
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
JFK Files: Iconic Democrat President Was a KKK Member (Report)


There were plenty of interesting factoids to come out of the recent JFK files release: The CIA considered mob hits on Fidel Castro, someone called the FBI threatening to kill Lee Harvey Oswald a day before Oswald’s murder, and the U.S. examined sabotaging airplane parts heading to Cuba.

There was even proof that the CIA used journalists and media figures to spread propaganda.

Additionally, we got confirmation that President Kennedy’s successor following his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson, was possibly a member of the KKK.

One of the newly released files contains a memo about a journalist named Ned Touchstone, who was an editor of The Councilor, the newsletter of the racist White Citizens’ Councils.

Touchstone claimed the Ku Klux Klan had “documented proof” that LBJ had been a member of the Klan in the early days of his political career in Texas...

...That Johnson would have been a member of the Klan wouldn’t be much of a surprise, frankly. As a member of the Senate, he fought vigorously against civil rights legislation favored by President Eisenhower and Republicans. Early in his political career, Johnson was guilty of all kinds of statements in support of Jim Crow laws in the South.

This isn’t verified proof that Johnson was indeed part of the Klan. But given the political circumstances from which he rose (deep South, Democrat-dominated Texas), it’s not that far-fetched. In fact, more likely than not, Johnson mixed around with a racist crowd to get his political start.

Consider that in the context of this anti-Barry Goldwater 1964 presidential campaign commercial…

Bill Clinton's mentor was J. William Fulbright:

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War...

But Trump is the racist. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Impossible. Only Republicans are racist.

Why are you lying?

OP is a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic white Supremacist.

Dems are NOT racist. Never have been, never will be.
For the poor colonel angus I must try to explain that in 1964 the political platforms started to transpose so the dems became libs and rethuglians became rascists. And i though everybody knew LBJ was a klan man.
For the poor colonel angus I must try to explain that in 1964 the political platforms started to transpose so the dems became libs and rethuglians became rascists. And i though everybody knew LBJ was a klan man.

Holy shit....but Dems aren't racist...only Trumpanzees and Abe Lincoln are racist.
Not surprising. He was an old corrupt Texas cracker. And i believe he played a role in covering up the conspiracy to kill JFK.
JFK Files: Iconic Democrat President Was a KKK Member (Report)


There were plenty of interesting factoids to come out of the recent JFK files release: The CIA considered mob hits on Fidel Castro, someone called the FBI threatening to kill Lee Harvey Oswald a day before Oswald’s murder, and the U.S. examined sabotaging airplane parts heading to Cuba.

There was even proof that the CIA used journalists and media figures to spread propaganda.

Additionally, we got confirmation that President Kennedy’s successor following his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson, was possibly a member of the KKK.

One of the newly released files contains a memo about a journalist named Ned Touchstone, who was an editor of The Councilor, the newsletter of the racist White Citizens’ Councils.

Touchstone claimed the Ku Klux Klan had “documented proof” that LBJ had been a member of the Klan in the early days of his political career in Texas...

...That Johnson would have been a member of the Klan wouldn’t be much of a surprise, frankly. As a member of the Senate, he fought vigorously against civil rights legislation favored by President Eisenhower and Republicans. Early in his political career, Johnson was guilty of all kinds of statements in support of Jim Crow laws in the South.

This isn’t verified proof that Johnson was indeed part of the Klan. But given the political circumstances from which he rose (deep South, Democrat-dominated Texas), it’s not that far-fetched. In fact, more likely than not, Johnson mixed around with a racist crowd to get his political start.

Consider that in the context of this anti-Barry Goldwater 1964 presidential campaign commercial…

Bill Clinton's mentor was J. William Fulbright:

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War...

But Trump is the racist. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Since LBJ signed two major civil rights bills that conservatives HATED,

I guess he changed his ways somewhere along the line.

(oh, PS, post the documented proof)
FDR appointed a KKK member, Justice Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court. Democrats used the KKK as the political muscle to enforce segregation during the entire 20th century. Al Gore's father, Senator Gore was a segregationist. LBJ was a crude Texan political infighter. It's alleged that he routinely used the "N" word in public and sensitive democrats did their best to cover up his racism. The mainstream media that never saw a democrat they didn't like made it their business to cover up LBJ's warts so it should come as no surprise that LBJ had a political affiliation with the KKK. It doesn't factor into the JFK assassination though.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.
Your history lessons have been recent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.
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For the poor colonel angus I must try to explain that in 1964 the political platforms started to transpose so the dems became libs and rethuglians became rascists. And i though everybody knew LBJ was a klan man.

Er, um LBJ was a Republican....of course! So was Byrd!!
Your history lessons have been decent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.

