Libs love polls. Here's one. CNN: Trump Approval Spikes After Kavanaugh

/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!
The question is do you actually have something with a credibile verifiable link that you can post to this erroneous poll, or do you just think the rest of us are as STUPID AS YOU ARE---:auiqs.jpg:

I assume you got these erroneous numbers from misogyny central the Rush Limbaugh show and are just repeating it. Anyone can post a picture of a CNN page with Anderson Cooper in the background. So nice try, but you failed MISERABLY.

And if you actually think 41% is a good showing for a Presidential approval rating going into the midterm election cycle, you've got your head shoved up your ass so tight it's going to take a jack hammer to get it out.


Here is a FOX NEWS poll with a real link.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

And here's what is coming at you.


With pictures & links--(before Kavanaugh)
Blue wave coming this November 2018


I love Rush....

He kicks Tard Ass.....

It's clear you like Rush Limbaugh that's why you don't know jack shit. 3 or more daily hours of reich wing hyperbole, half truths & lies that lead to misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling has hit it's mark. YOU


A great article that every listener to right wing talk show hosts and those who watch the FOX NEWS political soap box opera's--should spend the next 20 minutes reading is here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

It describes how you have been manipulated over the last 20 years

Which created this-- (What's wrong with a Trump supporter's brain?)


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters' brains

So where does your information come from?




When you're attached at the hip to either right or left wing media, radio, T.V. & websites while refusing to either change the channel or READ anything, you're easily manipulated into what you believe, & who you're going to support & vote for.

Don't know why you bother to post all that crap, no one reads it, they just keep scrolling.


Hey I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch FOX NEWS too. Once you get away from their bullshit, it quickly becomes very apparent how much YOU DIDN'T KNOW.

If that bothers you, tough shit.

You are either full of shit or stupid...…….
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

lol idiot, you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Wonder how the polls will be in Fla after the moron went campaigning instead of checking on them
/——/ What????? Next you’ll be bitching about the First Lady’s polish.
You mean the lady who says shes the most bullied women in the world ?? That first lady?
/----/ Stop lying and quote her accurately then prove her wrong - azzwipe

Melania Trump says she’s one of the “most bullied people in the world”
By Natasha Frost6 hours ago

Why does Melania Trump care so much about cyberbullying? Simple: ”I could say that I’m the most bullied person in the world,” the first lady of the US told ABC news journalist Tom Llamas in an interview with the broadcaster last week. ”One of them—if you really see what people [are] saying about me.”

It’s true that Trump is often the butt of online jokes and criticism—from the #FreeMelania campaign, which asserts that she’s being held captive in the White House agains her will, to recent complaints over her colonial fashion statement on her trip to Africa. But “most bullied person in the world” seems like a bit of an overstatement.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday, “It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energized our base. I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”

Trump Republicans seem to have serious problem with reality. The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has consistently been the least popular President in American history. Worse, Trump makes no attempt to broaden his base. Every time he speaks he is talking to his base. To him, the majority of Americans can go to hell. His popularity rating hovers between 38 to 42%, using the average of polls, including Trump friendly Rasmussen. That means 60% of Americans do not approve of the Republican party leader, and he losing support of independents. Trump firmly believes the free press is the enemy of the people, and often his decisions are based on that belief.

Then Trump nominated a partisan, highly emotional, and angry hot head to the Supreme Court. As usual, McConnell and the other Trump Republicans totally ignored Kavanaugh's out-of-control performance and did Trump's bidding and approved the nut job to the Supreme Court.

This will energize the critics of Trump to a fever pitch. Never mind the Democrats. There are many conservatives, independents, even moderate Republicans who still believe in the sanctity of the Supreme Court. Judging by Kavanaugh's performance, they strongly feel Kavanaugh should not have been picked for the Court.

How do I know? I am one of them.

Losing the House is guaranteed. The Senate?

The Bull Shit left wing spin is strong with the libtards...

It's okay for shills to lie, it's what they do.

Common tactic: "I'm a (blank) but...(insert leftist talking point here)."

Why don't you shut up. Apparently everyone has to think like you or they are a liberal. Then a majority of the people in this country must be liberal.

Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..


Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

BB is a total wacko... She has no facts.... I would bet that she is the one screaming at the sky...
Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Of course the polls go up for Trump

after all, his man made it ,despite all the drama which the media sold like hotcakes to fools that bought into it

He's hero......HERO i tell you

AND, he totally took attention of raising the ND limit from insane to doubly insane w/o the public OR media so much as uttering one bad word

One can buy a LOT of political favors , when it's on our kid's dime

On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you have?? DOW off 1300++ in 2 days while the AH blames the FED ?
You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you have?? DOW off 1300++ in 2 days while the AH blames the FED ?
Yep...The Liberal whores at the FED creating a false flag screwing the American public to get their power back...END THE FED!
Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


On the other hand, we had alt-righters killing someone in Charlottesville. Or the clown that that up a newspaper in Baltimore. The fact is that violence exists on both sides and the rhetoric is on both sides.

You stupid MF, it's not the alt-left calling for violence, it's main line commies like the hildabitch. You want to go there?..

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

You're talking 3 years ago, I'm talking two days ago. You're talking about a person disturbing the peace. I'm talking about violence against people just going about their everyday lives. I'm sure you're too stupid to know there's a difference. See if you can get an adult to explain it to ya.

"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you have?? DOW off 1300++ in 2 days while the AH blames the FED ?
Yep...The Liberal whores at the FED creating a false flag screwing the American public to get their power back...END THE FED!

Would that be the same Fed that kept interest rates low so as not to explode Obama's budget???
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay your bail""" Sound familiar you stupid piece of texas manure?

Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you have?? DOW off 1300++ in 2 days while the AH blames the FED ?
Yep...The Liberal whores at the FED creating a false flag screwing the American public to get their power back...END THE FED!
HOW are those lbs at the fed doing today?? DOW futures as of 7;30 up about 400
Your lack of context is stunning... That was in a response to one of YOUR VIOLENT protesters who had already punched a Trump supporter...

Your a fucking hack!..
you are full of trump or shit ,,,,, both the same cracker
That's all you got.... Priceless...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you have?? DOW off 1300++ in 2 days while the AH blames the FED ?
Yep...The Liberal whores at the FED creating a false flag screwing the American public to get their power back...END THE FED!

Would that be the same Fed that kept interest rates low so as not to explode Obama's budget???
Sounds like you forgot we were in a period of recovery and low rates were necessary But being as you're strictly a one way jones you won't get it

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