Zone1 Let's talk about praying.

Here and there

Active Member
Oct 14, 2022
So much is said by believers about forgiveness, Salvation and blessings.

How can you possibly know after forgiveness is requested,you got it? Is there a reply you get or just a warm inner glow because you asked? It appears believers must habitually sin if the numerous requests are to be believed. Surely by now you must know what you keep doing which is wrong.

Salvation is another which believers say they have received. It's seems to be it happens not long after the obligatory prayer and again, it is taken as a given the request is granted. If you firmly believe there's a god while some are certain, there's is no need for a god revelation. You already know it appears.
Also, from what have you been saved, for instance?
It would appear it's your time on earth and the endless sinning which haunts your soul to makes such requests.
Again, why are you continually never satisfied with what your are and God has already forgiven you for your sins, that you need Salvation? It doesn't add up.

Then we come to the blessings. This is a total mystery to man and beast.
All believers are sure they have them and were heaven sent but honestly, I don't know one or son who has confirmed it ever actually happened.
There's nothing wrong with assuming you got it but it doesn't negate any of the above constant sinning which quite obviously you admit to doing.

So you have the trilogy of repentance, all apparently delivered by a god you never seen or heard, for sins you will not stop committing. It defies all logic to being a believer.
Let's talk about praying?

The OP just said, "It’s the fascist Christian religions which demand continual adoration to god and nil disobedience. That’s classic nazism and fascist. It’s like a celestial North Korea. No one has restricted you free speech or stopped your hideous beliefs." in another thread, and seriously expects us to talk about praying? :laughing0301:
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Let's talk about praying?

The OP just said, "It’s the fascist Christian religions which demand continual adoration to god and nil disobedience. That’s classic nazism and fascist. It’s like a celestial North Korea. No one has restricted you free speech or stopped your hideous beliefs." in another thread, and seriously expects us to talk about praying? :laughing0301:

Good catch.
With the Lord’s Prayer Jesus teaches Christians how to pray. It infuriates me that Christians ignore Christ’s teaching and use prayer to command God to dole out medical miracles. Jesus never said to pray for goodies. What did Jesus pray?

Adoration to God
That God’s will be done.
Daily food
The ability to forgive others
Deliverance from temptation and evil
Additional adoration to God

Nope! No prayer about medical miracles. None whatsoever. Not one bit. Not even a little bitty bit. Christians spend dumb amounts of time giving “prayer requests” which is basically a contest to see who can mention the worst medical situation possible. I hate the prayer culture of every single Christian organization in which I have ever participated. Let’s pray for God’s will and leave the medical stuff to doctors. So f——ing annoying. Extremely annoying. God it is so dumb and obnoxious.
So you have the trilogy of repentance, all apparently delivered by a god you never seen or heard, for sins you will not stop committing. It defies all logic to being a believer.
Tumbling class this week...students were learning to walk on their hands. Reading through your post, it seemed that line of thought was like watching people walking on their hands--it's all upside down. :)

Starting with repentance starts one out upside down. It is better to start with, Know God, Love God, Serve God. This is quite some goal as God is perfect, God is the ideal. (For those who hold no belief in God, substitute in the word 'Good'.) In either case, have a code to live by.

With God/goodness/code there is now something we can measure up to. We have our target. Sin is defined as missing the target. (Truly, in the Hebrew language, that is the picture that defines sin.) Our goal/target is to be the best version of ourselves. We think of God as Father and Redeemer--coach if you will. Salvation is to leave behind the worst version of self to become the best version of self.

God promises that He will remember our sins no more, or in other words, He is not going to dwell and harp on who we were before, He welcomes who we are now.

Anyone who has taken archery will understand. The coach/teacher never harped on all the times the target was missed. S/he was there to praise and admire the arrows that hit the target. Repentance is to stop missing the target and to begin hitting the target. That takes practice--and time. So be patient. We are going to get there.
So much is said by believers about forgiveness, Salvation and blessings.

How can you possibly know after forgiveness is requested,you got it? Is there a reply you get or just a warm inner glow because you asked? It appears believers must habitually sin if the numerous requests are to be believed. Surely by now you must know what you keep doing which is wrong.

