Murkowski a "NO" for more witnesses

House = Partisan
Senate = Partisan

People = Fed up
No. Most of the people are partisan too, which is why we have this fucking mess.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
House = Partisan
Senate = Partisan

People = Fed up
No. Most of the people are partisan too, which is why we have this fucking mess.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
And your solution would be?
House = Partisan
Senate = Partisan

People = Fed up
No. Most of the people are partisan too, which is why we have this fucking mess.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
And your solution would be?
Break up the USA into multiple city states. Or at least get money out. Public funding only and term limits on Congress.

What’s your solution?
House = Partisan
Senate = Partisan

People = Fed up
No. Most of the people are partisan too, which is why we have this fucking mess.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
And your solution would be?
Break up the USA into multiple city states. Or at least get money out. Public funding only and term limits on Congress.

What’s your solution?
Free markets, smaller Govt, term limits for Congress, no lifetime pensions, get rid of administrators in healthcare, limit welfare (I would rather pay young women not to have kids than pay them welfare), stop endless wars.
So say the experts.

Manu Raju

Final vote on witnesses: 51-49, with two GOP defectors
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Phil Mattingly
· 4m
.@lisamurkowski is NO on the witness vote, @FoxReports reports
Now about those salacious lies Hillary paid for which told lies on President Trump' alleged activities that never took place anywhere on earth... how long a jail term is she gonna get? :muahaha:
i find this defense absolutely astounding. 'Yeah, he did it, but it doesn't matter.' I mean, George Washington is rolling over in his grave
No, President didn't do anything false witnesses said he did, and he didn't do it throughout the 7 needless "inquiries" the Democrats pushed, and George Washington's blessed bones rest in peace in Mt. Vernon, if memories of our trip to his home years ago serve me right.

And you know it too, don't you.

It is over ladies and gentlemen. Over. Trump will serve eight years and he singlehandedly saved America.
I am thinking he can argue in SCOTUS he gets a 3rd term!
I'd settle for his false accusers were relieved of their freedom for life terms for treason. I can just picture the stricken faces of Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, H. Clinton, Nadler, Schiff, et al, in solitary confinement at Gitmo.

That alone will stop this madness of the Demonrats thinking they can trash Washington and the streets of San Francisco with neglect for the people of America, may we be forever free of the communist scrooges the Democrats have turned themselves into to impeach President Trump.

And that desk Clinton screwed his victims on? I hope someone burns the damn thing and gets it out of the oval office.
Pretty weak don’t you think?
Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Pretty weak don’t you think?
The weakest articles of impeachment and House mgr effort to convict in modern US history. An embarrassment to congress and all Americans with a triple-digit IG or a lick of integrity.
i agree the articles were very weak. Bit they made a good case that clearly showed Trumps intent and actions. I don’t think he should be impeached but I do think that Bolton should be heard from. What’s the point in blocking his testimony?! Just makes the Reps look scared and covering up relevant facts.

They didn't do any such thing......we don't like Trump isn't a reason to impeach him....and that is all they had.
That wasn’t the reason for impeachment. Why do you lie?
The tea party candidate won the primary race for Senate in Alaska. But the strong corrupted family ran Lisa again in the final Senate race. The swamp is always a step ahead.

Murkowski had stated she would honor and support the winner of the primary.

Alaska citizens ran Murkowski on a write-in campaign which she won.
Trump promised to build Trump Towers all over Alaska.

"Donald Trump won Alaska’s three electoral votes in 2016 and he will be making his mark once again in the Last Frontier State when ground will be broken this summer on Trump Tower Seward.

The news broke at the last City Council meeting where it was made known that the Trump Organization purchased all the land dedicated to the RV parks on the waterfront and intend to build a large hotel and theme park dedicated to our current president.

When asked why Seward was selected as opposed to Anchorage,a spokesperson for the Trump Organization responded, “We wanted to build a huge tower in a smaller town that doesn’t currently have any tall structures so that it would make our tower look even huger.”

Details of how tall Trump Tower Seward will be are still unknown, but sources from the White House state that the President wants the building to be taller than the peak of Seward’s tallest mountain, Mt. Alice.

“The Democrats have made it difficult for us to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,” Donald Trump Jr. stated to reporters, “but a Trump Tower in Alaska would allow us to at least see Russia from our penthouse.”

So far residents in Seward have had mixed reviews on this new development. In an effort to quell the dissenters, part of the agreement between the Trump Organization and the city of Seward is that each resident will get a personalized brick put on the wall that Trump has promised to build between Alaska and Canada and that this wall will not cost Alaskan tax payers any money as Canada will be paying for the wall."

Trump Organization Selects Seward to Build First Alaskan Trump Tower — The Seward Sun
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No. Most of the people are partisan too, which is why we have this fucking mess.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
And your solution would be?
Break up the USA into multiple city states. Or at least get money out. Public funding only and term limits on Congress.

What’s your solution?
Free markets, smaller Govt, term limits for Congress, no lifetime pensions, get rid of administrators in healthcare, limit welfare (I would rather pay young women not to have kids than pay them welfare), stop endless wars.
Of course, we’re both dreaming. None of these things will happen. The ruling class won’t allow it and the people aren’t demanding it.
What % are Independents in your POV?
I don’t think that matters. When half the voting public doesn’t vote, this idea that our government has the consent of the governed, is absurd and laughable. It’s a criminal enterprise that needs a major house cleaning.
And your solution would be?
Break up the USA into multiple city states. Or at least get money out. Public funding only and term limits on Congress.

What’s your solution?
Free markets, smaller Govt, term limits for Congress, no lifetime pensions, get rid of administrators in healthcare, limit welfare (I would rather pay young women not to have kids than pay them welfare), stop endless wars.
Of course, we’re both dreaming. None of these things will happen. The ruling class won’t allow it and the people aren’t demanding it.
Therein lies the problem
Pretty weak don’t you think?
Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
Pretty weak don’t you think?
Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
What did he say? If you want to set the record straight then set it straight and quote the guy.
Pretty weak don’t you think?
Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
What did he say? If you want to set the record straight then set it straight and quote the guy.
Your Google doesn't work? That didn't keep you from misquoting the guy to serve your #HateTrump agenda.

Look it up yourself and if it confuses you, use Google to define the words.
Pretty weak don’t you think?
Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
What did he say? If you want to set the record straight then set it straight and quote the guy.
Your Google doesn't work? That didn't keep you from misquoting the guy to serve your #HateTrump agenda.

Look it up yourself and if it confuses you, use Google to define the words.
I didn’t quote the guy, I expressed what he said in an accurate way. Alexander said Trump acted inappropriately, that’s the same thing as wrong. He also said that the Dems proved their case but he didn’t think the offenses rose to the level of removal from office this close to an election. Below are his quotes. You should have looked them up first before you challenged me. Would have saved you from getting owned like this.

"I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the U.S. Constitution's high bar for an impeachable offense,"

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation,"

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