What is Election Certification?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What is Election Certification?​

22 Jul 2023 ~~ By Marly Hornik and Harry Robert Haury

We are at a crossroads many did not see coming. George Orwell's prescient novel, 1984, predicted the dystopian realities that face us today. One of the famous quotes from 1984 refers to human society in general: "The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better." Today the question is, will we choose the dwindling illusion of happiness or secure our grandchildren's freedom?
The key that turns every lock bolted against freedom is elections. We cannot simultaneously have representative government and compromised elections. The king of America, the law, is tethered to the sovereign, the people, through the elective process. The loyalty of those we temporarily assign the privilege of writing and enforcing law is checked only by the honesty of our elections. Otherwise, the king goes rogue. Sound familiar?
The definition of certification is being officially attested or authoritatively confirmed as being genuine or true as represented, or complying with or meeting specified requirements or standards. We have been force-fed the assertion that the 2020 election was the most secure election in history. Many theories have attacked this idea, some compellingly so, but little has changed. A simple question has been overlooked in the noise: when officials certified the federal elections in 2020 and 2022, did certification meet the standard of accuracy and compliance?

After two-plus years of volunteer analysis of the voter rolls and vote in New York and other states, we can definitively say that the certifications neither met the accuracy requirements nor complied with the law and its intent. In fact, we can prove the gross inaccuracy of certified federal elections.
Certification was an outright fraud under color of law, denying the U.S. electorate our civil right to a just and fair election and the domestic tranquility it provides. Does this mean Donald Trump or other officials won their elections? No — it means that no one knows who won.
Our findings are extensive and disturbing:
1. Massive vote-to-voter discrepancies.
2. Millions of legally deficient voter registrations.
3. Gross failure to determine if all votes were from unique individuals qualified to vote.
4. Peer-reviewed evidence of an algorithm creating fake and unlawful voter registrations embedded in the New York State voter rolls.
5. Pervasive failures of identity resolution prior to registration.
6. Failures of procedural process requirements.
7. Massive numbers of tallied votes that have no valid state identity information.​
We are being continually hammered by pernicious media to deny the reality staring us in the face.
Continuing with Orwell, "and if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth."
At United Sovereign Americans, we insist upon the real truth, and we stand for freedom.

The objective is to use process changes and technology in voting to create DELIBERATE AMBIGUITY about the results to enable increasingly inventive forms of cheating.
The first time I remember is when I voted was 1960, New York had these wonderful mechanical voting machines where you changed the state of a mechanical lever to vote, and opened the curtain with a big red lever which locked your votes and reset the levers. These machines were invented to limit paper ballot cheating, but like paper ballots, they would yield a tally by the early morning hours of the following day, and that was that. Yes, you could recount the ballots or re-tally the machines, but the results existed in physical form in the possession of authorities (i.e., the results were “analog”). In essence, “Election Day” was when everything happened and by Wednesday morning it was over.
This problem now is of course has been compounded by early voting, mail-in voting, drop boxes, absentee voting, overseas voting, etc.
Just think, on election night in 1932, everybody knew that FDR had won a big victory - that in a country with no electronic media, no computers, and half paralyzed by depression. On election night in 1952, there were more votes for Eisenhower than Stevenson, and everybody knew THAT.
Eight years ago (a century in digital years), Hugh Hewitt wrote a book called, “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat”. As long as people believe that only digital wizards can actually determine the result, that may no longer be true.
Remember, that unwittily Joe Biden told us Democrats had built “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization”.. The DNC propaganda outlets are quick to tell us this was “taken out of context” but this bumbling idiot of a president (as a reminder) has also given up the identification of military assets who carried out important missions and even bragged about his quid pro quo using tax payer dollars to protect his Ukrainian dirty dealings. It's what braggadocios dementia patients do.
If we could conduct and tally elections in 1932 and 1952, we should be able to do it now - except that would upset our masters, who have worked so hard to create the status quo. They certainly won’t give it up without a fight.
So what do you hope to accomplish with weepy sore-loser propaganda of this sort?

I mean, there's no need preaching to the choir. The choir is already brainwashed beyond any hope of redemption. And all the normal people just laugh at it. So who is the intended audience?

Is it just about being assigned a quota of bad propaganda to post?
So what do you hope to accomplish with weepy sore-loser propaganda of this sort?

I mean, there's no need preaching to the choir. The choir is already brainwashed beyond any hope of redemption. And all the normal people just laugh at it. So who is the intended audience?

Is it just about being assigned a quota of bad propaganda to post?
So what do you hope to accomplish with your irrelevant and illogical braying?

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