Salvation is another which believers say they have received. It's seems to be it happens not long after the obligatory prayer and again, it is taken as a given the request is granted. If you firmly believe there's a god while some are certain, there's is no need for a god revelation. You already know it appears.
Also, from what have you been saved, for instance?
It would appear it's your time on earth and the endless sinning which haunts your soul to makes such requests.
Again, why are you continually never satisfied with what your are and God has already forgiven you for your sins, that you need Salvation? It doesn't add up.

Then we come to the blessings. This is a total mystery to man and beast.
All believers are sure they have them and were heaven sent but honestly, I don't know one or son who has confirmed it ever actually happened.
There's nothing wrong with assuming you got it but it doesn't negate any of the above constant sinning which quite obviously you admit to doing.

So you have the trilogy of repentance, all apparently delivered by a god you never seen or heard, for sins you will not stop committing. It defies all logic to being a believer.
Why would an atheist try to explain anything about belief in God? Why does one have to even attempt to know and understand a belief in God? Are you so unhappy with your unbelief that you need company of being unhappy?

Now, see if I can explain some basics to you as a starting point to know and understand that which you don't. To begin with, Repentance is the process of being forgiven. Repentance requires some effort on the part of one who has sinned. For one, the sinner has to be honest about the desire to repent and sin the sin no more. If the sin hurt another person, they must ask for their forgiveness and offer restitution for their sins. After doing all they can to repair damage to others they hurt, then they must confess their sins to the proper authority within their religious organization if that organization demands it. Then, they must go to The Father in prayer, closing in the name of the Son (The mediator) and repent and ask for forgiveness. Their intent must be real and their desire to sin no more real. The individual knows by way of the Holy Ghost if their sin has been forgiven. You would not understand because you will not go through the process as you don't believe a person can sin.
Repenting sometimes requires more than one attempt. Depending on the severity of the sin, whether the Godhead will forgive or not if the person keeps sinning with no attempt to stop, is up to God. Forgiveness is something God is the ultimate decider. However, if we are harmed by the sin of another, we are required to forgive all. God will forgive whom he wants to forgive. He knows our mind and heart if we really did repent or not.
Salvation and Exaltation are different. Exaltation includes Salvation. But, Salvation doesn't include Exaltation. Salvation doesn't even require baptism. It just means that a person has changed their ways and their resurrection will put them into one of three kingdoms of glory as is in First Corinthians chapter 15. Celestial Glory (sun),Terrestrial Glory (moon) and Telestial Glory (stars). One differs from the other. I believe the Celestial and Terrestrial will be greater and closer to Exaltation. Exaltation is only in the Celestial Glory of Heaven. That is where those who will be baptized and receive all ordinances and covenants to enter into Celestial Glory.
This is all a lifetime process to reach Eternal Life Exalted in the Celestial Glory, Mansion, Kingdom. It's a process, not an event. We are to do our best and endure to the end. Not to be persuaded cunningly to reverse direction and be trapped by Satan's followers. One last thought, most of the time, what we may think is a sin, isn't. It's a mistake. Mistakes are what most people make, not sins. Mistakes may require some restitution. But, only sins, must be repented of. Ask your minister, priest, bishop or whoever is your ecclesiastical leader is.
Why would an atheist try to explain anything about belief in God? Why does one have to even attempt to know and understand a belief in God? Are you so unhappy with your unbelief that you need company of being unhappy?

