New CNN Poll Shows Donald Trump Has Tied His Highest Approval Rating Ever


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019

According to a new CNN poll released Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s approval rating is tied with his record high.

Trump’s Current Approval Rating Is Tied with His Highest That Occurred in September 2019


BJ -
does not look good for the Democrats,
Take this, add a pinch of yesterdays elections
Take the slow release of the papers documenting the Democrat Party malfeasance over the last 4 years
Sprinkle in a renewed third quarter economy -

Trump and Biden (or whoever) is going to look like Reagan and Mondale
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”
All of the onslaught from the libtards has failed.....back up above 45%??? YES! YES! you tards are killing yourselves politically for generations to come.....
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”

The way I see it, the Russians helped Hillaryous with her phony dossier last election so Russia owes Trump a little help this election. He doesn't need it though, Biden will forget there's an election going on and fall asleep before even voting for himself.
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”

I laugh
Dimms will do anything to not have a Trump Biden debate.

Admit it any Dimm. You don’t want to watch Trump debate Biden
Yep a very bad week for democrats.....;)

They lost 2 elections, the country is turning on Tiny Tony, Flynn, unmasking, the shitstain judge in Dallas, Plugs shitting the bed every time he is trotted out in front of a camera.... it's not a good time to be a shit-eating marxist rodent.
Dimms will do anything to not have a Trump Biden debate.

Admit it any Dimm. You don’t want to watch Trump debate Biden

I dunno, it will be like a car wreck that one can't avert their eyes from.
Or clubbing baby seals.
Convert CNN poll (responded to 90 % by Democrats) to REALITY, and the approval rate is about 75%.

Note that other current Democrat polls have higher numbers >>

Gallup - 49%
The Hill - 51%
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”

Lol. Russia russia russia russia russia.
The GOP picked-up its first democrat House seat in CA since 1998. 2020 could be a bad year for democrats. Don't believe the "fake news" MSM.

Saw that in CA. Thats a shocker. Id suspect more as newsom extended the state lockdown until august. Theyll be so broke and hungry and pissed by november, they really will have pitchforks out.

According to a new CNN poll released Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s approval rating is tied with his record high.

Trump’s Current Approval Rating Is Tied with His Highest That Occurred in September 2019


BJ -
does not look good for the Democrats,
Take this, add a pinch of yesterdays elections
Take the slow release of the papers documenting the Democrat Party malfeasance over the last 4 years
Sprinkle in a renewed third quarter economy -

Trump and Biden (or whoever) is going to look like Reagan and Mondale

It's a poll.... and it's from CNN.... Let's not count our chickens before they have hatched... especially given the crap source.
Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”
Can we please have more Russian interference?


I want Russia to interfere in every single election, as long as it gets rid of you commies.

The ends justify the means.

Johnny Ramone's famous line ---

Trumptards aren't paying attention.

"Trump had graphically illustrated his recurring message to the intelligence community: He doesn’t want to hear warnings about Russian interference. Mark Warner, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told me, “A day doesn’t go by that I don’t hear from someone in the intelligence community saying, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re worried about integrity, we’re worried about morale, we’re worried about willingness to speak truth to power.’ ” I asked Warner whether he could still trust the intelligence about Russia he received—whether he has faith that the government will render an accurate portrait of the Russian threat to the upcoming presidential election. As he considered his answer, he leaned toward me. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he replied, “and that bothers me.”

Butt the fuck out.

We pay attention.

We know you are an asshole.
does not look good for the Democrats,
Take this, add a pinch of yesterdays elections
Take the slow release of the papers documenting the Democrat Party malfeasance over the last 4 years
Sprinkle in a renewed third quarter economy -

Trump and Biden (or whoever) is going to look like Reagan and Mondale

Polls are fake news, remember?

According to a new CNN poll released Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s approval rating is tied with his record high.

Trump’s Current Approval Rating Is Tied with His Highest That Occurred in September 2019


BJ -
does not look good for the Democrats,
Take this, add a pinch of yesterdays elections
Take the slow release of the papers documenting the Democrat Party malfeasance over the last 4 years
Sprinkle in a renewed third quarter economy -

Trump and Biden (or whoever) is going to look like Reagan and Mondale

Trump vs Whoever 2020

According to a new CNN poll released Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s approval rating is tied with his record high.

Trump’s Current Approval Rating Is Tied with His Highest That Occurred in September 2019


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