Israel is doomed!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Ben and Jerry will refuse to sell their ice cream in Palestinian territory held by Israel.

I fully anticipate a reversal of all policies from the Zionist nation as they travel back to Germany and crawl back into their ovens.

Ben and Jerry will refuse to sell their ice cream in Palestinian territory held by Israel.

I fully anticipate a reversal of all policies from the Zionist nation as they travel back to Germany and crawl back into their ovens.

Who eats Ben & Jerry's besides fat, unhappy, leftist cat ladies? And they all hate Jews already.

Ben and Jerry will refuse to sell their ice cream in Palestinian territory held by Israel.

I fully anticipate a reversal of all policies from the Zionist nation as they travel back to Germany and crawl back into their ovens.

So its aparthied or oblivion.. You drama queens are so predictable.
i have to laugh boycotts never work but they make the ones who go through them tougher stronger and more self reliant.. An Israeli company or two will end up filling the void and then expanding eventually into Ben and Jerry’s market either hurting them badly or putting them out of business such is the way of adapting and overcoming adversity...
So its aparthied or oblivion.. You drama queens are so predictable.
Can you think of a formula, a plan, which would be acceptable to the Arab side which did NOT involve the elimination of the state of Israel?
I'd love to see a list of everywhere Ben & Jerry's ice cream is marketed. I'm quite sure we could find some places with bad human rights records. And so out of how many of those markets will Ben & Jerry's be removing its products?
Can you think of a formula, a plan, which would be acceptable to the Arab side which did NOT involve the elimination of the state of Israel?

Oh sure.. The Saudi Peace initiative which is still on the table from 2002 is a capitulation by the Arabs and all Arab states including Syria signed on. They just need to vacate Shaaba farms in Lebanon and the Golan Heights in Syria.. Let Palestinians live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are so over the notion that Israel should leave ..That's been in the rear view mirror for over 25 years..

Everyone was so excited that King Abdullah order a study to rebuild Tapline with a spur to Haifa to bring cheap oil to Israel.. and all manner of plans and schemes to create jobs and infrastructure for the Palestinians. They think jobs are essential for peace you know.
Oh sure.. The Saudi Peace initiative which is still on the table from 2002 is a capitulation by the Arabs and all Arab states including Syria signed on. They just need to vacate Shaaba farms in Lebanon and the Golan Heights in Syria.. Let Palestinians live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are so over the notion that Israel should leave ..That's been in the rear view mirror for over 25 years..

Everyone was so excited that King Abdullah order a study to rebuild Tapline with a spur to Haifa to bring cheap oil to Israel.. and all manner of plans and schemes to create jobs and infrastructure for the Palestinians. They think jobs are essential for peace you know.

That's not Arab capitulation, but asking to be forgiven without
facing responsibility for the consequences of their mistakes.

And thus, because Arabs are their own worst enemies,
the Saudi initiative was published the day after the Passover Massacre.
That's not Arab capitulation, but asking to be forgiven without
facing responsibility for the consequences of their mistakes.

And thus, because Arabs are their own worst enemies,
the Saudi initiative was published the day after the Passover Massacre.

Israel was given land by the British where other people had lived for thousands of years. Wasn't that enough?

Passover was a massacre of the firstborn, wasn't it?
I'd love to see a list of everywhere Ben & Jerry's ice cream is marketed. I'm quite sure we could find some places with bad human rights records. And so out of how many of those markets will Ben & Jerry's be removing its products?
I think because they both are Jewish, Ben and Jerry are more involved personally with Israel than other countries in the world....???
Israel was given land by the British where other people had lived for thousands of years. Wasn't that enough?

Passover was a massacre of the firstborn, wasn't it?


What did I tell you about Arabs being their own worst enemies?

In one post you brag about a supposed "peace initiative",
the next you turn to cheer suicide bombing:

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What did I tell you about Arabs being their own worst enemies?

In one post you brag about a supposed "peace initiative",
the next you turn to cheer suicide bombing:

You mean taking land from the Palestinians and offering them some of it back? The population of Palestine had doubled in 15 years with European Refugees who belittled the Arab Christians and Muslims.

What did I tell you about Arabs being their own worst enemies?

In one post you brag about a supposed "peace initiative",
the next you turn to cheer suicide bombing:

They are driven by utter despair. The matter has been studied at length. Look what you have accomplished after 70 years of foreign aid.
Can you think of a formula, a plan, which would be acceptable to the Arab side which did NOT involve the elimination of the state of Israel?
There is no "Arab side", they are not unified, they are as diverse as any other group. Will there be Arabs that want to destroy Israel? Sure, but there will also be Arabs that only want justice for Palestinians and the opportunity to live in peace with Israel.
You mean taking land from the Palestinians and offering them some of it back? The population of Palestine had doubled in 15 years with European Refugees who belittled the Arab Christians and Muslims.

No I mean like owning the consequences of their mistakes
in seeking Arab-Muslim supremacy over the entire Middle East.

Or in expelling Jews from all their 4 holy cities,
with the Damascus affair and following Arab pogroms - thus initiating Zionism.

They've made lot's of mistakes - have to own up to their responsibility for the losses
on BOTH SIDES - instead of demand to be rewarded for their mistakes.

That's basic parenting.

They are driven by utter despair. The matter has been studied at length. Look what you have accomplished after 70 years of foreign aid.

So you are indeed cheering for suicide bombing
right after bragging about an "Arab peace initiative".

Don't give me that bs trying to draw sympathy
for your Jihadi filth "despair", when this is where
the last persecuted oligarch filth lived seeking Jihad.

Indeed B"H look what Israel accomplished with that aid in just 70 years,
and compare that with the going degradation of the Arab masses,
despite the Soviet/EU aid and so many natural advantages.

Somehow the degradation of Islamism is always someone else's fault...

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