It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

Hmmm...sure. You run with that. And while you're at it, give that excuse to the million or so dead and the families of those people.
I think you may get a slightly different (and hostile) response out of them. There were a lot of days in 2020 that we had a death toll higher than 9/11...a lot.
What apologies are you expecting?

And lest you think I'm following Biden's "it's over" mantra. It ain't. WE might be done with it. But it isn't done with us.
Hmmm...sure. You run with that. And while you're at it, give that excuse to the million or so dead and the families of those people.
I think you may get a slightly different (and hostile) response out of them. There were a lot of days in 2020 that we had a death toll higher than 9/11...a lot.
What apologies are you expecting?

And lest you think I'm following Biden's "it's over" mantra. It ain't. WE might be done with it. But it isn't done with us.
Got-dammit, are you Branch Covidians fucking tiresome.

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.


It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

My father passed away on July 25th with Covid he was 87 never left the house and limited people coming to see him and my mother. My mother also contracted Covid but survived no one can explain how they got it. 4 weeks later my uncle passed away he also was said to have died with Covid even though he did have Covid a month earlier and had recovered. When my father as he was in ICU I had to dress out gloves mask glasses and protective covering. When I visited my uncle as he died no such prescribed precautions were given. So Covid is a money making racket for hospitals.

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

Biden lied, right from the start. I'd better never hear a fucking peep out of his about COVID, as we get closer to the elections.

^ what a dumb motherfucker

The pandemic was real, albeit overstated. The burning question is why such fortunate timing for the Democrats? If not for COVID, the change in the voting rules, the collapse of the economy and the stock market, ole' Biden would have NEVER been elected. Just really fortunate timing I guess, right?
The pandemic was real, albeit overstated. The burning question is why such fortunate timing for the Democrats? If not for COVID, the change in the voting rules, the collapse of the economy and the stock market, ole' Biden would have NEVER been elected. Just really fortunate timing I guess, right?
If Trump had put barely a fart's worth of effort looking like he cared about the pandemic and took it seriously from the beginnng, he would have sewn up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries.
Like many things, Trump was always his own worst enemy.
The pandemic was real, albeit overstated. The burning question is why such fortunate timing for the Democrats? If not for COVID, the change in the voting rules, the collapse of the economy and the stock market, ole' Biden would have NEVER been elected. Just really fortunate timing I guess, right?

Overstated is an understatement. The Chinese made us hurt ourselves, made us destroy our own economy, and made us exchange what would have been the best President for these times, with the worst possible choice.
If Trump had put barely a fart's worth of effort looking like he cared about the pandemic and took it seriously from the beginnng, he would have sewn up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries.
Like many things, Trump was always his own worst enemy.
Funny shit that Trump got the ball rolling but Biden had more people die from Covid.

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

Just reading the bullshit you linked to proves that the writer doesn't have the common sense God gave a goose. You were locked down and wearing masks because you had a rapidly spreading disease that was killing more and more people every day.

Just looking at how overwhelmed the hospitals were, with refrigerated trucks holding the dead. The writer's memory is really fucking short if he thinks this was just a political stunt.

Doctors didn't even know HOW the virus killed people, until they did autopsies of the dead. They didn't have anything to treat it because they knew NOTHING about the disease.

The pandemic is over because we have now vaccines and treatments we didn't have in the Spring of 2020, when YOU didn't even have a test for the thing, much less know how to treat people.

Nothing is as stupid as the right wing media, except possibly their readers.
Just reading the bullshit you linked to proves that the writer doesn't have the common sense God gave a goose. You were locked down and wearing masks because you had a rapidly spreading disease that was killing more and more people every day.

Just looking at how overwhelmed the hospitals were, with refrigerated trucks holding the dead. The writer's memory is really fucking short if he thinks this was just a political stunt.

Doctors didn't even know HOW the virus killed people, until they did autopsies of the dead. They didn't have anything to treat it because they knew NOTHING about the disease.

The pandemic is over because we have now vaccines and treatments we didn't have in the Spring of 2020, when YOU didn't even have a test for the thing, much less know how to treat people.

Nothing is as stupid as the right wing media, except possibly their readers.
Why did more people die with Covid with Biden as president than with Trump?

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

20 Sep 2022 ~~ By Jeffrey A, Tucker

The current US president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from Covid daily in the US (300-400) than when the US first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.
Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude – just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life – there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”
Back then, if you raised any doubts about closures, masks, forced separation, domestic capacity restrictions, or suggested it might not be the worst thing to keep businesses open, or were caught getting a haircut, you were shamed, shouted down, and banned by social media. You could even get fired.

Hold on there a minute. Is it really all about such casual perceptions of one guy touring a car show?
it was not just about Trump himself. It was about much larger agendas and directions that the administration was headed that threatened some very powerful interests, the investigations of which should consume years of work. Theories abound about the real reasons – Fauci and gain-of-function research, WEF and its agenda, an experiment in unleashing hipster techno-primitivism – and we are still a long way off from knowing the full truth.
There must absolutely be a serious challenge to all these government powers. They were abused for political reasons and ended up brutalizing the whole population here and around the world, in violation of all law and tradition. There have been no apologies from the top, only vague promises of reforms that end only in more centralization and funding. This must change before the whole disaster is repeated.
It is not enough for the president to declare an end. It does not end until we end the emergency powers and get an ironclad guarantee that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. One might suppose the Bill of Rights would have been enough but it was not. We need more. And it needs to be explicit and enforceable. That cannot happen until there is a full accounting of the outrages that have been visited upon the country. Only then can we say that everything and everyone “seems to be in pretty good shape.”

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.

Covid Con = Crime of the Century
If Trump had put barely a fart's worth of effort looking like he cared about the pandemic and took it seriously from the beginnng, he would have sewn up his re-election before ONE vote was cast in the Democratic primaries.
Like many things, Trump was always his own worst enemy.
Indeed, Trump moblized America to fight Covid. He got big Pharma to speed up a vaccine, manufactured an excess of respirators that Obama depleted and got 3M the largest manufacturer of N-95 masks to manufacture them within the U.S. Why he eveb sent a hospital ship to NTC which noth Cuomo and DeBlasi refysed to use even after they cried wolf and knashed their teeth.

SeeL Biden’s Most Enduring Legacy? - Daily Reckoning

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