I get my history lessons from historians; I realize theirs doesn't ever match the lessons from spammers and hacks, but then I don't care. about those nor the opinions of those whose cite them. It was LBJ who got blacks into the NYA programs in the first place, so your sniveling doesn't count for much, considering the politics of the 1930's, and that had to be done quietly to be done at all, and done at considerable political risk to a man who is allegedly only out for himself.

JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

"To be shot at by the whites and dodged by the negroes": Lyndon Johnson and the Texas NYA. - Free Online Library
You get your history that has been rewritten, omitting facts that are pertinent to what he really did, and would thoroughly change your opinion.
I’m a Texan, born and bred, as well as those before me. If you truly seek the truth, you can find it. It is on the net today, written as it truly was back then. LBJ was a racist, to his core.
Your history lessons have been decent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.

I get my history lessons from historians; I realize theirs doesn't ever match the lessons from spammers and hacks, but then I don't care. about those nor the opinions of those whose cite them. It was LBJ who got blacks into the NYA programs in the first place, so your sniveling doesn't count for much, considering the politics of the 1930's, and that had to be done quietly to be done at all, and done at considerable political risk to a man who is allegedly only out for himself.

JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

"To be shot at by the whites and dodged by the negroes": Lyndon Johnson and the Texas NYA. - Free Online Library
JFK Files: Iconic Democrat President Was a KKK Member (Report)


There were plenty of interesting factoids to come out of the recent JFK files release: The CIA considered mob hits on Fidel Castro, someone called the FBI threatening to kill Lee Harvey Oswald a day before Oswald’s murder, and the U.S. examined sabotaging airplane parts heading to Cuba.

There was even proof that the CIA used journalists and media figures to spread propaganda.

Additionally, we got confirmation that President Kennedy’s successor following his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson, was possibly a member of the KKK.

One of the newly released files contains a memo about a journalist named Ned Touchstone, who was an editor of The Councilor, the newsletter of the racist White Citizens’ Councils.

Touchstone claimed the Ku Klux Klan had “documented proof” that LBJ had been a member of the Klan in the early days of his political career in Texas...

...That Johnson would have been a member of the Klan wouldn’t be much of a surprise, frankly. As a member of the Senate, he fought vigorously against civil rights legislation favored by President Eisenhower and Republicans. Early in his political career, Johnson was guilty of all kinds of statements in support of Jim Crow laws in the South.

This isn’t verified proof that Johnson was indeed part of the Klan. But given the political circumstances from which he rose (deep South, Democrat-dominated Texas), it’s not that far-fetched. In fact, more likely than not, Johnson mixed around with a racist crowd to get his political start.

Consider that in the context of this anti-Barry Goldwater 1964 presidential campaign commercial…

Bill Clinton's mentor was J. William Fulbright:

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War...

But Trump is the racist. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Okay let me see if I can follow this
Back in 1963- an unnamed confidential informant- said another guy named Ned Touchstone- claimed that the Klan had documented proof that LBJ was at one time a member of the KKK.

Well that is certainly solid proof.

Not like that first hand accusation by the named woman who said Roy Moore tried to rape her 40 years ago.

That you won't believe- but this- this you will.

You get your history that has been rewritten, omitting facts that are pertinent to what he really did, and would thoroughly change your opinion.
I’m a Texan, born and bred, as well as those before me. If you truly seek the truth, you can find it. It is on the net today, written as it truly was back then. LBJ was a racist, to his core.
Your history lessons have been decent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.

I get my history lessons from historians; I realize theirs doesn't ever match the lessons from spammers and hacks, but then I don't care. about those nor the opinions of those whose cite them. It was LBJ who got blacks into the NYA programs in the first place, so your sniveling doesn't count for much, considering the politics of the 1930's, and that had to be done quietly to be done at all, and done at considerable political risk to a man who is allegedly only out for himself.

JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

"To be shot at by the whites and dodged by the negroes": Lyndon Johnson and the Texas NYA. - Free Online Library

LBJ was both a racist- and also the President who did more for Civil Rights than any President since Lincoln.
You get your history that has been rewritten, omitting facts that are pertinent to what he really did, and would thoroughly change your opinion.

I don't have opinions of LBJ that aren't backed up by facts, unlike yourself.

I’m a Texan, born and bred, as well as those before me.

I'm not particularly interested in what state you're being stupid and ignorant in.

If you truly seek the truth, you can find it. It is on the net today, written as it truly was back then.

You mean you looked around and found some rubbish that appealed to your need to distort one of the great Liberals and populists of the 20th Century. Yes, that's obvious. And, claiming the innernetz is more 'factual' as a source is just silly; it has far more junk, rubbish, and lying than any other 'source'. Of course that's why you rely on it, though, right?

