized religion which is actually organized worship. One definition of religion comes close to saying ORGANIZED RELIGION: b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

religion (noun)
Abbr. rel., relig.

1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.


worship (noun)

1.a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.

2. Ardent devotion; adoration.

3. Often Worship . Chiefly British. Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship.

worshiped or worshipped worshiping or worshipping worships or worships verb, transitive

1. To honor and love as a deity.

2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. See synonyms at revere1.

verb, intransitive

1. To participate in religious rites of worship.

2. To perform an act of worship.

worshiper or worshipper noun

A constitutional protection for freedom of worship makes no sense to me because worship does not have to be institutional (organized):

The Obama administration routinely has cited “freedom of worship” as a right protected by the U.S. Constitution instead of “freedom of religion.”​

Freedom of speech protects worship if individuals insist on telling the world what they worship; whereas, freedom of religion is designed to protect a group. In other words, individuals can worship anything they please. (Keeping their mouths shut about it is the only protection they really need.)

Worship requires protection when worshipers proselytize for money; that is when worship becomes an organized religion. In short: If more than one person worships the same thing they only require protection after their worship becomes an organized religion. In that narrow sense Wall Street stock brokers are entitled to First Amendment protection because they worship money:
(2. Ardent devotion; adoration.)

NOTE: The First Amendment’s protection is necessary to prevent one group from abusing another group. The best-known example is Muslims as a group killing opposing groups such as Jews and Christians.

Taqiyya the Liar had good reason for his scam:

It shows the Obama administration seems to be trying to move the United States away from freedom of religion.​

The Chicago sewer rat, and all of his little rat admirers, fear the day Socialism/Communism will be legally defined as a religion which it is, while Islam is legally defined as a political movement which it is. Socialists/Communists lose access to the public purse, while Muslims lose First Amendment protection.

And would you not love to hear the sewer rat explain how the individuals covered by his scam would lose their Right to worship any damn thing they choose? Happily, Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla. smelled a rat:

“We in the United States actually have freedom of religion, not freedom of worship,” Lankford said.​

Obama backtracks on 'freedom of worship' vs. 'freedom of religion'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 04/08/2016 @ 8:21 pm

Obama backtracks on ‘freedom of worship’ vs. ‘freedom of religion’

Finally, the sewer rat was attempting to shift the emphasis of the First Amendment’s intent rather than waste time on the impossibility of changing the definition of words. In the same vain, Charles Krauthammer referred to another attempt to shift emphasis when he said:

. . . we put much more emphasis on the individual, on liberty versus equality. There is a reason that in the New York Harbor there’s a Statue of Liberty — it’s not a Statue of Equality.​

I believe Religion is just a devotion to a philosophy and ideology, and that only some of those philosophies believe in supernatural power, because they are to lazy to define or explore what those processes are including mistaking selective recognition as miracles.
Other religions are not an ideology based on supernatural but describing and defining the powers so as to understand that Essemce of Nature in order to be in line and proper path within our creation (Life).
Atheism and agnostics philosophy and ideology is that life is about nature, humanism, evolving and yet these things are expressed in Judaism and Taoist and other Religions just defined and explained further so we can understand that nature, reflect and manifest that nature and determine if we are inline or going against the grain in life.
Some religions want call everything a mystery or make up myths while others want to solve, describe, and progress on or from archaic notions and precepts.
I believe Religion is just a devotion to a philosophy and ideology, and that only some of those philosophies believe in supernatural power, because they are to lazy to define or explore what those processes are including mistaking selective recognition as miracles.
To HaShev: I am not big on organized religion’s priesthoods.

I noticed that you do not distinguish religion from organized religion as I often do. For the record, this excerpt is a tongue-in-cheek interpretation of priesthoods and organized religion as I understand them:

Since the day organized religion was invented every priesthood worked to make their religion the one true religion. That never-ending “competition” put the human race on a fast track to hell the day the one God notion ejaculated organized religion as it is practiced today. From the beginning the elimination of every other religion took priority over forcing everybody to believe in God. Basically, religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists. In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.

