Israel is doomed!!

As you see it, apparently, Muslims have the right to expand and oppress globally, while Jews lack even the right to their own country.
Jews have a right to their own country but there were people already living there that had rights too. I don't recall the British asking anyone's permission before carving up the Middle East.
You imply that the anti-Jewish racist genocidal riots in Arab countries in 1947-8 were justified! That's a morally decrepit stance.
No genocidal riots are ever justified.
History's greatest genocide was committed by Muslims in India. Estimates are that at least 60 million Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs were slaughtered. Especially the Buddhist monks were extensively tortured first.
Were these religious or political struggles? Why not go back to Biblical times when Jews killed every living thing in Jericho?
Given the very high death rate in the "middle passage" of the Arab slave trade, one could also reasonably declare that a genocide was committed by Arabs against black Africans. And their prohibition on childbirth by black slaves was also genocidal.
Certainly inexcusable but economically based, not religiously based. There are millions of Black Muslims in the world.
The Jews returned to ISRAEL. Palestine is a regional designation (like Patagonia or the Levant) which is associated with no ethnic group nor a nation... ever. The Jews liberated Arab-occupied Israel/Judaea. Much of India has also been liberated from Islamic imperialism. And Iberia. More to come...
It seems you justify Arabs liberating Jew-occupied territory if they can.
For the PIG who said Zionism is dead and the Jews should go back to Germany hold your breath till it happens

Ben and Jerry will refuse to sell their ice cream in Palestinian territory held by Israel.

I fully anticipate a reversal of all policies from the Zionist nation as they travel back to Germany and crawl back into their ovens.
Sorry, but the Jewish people are going to stay in Israel forever. Why do you hate Jews; because you work for them and they constantly fire you?
Don’t like it because Hitler didn’t finish the job? Would be nice if you had a car accident and burned to death
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: Anti-Israeli Innuendo has been sharp for decades, but it is often not reflective of the facts.

Jews have a right to their own country but there were people already living there that had rights too. I don't recall the British asking anyone's permission before carving up the Middle East.

Yes, you are right here. BUT! It is important to remember that the intent of the Allied Powers was to meet the goals of establishing a Jewish National Home (JNH) while simultaneously ensuring that the "civil and religious rights" of the Arab Palestinians were secure.

Most anti-Israeli advocate seems to have forgotten that the Allied Powers (
at the 1920 San Remo Convention) thought of the Arab Palestinian as formerly the enemy → as in the Occupied Enemy that was under Territory Administration, and only just subject to the decisions made in 1920 that the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) standdown and the Civil Administration standup. What the "civil and political" rights were a century ago, is not what they are today. In fact, there was no international law on the matter that shadowed the 1948 Conflict or the 1967 Six-Day Way. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) DID NOT go into force until 1976, nearly a decade after the Six-Day and even after the 1973 Yom Kipper War.

I am often sceptical about the credibility of anti-Israeli activist that participates in demonstrations today → actually knowing what it is they are protesting.

No genocidal riots are ever justified.

Here again, It does not matter "who" started the riots. The riots never even once met the magnitude or rose to the level of genocide - (either side) having the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Neither side had the ability to any serious damage or inflict genocidal numbers of casualties.

Here again, what started out as demonstrations, merely escalated into riots, but nothing on the order of a mass casualty event.

Were these religious or political struggles? Why not go back to Biblical times when Jews killed every living thing in Jericho?

This is another issue that is hard to pin down. There is no question as to the animosity between the two sides. That still exists today.

Certainly inexcusable but economically based, not religiously based. There are millions of Black Muslims in the world.


It seems you justify Arabs liberating Jew-occupied territory if they can.

Only the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has anything to gain in any liberation effort. And they are far from capable.


Most Respectfully,
Jews have a right to their own country but there were people already living there that had rights too. I don't recall the British asking anyone's permission before carving up the Middle East.

No genocidal riots are ever justified.

Were these religious or political struggles? Why not go back to Biblical times when Jews killed every living thing in Jericho?

Certainly inexcusable but economically based, not religiously based. There are millions of Black Muslims in the world.

It seems you justify Arabs liberating Jew-occupied territory if they can.
The British (also French, Portuguese, etc.) carved up a lot of the world without asking permission. Yet elsewhere we don't see fanatic terrorists perpetuating misery for generations over it. We do see the Kurds agitating for an independent nation, which was overlooked. Think anyone could draw the lines so that everyone would be pleased? But the onus for all of this does not fall on Israel.