LBJ was a racist, to his core.

No, he was prejudiced, like many are, and besides, you have no proof you wouldn't have been in the same era, so your claims of 'racism' are just typical hypocrisy from obvious fashion victims who keep trying to claim some moral authority they never have. In fact your fashion slavery indicates you would been a racist back then, since peer group thinking is what you rely on.

Modern right wingers just like bashing LBJ, as do the phoney Camelot Myth shills who think JFK was some sort of Messiah; he makes them all look bad when their records are compared, plus for Republicans it has the added bonus of keeping the fact it was Republicans who destroyed genuine Affirmative Action and replaced it with hardcore racist quota systems and other Fun Facts, like catering to the Black Caucus' demand for the 'War On Drugs' and every other distortion of the Great Society programs, including removing the sunset and periodic review clauses Liberals put into every law and Amendment in the Civil Rights legislation. Republicans had a lot of help from the radical Commie Left in their enthusiastic wrecking, of course, since it was the radical Left who tossed the real Liberals under the bus, which fits the historical pattern of right wingers being the best friends Commies ever had, and still are; they loves them some Red Chinese to this day, as do their big money boys; they also see eye to eye on criminal illegal immigration, and looting the poor via predatory lending and 'bankruptcy reform', hatred of nationalism, and any other platform the supports American interests over 'Globalist' money laundering and labor racketeering. The interests of faux 'progressives' and right wing fascists all pretty much converge when it comes to screwing over those uppity proles out there in Fly Over Country, those 'Deplorables' Obama hates.

Speaking of Obama and his wonderful Chicago Democratic Criminal syndicate, anybody see the article in the Economist on how the Democrats are screwing over poor neighborhoods in favor of lining lawyers' pockets over property tax scams? Need a link to that?
You get your history that has been rewritten, omitting facts that are pertinent to what he really did, and would thoroughly change your opinion.
I’m a Texan, born and bred, as well as those before me. If you truly seek the truth, you can find it. It is on the net today, written as it truly was back then. LBJ was a racist, to his core.
Your history lessons have been decent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.

I get my history lessons from historians; I realize theirs doesn't ever match the lessons from spammers and hacks, but then I don't care. about those nor the opinions of those whose cite them. It was LBJ who got blacks into the NYA programs in the first place, so your sniveling doesn't count for much, considering the politics of the 1930's, and that had to be done quietly to be done at all, and done at considerable political risk to a man who is allegedly only out for himself.

JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

"To be shot at by the whites and dodged by the negroes": Lyndon Johnson and the Texas NYA. - Free Online Library

LBJ was both a racist- and also the President who did more for Civil Rights than any President since Lincoln.
By holding up in the Senate for 7 year an identical Civil Rights Bill put forth by Ike, a bill LBJ called the, "Ngger Bill"
You get your history that has been rewritten, omitting facts that are pertinent to what he really did, and would thoroughly change your opinion.
I’m a Texan, born and bred, as well as those before me. If you truly seek the truth, you can find it. It is on the net today, written as it truly was back then. LBJ was a racist, to his core.
Your history lessons have been decent obviously, as what you said is a farce. He continually refused to choose a Black to sit on nya, when instructed.
So, despite the thread title, there actually is zero evidence. I thought so. LBJ was 'notorious' for finding money for black colleges in East Texas to keep their doors open during the Depression, something that wouldn't have gained him anything at all, and in fact hurt him at the polls. Sorry, but no Klan member, much less a purely self-interested politician, would even think of doing such things as that, much less be openly supporting FDR. You guys really need to up your games here; the conspiracy theory forums are making you stupid.

I get my history lessons from historians; I realize theirs doesn't ever match the lessons from spammers and hacks, but then I don't care. about those nor the opinions of those whose cite them. It was LBJ who got blacks into the NYA programs in the first place, so your sniveling doesn't count for much, considering the politics of the 1930's, and that had to be done quietly to be done at all, and done at considerable political risk to a man who is allegedly only out for himself.

JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

"To be shot at by the whites and dodged by the negroes": Lyndon Johnson and the Texas NYA. - Free Online Library

LBJ was both a racist- and also the President who did more for Civil Rights than any President since Lincoln.
By holding up in the Senate for 7 year an identical Civil Rights Bill put forth by Ike, a bill LBJ called the, "Ngger Bill"

Actually he didn't bother with trying to pass a bill that wasn't going to pass; he knew what the vote would be on nay given bill coming out of committee would be at any time. He wasn't stupid enough to waste favors and cred by falling on his sword over futile acts.

And, he never said 'The ****** Bill' or anything of the sort elsewhere, either. 'Colored' was the term for his education and upbringing. That myth is also just another fake history claim like the one in the OP.

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