Make ALL contests caucuses?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Why not? Think about it. To Caucus you MUST stay and stand for your candidate instead of waltzing in and just pulling a lever or voting a month ahead of time etc. Caucusing is NOT for the lazy,the timid,the mediocre voter. Its for the voter that is SERIOUS that takes this entire issue seriously. I think its a wonderful idea. I am also surprised the democrats haven't whined about caucusing disenfranchising people yet....ya know can't vote early,no absentee ballots etc. All them poor negresses with their 10 kids wouldn't have anyone to watch their brood so they can caucus so it would turn it into a much whiter process so the actual WORKERS are given a bigger voice than the TAKERS are.
I have no desire to stand around all day,

I have no interest in telling others who I voted for,

That's MY business
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Why not? Think about it. To Caucus you MUST stay and stand for your candidate instead of waltzing in and just pulling a lever or voting a month ahead of time etc. Caucusing is NOT for the lazy,the timid,the mediocre voter. Its for the voter that is SERIOUS that takes this entire issue seriously. I think its a wonderful idea. I am also surprised the democrats haven't whined about caucusing disenfranchising people yet....ya know can't vote early,no absentee ballots etc. All them poor negresses with their 10 kids wouldn't have anyone to watch their brood so they can caucus so it would turn it into a much whiter process so the actual WORKERS are given a bigger voice than the TAKERS are.
Why not? Think about it. To Caucus you MUST stay and stand for your candidate instead of waltzing in and just pulling a lever or voting a month ahead of time etc. Caucusing is NOT for the lazy,the timid,the mediocre voter. Its for the voter that is SERIOUS that takes this entire issue seriously. I think its a wonderful idea. I am also surprised the democrats haven't whined about caucusing disenfranchising people yet....ya know can't vote early,no absentee ballots etc. All them poor negresses with their 10 kids wouldn't have anyone to watch their brood so they can caucus so it would turn it into a much whiter process so the actual WORKERS are given a bigger voice than the TAKERS are.

like the song says"don't take your gun to town boy ,leave your gun at home"
Keep the caucus system, but get rid of the electoral college. It was useful in the days of horse and buggy, because travel to voting places was at least a day or two. Now? We've got the Internet as well as many more effective ways of voting that would make EVERY citizen's vote count.
The system is dumb. Who's available between 8-9 o'clock ?

I heard they get 20% of voters at best .
Keep the caucus system, but get rid of the electoral college. It was useful in the days of horse and buggy, because travel to voting places was at least a day or two. Now? We've got the Internet as well as many more effective ways of voting that would make EVERY citizen's vote count.

ha ha no good republican wants to see all votes count That's how their moron gwb became president
The system is dumb. Who's available between 8-9 o'clock ?

I heard they get 20% of voters at best .
I would go caucus no matter the time. That's my point. ONLY the serious people would vote because they care more. Not some idiot who just decided on the fly to vote for the popular person or candidate they heard would offer them some free shit etc. I want REAL SERIOUS FOLKS voting not every tom dick and harry who literally just went in there and pulled a lever because their name sounded cool or some stupid shit.
I have no desire to stand around all day,

I have no interest in telling others who I voted for,

That's MY business
Understandable but I am looking at it from a point of the actual SERIOUS people do having a voice instead of the TAKERS having a larger voice.

You think the people that dont' want to do it the way you do are less serious than YOU are?
The system is dumb. Who's available between 8-9 o'clock ?

I heard they get 20% of voters at best .
I would go caucus no matter the time. That's my point. ONLY the serious people would vote because they care more. Not some idiot who just decided on the fly to vote for the popular person or candidate they heard would offer them some free shit etc. I want REAL SERIOUS FOLKS voting not every tom dick and harry who literally just went in there and pulled a lever because their name sounded cool or some stupid shit.

You may call them serious . I call them
People without jobs or families !
Why not? Think about it. To Caucus you MUST stay and stand for your candidate instead of waltzing in and just pulling a lever or voting a month ahead of time etc. Caucusing is NOT for the lazy,the timid,the mediocre voter. Its for the voter that is SERIOUS that takes this entire issue seriously. I think its a wonderful idea. I am also surprised the democrats haven't whined about caucusing disenfranchising people yet....ya know can't vote early,no absentee ballots etc. All them poor negresses with their 10 kids wouldn't have anyone to watch their brood so they can caucus so it would turn it into a much whiter process so the actual WORKERS are given a bigger voice than the TAKERS are.

No--the Caucus disenfranchises so many. Overseas military, the elderly that can't drive at night or can't leave home, parents with young children who cannot get out on a Tuesday night, and those that work at night.

The Caucus in my state represents less than 1% of Republican or Democrat party, and that's why Colorado will not participate this year in selecting who the Republican or Democrat nominee will be. They are unfunded mandates on the party and typically turn out to be a worthless straw poll.

Primary states, where voters have several days to cast a ballot are much better. You get a very clear picture of who the majority wants as their nominee.

Also, the very far left or the angry right show up at these caucus's and they have a very long history of choosing who the LOOSER will be. I imagine that the Presidential primary caucus will be a distant past in the not to far future.

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