Incidentally, people who believe in God, but not religion, do not give a rat’s ass what others believe. Did you ever hear of an individual who believed in God beating up someone because they adhered to a religion? How many times has the world seen fanatical believers in one religion trying to wipe out, or convert by force, believers in another religion.

Today’s Muslims reaffirm my long-held view. Individuals were spiritually better-off when there were a bunch of gods; each one specializing in a different realm of piety —— the same as specialists in medicine and law. There are more benefits to be realized from tolerating a plethora of gods as opposed to putting all of our nuts in one squirrel cage.

Assuming the tools for self-defense, rapid communications, etc., would be in the same place today had the one God idea been completed rejected down through the ages, I wonder what the world would be like in the 21st century?

One thing cannot be denied. Societal insistence on a belief in one God rewarded ambition and ambitious government since its inception. In the modern world ambition replaced achievement. More importantly, a one government world is the evolutionary consequence of a one God universe.

The major problem with a one government world is that it will probably be a Socialist/Communist totalitarian government, or an equally totalitarian Supreme Deity theocracy. Until then, freedom-loving people still have the option of calling upon the much praised, always ignored, wisdom of the ancients who had a top God right along with a bunch of lesser gods. That’s probably the model for our own president and members of Congress.

NOTE: Hinduism teaches a belief in a Supreme Being of many forms and natures, but it falls short of endorsing the ancient belief in numerous gods who spent all of their time aggravating the boss if I remember Roman and Greek mythology accurately.

Alas, the one God crowd controlling governments won’t hear of multiple gods. It’s all or nothing for them, and what is worse from their point of view is that the multiple-god system of religion would most certainly unleash the forces of cynicism. God forbid a cynical distrust of priests and politicians be encouraged.

Let’s say there really are supernatural forces concerned with the individual’s spiritual well-being in the next world. A quick look at the past two thousand years should tell everyone the workload is just too much for one God. I know this is so because even the Pope has trouble getting through to the boss. For as long as I can remember, every time it was reported “Pope Prays For Peace” I knew a lot of people were about to die somewhere in the world.

On the other hand, Muslim extremists bent on killing infidels appear to have a direct line to their guy —— they thank Allah for answering their prayers after every successful act of terrorism. (I have to admit God is Good —— to terrorists.)

Roman Catholicism does have saints on the payroll to handle minor requests, but if it’s a serious matter you have to get in touch with God. At least with an army of equal gods on call there is a good chance your special favorite will be available to hear your request in times of personal distress.

As it stands now, if you want your prayers to be heard where it counts you are expected to go through a middleman to reach God’s ear before your petition is considered. God’s earthly gatekeepers will never admit it at a prayer meeting, but they frown upon direct personal contact with the CEO whenever that contact is too far removed from the collection plate.

Of course, the salespeople merchandising assorted gods would still expect a small donation. Nevertheless, a bit of healthy competition in the hereafter marketplace should keep donations, and political power, at reasonably low levels; benefits not to be taken lightly.

The ideal is for every god to stay out of government altogether; however, being part realist and part cynic the best I can expect is severely restricted religious participation in the mundane affairs of severely limited government. A thousand or so full-fledged gods cutting up the take doesn’t leave much room for mischief caused by the one God sharpshooters splitting the pot, and the soul pool, among themselves.

Even though I have a hankering for more gods, I’m convinced that all of those one God religions is a negative thing. The followers of every supreme God always end up trying to assert their own guy’s Right to occupy the apex unchallenged. And now we have to contend with the Socialist priesthood pushing their God of economic morality in addition to the zealots of every other one and only True God strangling mankind. God! —— Will humanity never see an end to religious meddling?

Having said the above, I have to admit it is possible for every person in the world to belong to one of the traditional organized religions. Every religion except Socialism would gladly embrace everyone. However, Socialism’s true believers must feed on the labors of others without giving anything of value in return; so there must always be a large percentage of the population excluded from joining the congregation.

