Letitia and Putin - for now


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The problem with lawlessness, with not respecting laws and boundaries is that civilization is at the whim of the firepower backing the current leader.

To wit, NY is currently at the lawless mercy of Letitia James, a radical DA, who increased her net worth by $14MM while using the power of her office to destroy a once iconic and pioneering NY real estate entrepreneur. Trump was found guilty of what 99.9% of real estate owners do everyday: provide their best, good faith estimate of value; Letitia made that a crime.

Now the Governor and Letitia are trying to keep NY businesses calm by saying essentially, “don’t worry, this was just to get Trump”

But that will only hold as long as Lawless Letitia is AG. The next AG could charge Letitia with fraud in any of her dealings, or charge BlackRock, Facebook, Bloomberg ANYONE with fraud using the exact same logic

With respect to Russia, as bad as you might believe Outin has been, he has been level-headed, restrained, calm and statesmanly in his dealings thus far. He remains determined to be able to do business with the USA as soon as Biden is ousted.

Think how different and difficult things will become if Putin is replaced by a hardliner

Moral of the story: respect the Constitution and be grateful for your problems

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