N. Korea, 'only country on earth' free of AIDS


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
Seattle, WA.
More bloviating from KimLand:


N. Korea, 'only country on earth' free of AIDS, expells
27 foreigners

Special to World Tribune.com
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

SEOUL – North Korea has expelled 27 foreigners it said tested positive for HIV and claimed the country remains free of AIDS.

North Korea is "the only country on the earth that has no AIDS-related patients," South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported quoting North Korea's Pyongyang Time. Yonhap reported the magazine in Pyongyang carried an interview with Han Kyong-Ho, director of Pyongyang's Central Hygienic and Anti-Epizootic Center in its Dec. 4 issue.


In the interview, Han said that more than 400,000 people have been tested for AIDS since 1989, and that none other than the 27 foreigners was found to have the disease.

"Those 27 foreigners were sent home at their request," Han said. He did not elaborate on the period of time in which the disease was allegedly discovered and when the foreigners were expelled or to which nations they went.

Well sure, any foreigner is allowed to leave anytime they'd like, just ask the Japanese and South Korean kidnap victims.

Han attributed the non-existence of AIDS patients in North Korea to the "sound and moral lifestyle" of North Korean people.

Oh please, nobody with HIV would live long enough to die of AIDS in that country anyway.

And there are countless stories of soldiers raping civilians, prostitution for food, and Kim&Company's little trysts with all kinds of women who are forced to serve the regime by providing sex to the elite.

Many North Korean statements are impossible to confirm independently and objectively, to health officials in South Korea say. "WHO [World Health Organization] reports every year that there is no AIDS patient reported from North Korea, but the international health organization has no way to confirm the report," said Koh Eun-A, an official at the AIDS & Tuberculosis Section of the National Institute of Health in Seoul.

Well gee, you think it's even worth reporting such an uncredible story like this from the over the top lies this regime is known for?

Of the thousands of refugees who are returned from China's borders annually, almost ALL the women have served as prostitutes for the local Chinese in order to eat.

So we're to expect that NONE of them brought back the virus and has not started an epidemic already?

In a country that denies the very existence of the disease, you can be sure the epidemic is already well underway.
I bet I Could find evidence to show morality linked with AIDS cases...the looser the morals, the more number of AIDS cases.

Communist Goverments tend to oppress people in 'good' ways; most communist countries still impose moral guidelines on their people.
-=d=- said:
I bet I Could find evidence to show morality linked with AIDS cases...the looser the morals, the more number of AIDS cases.

Communist Goverments tend to oppress people in 'good' ways; most communist countries still impose moral guidelines on their people.

Meaning what? That there is a small percentage of HIV in N. Korea, or none at all?
-=d=- said:
I bet I Could find evidence to show morality linked with AIDS cases...the looser the morals, the more number of AIDS cases.

Communist Goverments tend to oppress people in 'good' ways; most communist countries still impose moral guidelines on their people.

AIDS prevelence is primarily dependent upon the existence of other STD's, where in N.K. those untreated diseases are rampant.

Secondly, AIDS infection rates correlate with the lack of AIDS awareness. Awareness is non-existent when the country goes so far as to deny it exists.

Finally, the number of partners issue depends less on morality in this case, and increasingly on poverty and starvation. Whether or not morality has any bearing on the will to live is meaningless here. I challenge you to show N.K. citizens (or communist in general) are any less sexually active than a free Western state. I have personal knowledge (and experience living in the Ukraine) to the contrary. I know for a fact that in the USSR, sex was meaningless within the context of morality and religion.

And in fact, in these kinds of countries morality towards money/sex/politics is NONEXISTENT. What don't you understand about these kind of regimes?
Said1 said:
Meaning what? That there is a small percentage of HIV in N. Korea, or none at all?

It means Communism can produce very moral people. People living in hard environments tend to develop stronger character; tend to be more conservative in nature. Less prone to screw, etc. :)
-=d=- said:
It means Communism can produce very moral people. People living in hard environments tend to develop stronger character; tend to be more conservative in nature. Less prone to screw, etc. :)


Like I said, I lived in a Communist regime and you know nothing of what you speak of.
Comrade said:
AIDS prevelence is primarily dependent upon the existence of other STD's, where in N.K. those untreated diseases are rampant.

