Ivermectin eliminated 97% of COVID-19 cases in Delhi

Personally I’ve never been that worried about it however I worry for my half dozen friends who are completely burnt out from their work in hospitals and dealing with people who think who think this whole thing is a joke. I worry for my mother and pregnant sister…. The strength of the “anti” campaign is what has fueled the paranoia campaigns. It’s unfortunatle but if I have to pick a side I’m always going to take the side of safety and caution for those around me.
My mom is 78 and she has it now, she is doing fine as of last night. I will call her when I get home and check on her. If I find out I've been around someone that had it I will stay away from people socially. I work by myself and outside so I just tell anyone to stay away from me if they come walking up. I know it's real, but I'm not going to let it rule my life.
My mom is 78 and she has it now, she is doing fine as of last night. I will call her when I get home and check on her. If I find out I've been around someone that had it I will stay away from people socially. I work by myself and outside so I just tell anyone to stay away from me if they come walking up. I know it's real, but I'm not going to let it rule my life.
Best to your mom, hoping for a speedy recovery… doesn’t sound like you’re part of the problem.
Lol, I think I had it a few weeks ago. I was around someone who got it and I felt like crap for three days. I took benadryl and dayquil and I was fine. Just letting the people who thinks if your not vaccinated your gonna die. Know there are alternatives. I'm not that worried about it and I'm unvaccinated.

Personally I’ve never been that worried about it however I worry for my half dozen friends who are completely burnt out from their work in hospitals and dealing with people who think who think this whole thing is a joke. I worry for my mother and pregnant sister…. The strength of the “anti” campaign is what has fueled the paranoia campaigns. It’s unfortunatle but if I have to pick a side I’m always going to take the side of safety and caution for those around me.
Then you should stand for the truth. The truth is that the cheap drugs work and have worked all over the world. People like you are why they are overloaded.

Stop spreading govt LIES about the cheap drugs and Stop Murdering Americans
Then you should stand for the truth. The truth is that the cheap drugs work and have worked all over the world. People like you are why they are overloaded.

Stop spreading govt LIES about the cheap drugs and Stop Murdering Americans
What lies am I spreading? 4th time I’ve asked
Many of these cheap drugs stop the Cytokine Storm. NTZ being one. The 33 year old who died from our woekplace wouls still be here today with that treatment. But denied by a corrupt govt and corrupt FDA he is no longer with us.

They are Killing Americans for money.
needless deaths? from the common flu hoax? check your talking points, ya friggin loon.
You got anything except snarky insults and funny ratings? Just do a simple extrapolation of the MANY documented studies on successful treatment of Covid by HCQ and Ivermectin and lesser known drugs. Try reading and analyzing, it's all out there on this wonderful thing called the internet.
You got anything except snarky insults and funny ratings? Just do a simple extrapolation of the MANY documented studies on successful treatment of Covid by HCQ and Ivermectin and lesser known drugs. Try reading and analyzing, it's all out there on this wonderful thing called the internet.
lol. the verdict is in on ivermectin and hcq. too bad you can't grok that.
When SUCCESSFUL use of therapeutics are lampooned so that BIG PHARMA can have windfall profits, we are living in a corporate fascist state.

Certainly hope that you and all Trump Cut members will ingest all the Ivermectin you can get your hands on.
Stop the common sense?!
In your case, you need to start the common sense and stop with the goofy vaccination propaganda fantasies. Your pregnant sister isn't in the age group that normally gets hit--so unless she has other issues, she should be fine.

This said anyone else getting vaccinated doesn't help your daughter not get it. WE ARE ALL going to get it....including you vaccinated. The vaccinated are getting the virus and spreading it around like candy....
Certainly hope that you and all Trump Cut members will ingest all the Ivermectin you can get your hands on.
I've ordered some------I'll have it if I need it.....must remember that it requires a higher than normal therapeutic dosage but far less than what a horse gets. Japan has put out the dosage needed.

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