Throughout history, the hierarchies of organized religion took all the best of it because they, too, lived on the labors of their flocks. In return for a church’s riches priesthoods offered the laity God, and a better life in the hereafter. As Socialism gains political influence through taxation its liberal priests must finally be exposed as the frauds they are because they cannot offer eternal life to the people who do the work. Indeed, Socialists dare not bestow church membership on the working class because it is absolutely impossible for everyone to live well on tax dollars. Somebody has to do the work and that somebody is NOT going to be a Socialist priest.

Of course, Socialism’s advocates try to cover all bases by claiming:

"From each according to his ability; to each according to his need."​

Or so the Socialist B.S. goes. The precise translation of that little gem means if you are a tax dollar rich Socialist you are entitled to all you can get, but if you work your ass off struggling to remain one jump ahead of abject poverty and the man with the gun that’s all you need.

In truth, one God religions sell eternal salvation to the workers while Socialism promotes tax slavery without offering any spiritual reward; leading to the obvious conclusion —— Socialism is one sorry-ass religion when you get right down to it.

The Man With The Gun
Other religions are not an ideology based on supernatural but describing and defining the powers so as to understand that Essemce of Nature in order to be in line and proper path within our creation (Life).
To HaShev: I also noticed that you use the word essence in relation to nature. The connection smacks of a backdoor approach to environmental crapola.

I use “essence” in this sense:

Those of us who believe in God believe that God’s essence is in us without envisioning God in human form.

Unconnected To Common Decency
No you were on the right track in describing many religions as politically controlled and motivated entities like Rome's political power(horn) hidden behind the mask of a religious authority (2nd horn=power) thus the symbol of the beast being the 2 horn scarlet devil(color of Rome). This symbolised what you are describing of organized religions, like
Islam, which is doing what the early church did, hiding the political behind the religious while forcing conversion and conquering by force instead of truth and knowledge.

When I speak of Essence that essence is in the definition of the Holy city's name.
Which is why I say it's like there are cliff notes in the mere name and it's legend.
Yeru-Shalem means city of Shalem meaning Completeness-wholeness=to evolve to all we could and should be.
No you were on the right track in describing many religions as politically controlled and motivated entities like Rome's political power(horn) hidden behind the mask of a religious authority (2nd horn=power) thus the symbol of the beast being the 2 horn scarlet devil(color of Rome). This symbolised what you are describing of organized religions, like
Islam, which is doing what the early church did, hiding the political behind the religious while forcing conversion and conquering by force instead of truth and knowledge.

When I speak of Essence that essence is in the definition of the Holy city's name.
Which is why I say it's like there are cliff notes in the mere name and it's legend.
Yeru-Shalem means city of Shalem meaning Completeness-wholeness=to evolve to all we could and should be.
To HaShev: It is not that complicated. Theocracy has never been anything more than dirty little moralists chasing after wealth and absolute power.

Incidentally, how many monkeys? how many typewriters, and how long did it take them to peck out that mini-masterpiece? Or did you actually write it yourself?
If you are referring to my book it was painstakingly done by compiling many of my seperate commentary and essays in a manner making it fit a seemless pattern that fit together in transitional chapters that make sense together. Sort of like trying to pick sequences of songs for a concert or album, which surprisingly is more difficult then the actual writing.
Since some of it is from such commentary then some of it is expanded on from former commentary or resources and ideas or unknown authorships with my new spin and take.
Sort of like the complaint about the various religious Bibles, they take the cultures familiarity and language and expand or create new precepts from them.
We are all a compilation of what we learn or are influenced by in art, music, writing, philosophy etc.
In the physical copy version which might also properly convey to the Ebook pages, there are some interesting easter eggs. Events that occured soon after and which might have shaped policy or actions of those who received the Book and conciously or subconciously acted in conjunction.
There are also correlating pages to their date of events and capitalized phrases which deal with events that occured on said date and said date that secrets something hidden in that.
The only purposeful clue was my signature in the number of pages in the Book.
An odd 101 pages. Everything else was

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