Secondly, AIDS infection rates correlate with the lack of AIDS awareness. Awareness is non-existent when the country goes so far as to deny it exists.

Finally, the number of partners issue depends less on morality in this case, and increasingly on poverty and starvation. Whether or not morality has any bearing on the will to live is meaningless here. I challenge you to show N.K. citizens (or communist in general) are any less sexually active than a free Western state. I have personal knowledge (and experience living in the Ukraine) to the contrary. I know for a fact that in the USSR, sex was meaningless within the context of morality and religion.

And in fact, in these kinds of countries morality towards money/sex/politics is NONEXISTENT. What don't you understand about these kind of regimes?


I've been in contact with 'thousands' - literally thousands of former Soviets. 95% or higher percent display morality far exceeding that of the typical American. 95% of them are appalled at our 'sexual' udnertones permiating thru society. AIDS awareness doesn't stop the spread of HIV...Morality is key. Where there is loose morality, there are more STDs. How can you debate that?
FYI, when moved to the country, it was known that most (50%+) Russian girls have had sex with multiple partners by the age of 15.

You call that moral?
Comrade said:
FYI, when moved to the country, it was known that most (50%+) Russian girls have had sex with multiple partners by the age of 15.

You call that moral?

Sure. Perhaps in your circles that is true. It is NOT true from the thousands of Soviet Immigrants I know and know of.
-=d=- said:

I've been in contact with 'thousands' - literally thousands of former Soviets. 95% or higher percent display morality far exceeding that of the typical American. 95% of them are appalled at our 'sexual' udnertones permiating thru society. AIDS awareness doesn't stop the spread of HIV...Morality is key. Where there is loose morality, there are more STDs. How can you debate that?

The AIDS epidemic is spreading like wildfire in the former Soviet Union. That's proof, is it not?
-=d=- said:
Sure. Perhaps in your circles that is true. It is NOT true from the thousands of Soviet Immigrants I know and know of.

Not surprising, since most immigrants were allowed to come to the US for holding religious convictions apart from the absense of morality expressed by the 'party line'.
Comrade said:
How's that?

My step mother is Russian. My Step-sister is Russian. My father used to operate a Slavic Immigration Assistance program, finding housing, clothes, food, jobs, legal and other assistance to Former-Soviet immigrants. I've been around the culture since about age 16. The things you are claiming are not even CLOSE to what I've experienced. Nearly to a man, these guys are 'good people'. Most of the problems in the community happen when their kids become too 'americanized'.
-=d=- said:
It means Communism can produce very moral people. People living in hard environments tend to develop stronger character; tend to be more conservative in nature. Less prone to screw, etc. :)

Ok, I can buy that sort of. Although your experiences with people from ex-communist countries still does not disprove the supposed non-existence of HIV in N. Korea.
Comrade said:
The AIDS epidemic is spreading like wildfire in the former Soviet Union. That's proof, is it not?

...and you don't find that just a happy coinsidence to the loosening of standards there? You don't find it odd that when Soviets attained all this 'western freedom' the epidemic grew like wildfire?
Said1 said:
Ok, I can buy that sort of. Although your experiences with people from ex-communist countries still does not disprove the supposed non-existence of HIV in N. Korea.

That's not my goal - my goal is to suggest it's possible the AIDS cases there are VERY low; in part because of how controlled the people are.
-=d=- said:
Bro...you're nuts. Really. I know on very personal levels of which I 'speak'.

could it be that you and your friends just have shockingly low moral and etchical values and theus the russians look good to you?

for example does a moron think and idiot is a genius?

-=d=- said:
My step mother is Russian. My Step-sister is Russian. My father used to operate a Slavic Immigration Assistance program, finding housing, clothes, food, jobs, legal and other assistance to Former-Soviet immigrants. I've been around the culture since about age 16. The things you are claiming are not even CLOSE to what I've experienced. Nearly to a man, these guys are 'good people'. Most of the problems in the community happen when their kids become too 'americanized'.

You can be 'good people' and still have casual sex. Heavy drinking and casual sex are and were an epidemic in the former USSR. Don't deny it without cause, because I was there and I've had this discussion with the natives.

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