Murkowski a "NO" for more witnesses

i find this defense absolutely astounding. 'Yeah, he did it, but it doesn't matter.' I mean, George Washington is rolling over in his grave
Doubtful she would change her mind after announcing her decision, regardless of any so called "Revelation"
They've seen enough. They know the House proved their case. They don't want the American public to see them hearing from witnesses that just confirm more details of Trumpybears' corrupt Ukraine Shakedown.

They don't care. They accept this type of corruption because it targeted Democrats. .

Democrat and Independents should just "Get over it"!
i find this defense absolutely astounding. 'Yeah, he did it, but it doesn't matter.' I mean, George Washington is rolling over in his grave
LOL, that isn't the argument at all. Obama paying Russians for Propaganda and then using that to launch an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION against Candidate Trump to interfere in our Election, is Not Illegal, apparently.

So neither is simply asking Ukraine to ensure that Corruption was looked in to is also Not Illegal, BY THE ARGUMENTS, THE DEMOCRATS MADE TO DEFEND JOE BIDEN.

Joe Biden Ordered The Ukraine to quit Investigating his son who was working for a corrupt Bursima everyone knew was Corrupt. Pelosi's son was there, Romney's son, Biden's son, and John Kerry's son.

If Obama and Biden don't get impeached over this NOBODY CAN.

And again, that wasn't even the argument. The argument is that they do not have evidence, violated Due Process, and even in a rigged inquiry could not prove their case, nor did they follow remedies required by LAW to adjudicate disagreements between The Legislative and Executive Branch. And lastly The Articles are Worthless and don't meet the standards of Impeachment and neither can they reference violations of US Code in them.

The Case should have been dismissed on Day 1, but we let you have your pound of flesh and let you fall on your sword for Joe Biden, and Obama, only I think you inadvertently hung them both out to dry.
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They've seen enough. They know the House proved their case. They don't want the American public to see them hearing from witnesses that just confirm more details of Trumpybears' corrupt Ukraine Shakedown.

They don't care. They accept this type of corruption because it targeted Democrats. .

Democrat and Independents should just "Get over it"!

Hypocrisy Gone Wild!

Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments


“It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need witnesses because you doubt our accusations which we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

These people are nuts!


People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

Essentially their arguments boil down to this:

“Democracy is at Stake! Trump is an Imminent Existential Threat to The Republic! The Constitution and our Elections are at stake!

It’s urgent!

Sits on Articles for 33 days!

Please don’t make us run against Trump in the next election

Can’t you take him off the ballot?“

And then you can't help to notice them complain about Trump asking about Biden "asking" nothing else, and then ignoring the fact that Obama purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin and used that to order an Investigation and Spying on The Trump Campaign in order to interfere in the 2016 Elections!

Essentially They were saying:

"We want to exonerate Joe Biden for extorting the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma.

We want to IMPEACH Donald Trump for daring to ask why Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma."

Last but not least:

4 Democrat Impeachment Managers Voted AGAINST aid to Ukraine

The Iowa Republican said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who is an impeachment manager, along with House Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Sylvia Garcia of Texas and Hakeem Jeffries of New York, all who either opposed or didn’t vote for national defense bills that included lethal aid to Ukraine.


“What I find very interesting now is that the House Managers are very, very centered on the fact that Russia was invading Ukraine. And military funding to Ukraine,” she said on Thursday, reminding reporters that Crimea was invaded in 2014 during the Obama administration.

Ernst told reporters the Obama administration reacted to the invasion by “sending blankets.” [That is true.]
I cannot see how anyone could allow a trial to be conducted with no witnesses, particularly when the defendant has repeatedly refused to produce witnesses and documents himself. A trial is intended to bring out the truth. What are these senators thinking? What do they want to accomplish by making a sham of the proceedings? This goes beyond any identification with a political party. It is a matter of basic principle. And each senator is supposed to sit as an impartial juror, not come into the chamber with his/her mind made up already and refuse to listen to evidence.

If witnesses were permitted, the defendant could call his own, and cross-examine those called by the prosecution.

That our senators have become this openly corrupt is truly frightening. They are proving that they have no allegiance to, or love for the U.S.A. In the mean time, a vote against witnesses will lead to a legal finding of not proven guilty, but it will not result in an exoneration, given the dubious circumstances in which it was arrived at.
It’s in Democrats blood to have other people do their work for them or pay Dems for doing no work. Either way, if you refuse then you are unfair, hiding something, racist, ..........
No additional witnesses will be called in the phony Shampeachment. The scumbag Democrats had 18 witnesses in their investigation and the only thing they've proven is they have a severe case of TDS.

This is a total exoneration of Trump.

I am not tired of winning.

It's now time to investigate Schiff.
Maybe Donnie promised her billions, like O did to get Obamacare passed.

That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?
Pretty weak don’t you think?
The weakest articles of impeachment and House mgr effort to convict in modern US history. An embarrassment to congress and all Americans with a triple-digit IG or a lick of integrity.
i agree the articles were very weak. Bit they made a good case that clearly showed Trumps intent and actions. I don’t think he should be impeached but I do think that Bolton should be heard from. What’s the point in blocking his testimony?! Just makes the Reps look scared and covering up relevant facts.

They didn't do any such thing......we don't like Trump isn't a reason to impeach him....and that is all they had.
So say the experts.

Manu Raju

Final vote on witnesses: 51-49, with two GOP defectors
Quote Tweet


Phil Mattingly
· 4m
.@lisamurkowski is NO on the witness vote, @FoxReports reports

"Defections"? :lol:

You're saying hearing witnesses in a trial is a Democratic Party thing?
We heard 17 witnesses already and they claimed they proved their case, and 2 witnesses transcripts the Dems wouldn’t release. So, no, it’s not just a Dem thing. Witnesses have been heard.
That means the fat lady has just sung for the filthy ass Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation sham impeachment.

This clown show will soon be over. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

Fuck the Democrats. The scum of this country.
No additional witnesses will be called in the phony Shampeachment. The scumbag Democrats had 18 witnesses in their investigation and the only thing they've proven is they have a severe case of TDS.

This is a total exoneration of Trump.

I am not tired of winning.

It's now time to investigate Schiff.

------------------------ for?
Maybe Donnie promised her billions, like O did to get Obamacare passed.

That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
So say the experts.

Manu Raju

Final vote on witnesses: 51-49, with two GOP defectors
Quote Tweet


Phil Mattingly
· 4m
.@lisamurkowski is NO on the witness vote, @FoxReports reports

"Defections"? :lol:

You're saying hearing witnesses in a trial is a Democratic Party thing?
We heard 17 witnesses already and they claimed they proved their case, and 2 witnesses transcripts the Dems wouldn’t release. So, no, it’s not just a Dem thing. Witnesses have been heard.

Again ---- not what I posted, is it.

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