FDA Admits COVID Vaccine Was Never Studied for Transmission Prevention

I never got the deadly poison.

I warned thousands of others against getting it. Currently it is killing so many people especially with cancers. We have a list of the December deaths which are mostly females dropping dead from all types of brain and uterine cancers. The men are dying from colon cancers. They are young mostly in their 40s.

Their deaths are on time.
In 2020 the doctors who warned against the COVID vaccine said It was NEVER created for humans. Its like roach spray in liquid form. The doctors said many who got the COVID vaccine would start dying 3-5 and 7-10 years later. We are in the 3-5 year incubation of those first deaths from the COVID vaccine.
I took the first round but refused the second one.
I'm pretty sure I got COVID around March of the first year. I can't be sure because I never got tested. But I survived it, it wasn't too bad, I had a little difficulty breathing for a couple of days and a massive headache around the 4th or 5th day.

How I got it is I was 2 hours early for a studio session in Hermosa Beach, it was 8 am and it started raining, and I was dressed for the beach in shorts and floppies, so I sought shelter in the nearest Starbucks. Where it turns out the local homeless community was also seeking shelter. I distinctly remember one woman coughing pretty hard, that's probably how I got it.

Anyway, after surviving it I didn't worry anymore. There was no need for a clot shot, I have a genetically strong immune system in the first place and figured I acquired natural immunity.

Since then I've been at plenty of super-spreader events and never got sick. Wifey is an MD, she was working at a hospital in Tulsa and they pressed her into service treating COVID patients, she never got sick at all. (And finagled her way out of getting vaxxed, which was a requirement for continuing employment at that facility). Our kids never got sick either, even though they continued attending school where there were plenty of absences. The kids wore masks for about a month, till it became clear that masks didn't really help.

Let's see, in Los Angeles we have Terminal Island federal prison, which became a case study for viral transmission through industrial air. Something like a third of the inmates died, just about everyone got sick. It would be interesting to look at that population "now", to see how many of them have cancer (because they all got vaxxed).
I'm pretty sure I got COVID around March of the first year. I can't be sure because I never got tested. But I survived it, it wasn't too bad, I had a little difficulty breathing for a couple of days and a massive headache around the 4th or 5th day.

How I got it is I was 2 hours early for a studio session in Hermosa Beach, it was 8 am and it started raining, and I was dressed for the beach in shorts and floppies, so I sought shelter in the nearest Starbucks. Where it turns out the local homeless community was also seeking shelter. I distinctly remember one woman coughing pretty hard, that's probably how I got it.

Anyway, after surviving it I didn't worry anymore. There was no need for a clot shot, I have a genetically strong immune system in the first place and figured I acquired natural immunity.

Since then I've been at plenty of super-spreader events and never got sick. Wifey is an MD, she was working at a hospital in Tulsa and they pressed her into service treating COVID patients, she never got sick at all. (And finagled her way out of getting vaxxed, which was a requirement for continuing employment at that facility). Our kids never got sick either, even though they continued attending school where there were plenty of absences. The kids wore masks for about a month, till it became clear that masks didn't really help.

Let's see, in Los Angeles we have Terminal Island federal prison, which became a case study for viral transmission through industrial air. Something like a third of the inmates died, just about everyone got sick. It would be interesting to look at that population "now", to see how many of them have cancer (because they all got vaxxed).
The moral of the story is, "Never position yourself downwind from a coughing homeless woman." ...... partiulary in a humid invironment such as Starbucks.

The bats all carry any number of the Corona family of viruses plus rabies .
But none ever die from these diseases . Work was carried out by Wuhan researchers in caves in north China

Because the smart little creatures learned to produce Vitamin C, 24x7 .
We cannot .

I took 6000 mgs of Vitamin C a day ( down to three now) plus Vitamin D3 .

Have not sniffed or coughed etc etc . Ever .

Well choke my chicken!

You do not say!

It is so interesting to see that THOSE WHO CLAIMED THE VACCINE WAS NOT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE were correct all along.

Dont you guys love all of the contrition and recantations of the LIES pushed by the COVID CULT?

They were WRONG. Yet, they will not change their course. They just keel driving down dumb fuck street.
Everyone I know that took the vaccine stopped short of the boosters as more information came out. I took the first round(2 shot dose) because my wife(MD) said I should. She did as well as she trusted the science as she always has and was trained to do. We both refused to take anything further as more and more information began to emerge. Anecdotally speaking, many of my wife’s colleagues, who are cardiologists, did the same after seeing an uptick in inexplicable heart issues from perfectly healthy individuals.

Here’s to hoping that our gullibility doesn’t cause any long term health effects. I never had my kids vaccinated. I was adamant about not doing that from the get go. It made not sense at all given their very low risk factor.

I just watched Kings of Tupelo

There’s a whole lotta crazy out there and its not confined to Tupelo or Mississippi

A lot of it is on this thread
OP, Impossible!


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