Now, see if I can explain some basics to you as a starting point to know and understand that which you don't. To begin with, Repentance is the process of being forgiven. Repentance requires some effort on the part of one who has sinned. For one, the sinner has to be honest about the desire to repent and sin the sin no more. If the sin hurt another person, they must ask for their forgiveness and offer restitution for their sins. After doing all they can to repair damage to others they hurt, then they must confess their sins to the proper authority within their religious organization if that organization demands it. Then, they must go to The Father in prayer, closing in the name of the Son (The mediator) and repent and ask for forgiveness. Their intent must be real and their desire to sin no more real. The individual knows by way of the Holy Ghost if their sin has been forgiven. You would not understand because you will not go through the process as you don't believe a person can sin.
Repenting sometimes requires more than one attempt. Depending on the severity of the sin, whether the Godhead will forgive or not if the person keeps sinning with no attempt to stop, is up to God. Forgiveness is something God is the ultimate decider. However, if we are harmed by the sin of another, we are required to forgive all. God will forgive whom he wants to forgive. He knows our mind and heart if we really did repent or not.
Salvation and Exaltation are different. Exaltation includes Salvation. But, Salvation doesn't include Exaltation. Salvation doesn't even require baptism. It just means that a person has changed their ways and their resurrection will put them into one of three kingdoms of glory as is in First Corinthians chapter 15. Celestial Glory (sun),Terrestrial Glory (moon) and Telestial Glory (stars). One differs from the other. I believe the Celestial and Terrestrial will be greater and closer to Exaltation. Exaltation is only in the Celestial Glory of Heaven. That is where those who will be baptized and receive all ordinances and covenants to enter into Celestial Glory.
This is all a lifetime process to reach Eternal Life Exalted in the Celestial Glory, Mansion, Kingdom. It's a process, not an event. We are to do our best and endure to the end. Not to be persuaded cunningly to reverse direction and be trapped by Satan's followers. One last thought, most of the time, what we may think is a sin, isn't. It's a mistake. Mistakes are what most people make, not sins. Mistakes may require some restitution. But, only sins, must be repented of. Ask your minister, priest, bishop or whoever is your ecclesiastical leader is.

Well said.

I feel sorry for those who have never had a God moment. It must be an empty feeling. Maybe that's why they're so nasty.


Well said.

I feel sorry for those who have never had a God moment. It must be an empty feeling. Maybe that's why they're so nasty.

I think it's why they keep asking for empirical proof as well. Like Doubting Thomas, they want to believe but lack the experience of faith to be given the influence of the Holy Ghost to understand. It's like many of the Book of Mormon people who fought against the Church but later became great prophets and leaders of faith in God. There are many examples in the Bible as well. You are right. It must be difficult to see the faithful exercise their faith and do many good works for others based on their faith.
Duh. Who wouldn’t want to believe an all powerful being was their best friend?

Atheists love to to be convinced. They beg to be convinced. They demand to be convinced. They scream to the top of their lungs and aggressively seek to be convinced that God is real. You guys that believe in God have such an easier existence. Just think about it. An atheist has to attack this life with no assistance. A Christian never has to do anything. God does it all. Which would you rather belief if you did not know these two options were available? Atheism is not appealing at all. It is horrible but magic talking man that can only be heard by certain people just seems dumb as heck. Please give us more that dumb stuff.
In my experience, true communication with God involves admitting your sins/limitations and asking God to lead you to a path of righteousness. This is often hard to do, but the results can be amazing.

As I contemplate becoming a Catholic, I approach The Sacrament of Reconciliation with joy and eagerness.

In my experience, true communication with God involves admitting your sins/limitations and asking God to lead you to a path of righteousness. This is often hard to do, but the results can be amazing.
Most people prefer to think of God as their personal genie and then wonder why God isn't there.
Duh. Who wouldn’t want to believe an all powerful being was their best friend?

Atheists love to to be convinced. They beg to be convinced. They demand to be convinced. They scream to the top of their lungs and aggressively seek to be convinced that God is real. You guys that believe in God have such an easier existence. Just think about it. An atheist has to attack this life with no assistance. A Christian never has to do anything. God does it all. Which would you rather belief if you did not know these two options were available? Atheism is not appealing at all. It is horrible but magic talking man that can only be heard by certain people just seems dumb as heck. Please give us more that dumb stuff.
Why does it seem dumb to you? Did you organize the universe for your specific purpose of bringing to past the immortality and eternal life of mankind? No. So, why do you get to decide how and who God reveals his information to mankind? Also, the correct understanding of Christians means faith without works is dead. Christians can't just do nothing and expect faith to develop and grow. That's the challenge with atheists as they expect to receive faith and knowledge without an ounce of effort on their part to learn and gain faith, hope, belief and charity. They demand the King of the Universe reveal Himself to the atheist their way. It's hysterical!

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