New Pres. Donald LIE A Whopper

Outrage du jour.
You excuse lies
Did Trump lie? Or. Did Democrats make up a lie? Most of the time when Democrats say Trump lied it's because they twisted something up. Dems are not to be believed or trusted.

Actually, Trump told a pretty big lie. The stock market was closed for almost a week after 9/11.

How September 11 Affected The U.S. Stock Market

Market Reaction
Anticipating market chaos, panic selling and a disastrous loss of value in the wake of the attacks, the NYSE and the Nasdaq remained closed until September 17, the longest shutdown since 1933. Moreover, many trading, brokerage, and other financial firms had offices in the World Trade Center and were unable to function in the wake of the tragic loss of life and collapse of both towers.

And.....................the really sad thing, is that it is easy enough to look this stuff up on the internet yourself to see if he was lying or not.
It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says, but it does explain a lot of things, like why tens of thousands of people bought magnetized bracelets 20 or 30 years ago which were guaranteed to cure everything.

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It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says

Ah, because the left are lying filthy scumbags that's why.
You lacking moral dignity and cowardice to admit the reality of your horrible choice for a leader is obvious. Here, in a thread about your leader telling a big horrible lie, you are calling others names for being liars, but accept no responsibility for the undisputed lie of your master highlighted in this thread.
It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says

Ah, because the left are lying filthy scumbags that's why.
You lacking moral dignity and cowardice to admit the reality of your horrible choice for a leader is obvious. Here, in a thread about your leader telling a big horrible lie, you are calling others names for being liars, but accept no responsibility for the undisputed lie of your master highlighted in this thread.

I saved YOU from Hillary, you should get down on your knees and thank me.
Our Liar in Chief has told yet another whopper of a lie. During a campaign rally held the day after a terrorist attack Dishonest Donald the whining baby President told his cheering crowd the campaign rally they were attending was appropriate because the Stock Market had in fact been opened the day after the 9/11 attack.

Our Stock Market did not open the day after, so his lie does not give him justification for holding his rally the day after a terrorist attack. He lied to justify his lack of empathy and disrespect.

WE ALL KNOW that 'Orange Cheeto Trump' is a serial lair BUT the really bad thing is Trump's base BELIEVE EVERY WORD Trump speaks.
That is the REAL DANGER; America is INFESTED WITH STUPID = Trump's base.
It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says

Ah, because the left are lying filthy scumbags that's why.
You lacking moral dignity and cowardice to admit the reality of your horrible choice for a leader is obvious. Here, in a thread about your leader telling a big horrible lie, you are calling others names for being liars, but accept no responsibility for the undisputed lie of your master highlighted in this thread.

I saved YOU from Hillary, you should get down on your knees and thank me.
You are a coward who always deflects, Hillary being one of your favorites. You do this anytime you are challenged or criticized because you are, well, a coward.
So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.
So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.

Like anyone listens to your tripe
Our Liar in Chief has told yet another whopper of a lie. During a campaign rally held the day after a terrorist attack Dishonest Donald the whining baby President told his cheering crowd the campaign rally they were attending was appropriate because the Stock Market had in fact been opened the day after the 9/11 attack.

Our Stock Market did not open the day after, so his lie does not give him justification for holding his rally the day after a terrorist attack. He lied to justify his lack of empathy and disrespect.

Oh noes! That is literally the worst thing that has ever happened at any time in History. How will we all survive?
It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says

Ah, because the left are lying filthy scumbags that's why.
Oh, wow, you list so many examples.

Just kidding.

Saying the Press is the Enemy of the people or Democrats are evil is how fascists ferments violence.

Saying the GOP is the white party of racists and violence is a statement of fact.

See the difference?

So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.

Like anyone listens to your tripe
At least you don't disagree. A good first step.
deanrd we can agree to disagree, your comment is, well, just a little lacking , however, one should have a clear understanding as to what a fascist is before they throw labels and categorize people you don't agree with. My question is, do you by chance wear a black bandanna and prance about the streets protesting so no one can recognize you or are you just a wannabe political operative reciting what you hear?
So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.
So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.
So when was the last time a politician didn't lie or stretch the truth?
There is a difference between telling all or part of the truth and fomenting racial violence.

Trump is a fascist and a racist.

Trump leads the GOP.

If you vote for fascism and racism, then you are a fascist and a racist. That's how it works.

Look up what Trump has done for minorities.
Trump has never been a racist.
Trump is not a fascist.
Our Constitution does not allow dictators or tyrants.
The left need to get it in their heads that Trump is representing the people who elected him just like Obama and any other President has done.
Our Liar in Chief has told yet another whopper of a lie. During a campaign rally held the day after a terrorist attack Dishonest Donald the whining baby President told his cheering crowd the campaign rally they were attending was appropriate because the Stock Market had in fact been opened the day after the 9/11 attack.

Our Stock Market did not open the day after, so his lie does not give him justification for holding his rally the day after a terrorist attack. He lied to justify his lack of empathy and disrespect.
Don't expect anything but derision from the tRumpkin crowd. They would forgive him for raping their dogs and tell us how great he was for doing it.
dude, really, that's all you got? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:a person with no morals you are.
Whaddya mean no morals? That was a completely honest and true reply.
Our Liar in Chief has told yet another whopper of a lie. During a campaign rally held the day after a terrorist attack Dishonest Donald the whining baby President told his cheering crowd the campaign rally they were attending was appropriate because the Stock Market had in fact been opened the day after the 9/11 attack.

Our Stock Market did not open the day after, so his lie does not give him justification for holding his rally the day after a terrorist attack. He lied to justify his lack of empathy and disrespect.

You sir, need a life. I recommend a job to, and waaaaay less cable news.
enjoy the feeling of “Americans First”......hahaha
Not for long dude! Elections around the corner, and Mueller powering through. hahahhaha!

Mueller powering through?

He hasn't been seen or heard from in months. I hear they are about to put his face on milk cartons!

He is in hiding until after the elections because he is scared some liberal will try to off him for admitting there was no collusion.
You do not hear about Mueller because there are no leaks.

It was about time that he plugged up that sieve of an investigation he was running. There are no leaks now simply because they have nothing. All the previous leaks turned out to be lies.
It is beyond me why Trumpetts believe anything that Trump says

Ah, because the left are lying filthy scumbags that's why.
You lacking moral dignity and cowardice to admit the reality of your horrible choice for a leader is obvious. Here, in a thread about your leader telling a big horrible lie, you are calling others names for being liars, but accept no responsibility for the undisputed lie of your master highlighted in this thread.

I saved YOU from Hillary, you should get down on your knees and thank me.

They are already on their knees. That makes it easier to kiss Hillary's and Obama's asses!

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