No More obama Stickers...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... I can't help but notice that this presidential election year there is a marked decline in the amount of obama stickers I see on cars. In 2008 they were plastered everywhere. 2012, not even a fraction as many, and probably 2/3 of the ones I do see are old and faded obviously from 2008.

The magic is gone. The vast majority of people that voted for this lying little radical prick last time didn't like getting taken for fools, so even if they won't vote for Romney, they won't vote for the kenyan either.

obama is so gone in November it ain't even funny. The only ones left supporting him at this point are the radicals, the racist blacks, the retarded, the blind leftists hacks and everyone expecting to get a handout from obama's socialist agenda. Anyone that wants a JOB and is fed up with the kenyan's spending and debt will NOT vote him.
I'll really miss you around here once Obama wins. What site will you spew your potty mouthed bullshit on once you are banned from this site?
I have not seen one Romney sticker either, you guyz out of racists pro republiklan bumper stickers?

In all fairness, I haven't either.

But that's got NOTHING to do with the OP. The point is, there was obama for president stickers EVERYWHERE in 2008. Now, nope, nadda, zip, zilch. The ole black magic is gone. It's just another distinct sign of how much support he's lost among the thinking people of America. People were told they could buy a bag of rainbows and unicorns last time only to find out it was a lying bag of shit. They're not buying the same bag of shit a second time.
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I have not seen one Romney sticker either, you guyz out of racists pro republiklan bumper stickers?

In all fairness, I haven't either.

But that's got NOTHING to do with the OP. The point is, there was obama for president stickers EVERYWHERE in 2008. Now, nope, nadda, zip, zilch. The ole black magic is gone. It's just another distinct sign of how much support he's lost among the thinking people of America. People were told they could buy a bag of rainbows and unicorns last time only to find out it was a lying bag of shit. They're not buying the same bag of shit a second time.

And in 2008 I ate more cheese. Just about as important, but your idle and have been on all the streets in the USA looking at bumpers.
I am guessing The View is not on yet.
I have not seen one Romney sticker either, you guyz out of racists pro republiklan bumper stickers?

In all fairness, I haven't either.

But that's got NOTHING to do with the OP. The point is, there was obama for president stickers EVERYWHERE in 2008. Now, nope, nadda, zip, zilch. The ole black magic is gone. It's just another distinct sign of how much support he's lost among the thinking people of America. People were told they could buy a bag of rainbows and unicorns last time only to find out it was a lying bag of shit. They're not buying the same bag of shit a second time.

And in 2008 I ate more cheese. Just about as important, but your idle and have been on all the streets in the USA looking at bumpers.
I am guessing The View is not on yet.

Nice... the first leftist obama ass kisser deflection in the thread... you win, the dunce award.

The fact of the matter of the OP still stands as fact. The streets in Wisconsin aren't any different than any other street in America. In fact, obama won Wisconsin last time by a large margin. This year, his support here is waning, bad. My call is he loses Wisconsin. I don't see a fraction of the obama stickers here as I did in '08.
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Now that you mention it.... I've seen maybe two. This is California so I wouldn't expect to see ANY Romney stickers. A republican sticker is an advertisement that you want to be vandalized. That's how democrats do.
Now that you mention it.... I've seen maybe two. This is California so I wouldn't expect to see ANY Romney stickers. A republican sticker is an advertisement that you want to be vandalized. That's how democrats do.
I notice the same thing in Wisconsin, where obama should be enjoying high level of support like he did in '08. This time, ain't happenin'. No new obama for president stickers on cars here at all.

Yup, that's your "tolerant left." Look at how that "tolerant left" is treating is treating Mz. Pitt.

They're low life trash.
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Seen plenty in New York, Virginia and California.

Haven't seen any Romney stickers yet. Maybe they are waiting on the VP pick.
Seen plenty in New York, Virginia and California.

Haven't seen any Romney stickers yet. Maybe they are waiting on the VP pick.

"Virginia?" ... sure ya have ... :lol:

New York, that leftist cess pool, not surprising. However I have my doubts about kulyfornia because an early post refutes that claim.
Seen plenty in New York, Virginia and California.

Haven't seen any Romney stickers yet. Maybe they are waiting on the VP pick.

"Virginia?" ... sure ya have ... :lol:

New York, that leftist cess pool, not surprising. However I have my doubts about kulyfornia because an early post refutes that claim.

What republiklan state ar u from? Or has hell been elevated to the same elevation as the terra firma?

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