That Jericho story is tired, and archaeologists can find no evidence of such a massacre. Going back to ancient Israeli history to attempt to make the Jews equal to Islamic imperialists is a failed rhetorical trick. The Hebrews were no more violent in those days than their neighbors. The Biblical rhetoric is hyperbole, same as that used by Egyptians or Assyrians or whomever.

The genocide in India was religious. The Mughal leader Aurangzeb would embark on annual pogroms to "bathe the sword of Islam in the blood of the infidels". They murdered, raped, robbed and enslaved with great regularity. Another especially bad Mughal leader was Mohammed Gazni. Similar massacres but on a smaller scale occurred in the Levant, including Israel, against Jews and Christians.

I'm not sure why the fact that slavery was economic rather than religious makes it any less offensive. The regard for the lives of enslaved Africans was non-existent among Arabs and their handmaidens. It is hard to imagine anything worse than the Western version of slavery, but likely the Islamic slave system was.

Why would Arabs be justified in taking Israel? That would not be liberation, but just more imperialist expansion. Israel was occupied by Arabs for centuries. It was liberated by Jews and will remain liberated. Now attention is shifting to the Maghreb, where the Amazigh people would love to get the Arabs off their backs.
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: Anti-Israeli Innuendo has been sharp for decades, but it is often not reflective of the facts.


Yes, you are right here. BUT! It is important to remember that the intent of the Allied Powers was to meet the goals of establishing a Jewish National Home (JNH) while simultaneously ensuring that the "civil and religious rights" of the Arab Palestinians were secure.

Most anti-Israeli advocate seems to have forgotten that the Allied Powers (
at the 1920 San Remo Convention) thought of the Arab Palestinian as formerly the enemy → as in the Occupied Enemy that was under Territory Administration, and only just subject to the decisions made in 1920 that the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) standdown and the Civil Administration standup. What the "civil and political" rights were a century ago, is not what they are today. In fact, there was no international law on the matter that shadowed the 1948 Conflict or the 1967 Six-Day Way. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) DID NOT go into force until 1976, nearly a decade after the Six-Day and even after the 1973 Yom Kipper War.

I am often sceptical about the credibility of anti-Israeli activist that participates in demonstrations today → actually knowing what it is they are protesting.


Here again, It does not matter "who" started the riots. The riots never even once met the magnitude or rose to the level of genocide - (either side) having the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Neither side had the ability to any serious damage or inflict genocidal numbers of casualties.

Here again, what started out as demonstrations, merely escalated into riots, but nothing on the order of a mass casualty event.


This is another issue that is hard to pin down. There is no question as to the animosity between the two sides. That still exists today.




Only the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has anything to gain in any liberation effort. And they are far from capable.


Most Respectfully,
The world used to operate on the principle of "Might makes Right" but that rarely led to long-term peace.
But the onus for all of this does not fall on Israel.
Agreed but neither does it ALL fall on the Palestinian people.

The Hebrews were no more violent in those days than their neighbors. The Biblical rhetoric is hyperbole, same as that used by Egyptians or Assyrians or whomever.
Were the Indian Moguls more violent in those days than their neighbors?

It is hard to imagine anything worse than the Western version of slavery, but likely the Islamic slave system was.
Islamic slavery, so far as I know, was way better than the Western version.

Why would Arabs be justified in taking Israel? That would not be liberation, but just more imperialist expansion. Israel was occupied by Arabs for centuries. It was liberated by Jews and will remain liberated.
Not if history is any guide. The Arab have controlled the area as long or longer than the Jews have. I guess liberation depends on which side you're on.
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: Selective enforcement of some fashioned moral code for governments is a slippery slope.

The world used to operate on the principle of "Might makes Right" but that rarely led to long-term peace.

How far back are you going.

2017: People's Republic of China (PRC) seized a major area of the South China Sea.​
2014: The Russian Federation (RF) seizes the Crimea​
2015: Kingdom of Norway (KoN) takes the South Pole​

As crude as it sounds, the Principle of "Might makes Right" is just as alive and well, as much today as it was in the time of First Dynasty of Egypt ≈ 5000 y/o...

Before you start trying to advocate and impose a moral code on the acquisition of territory in the Middle East, you might want to figure out how you're going to make it international justice for everyone. What is your time frame. How far back are you going to start implementing this moral code? And if you find that it is unenforceable you can't enforce it on the PRC, the RF, or the KoN, how do you justify imposing the rule on Israel? Are you going to advocate the use of force just because the others are too big or too important to challenge? Is that not the thinking of the Arab League when they used force in 1948. Is that not similar to Jordan annexing the West Bank in 1950. Is that not similar to the establishment of every single country in the Middle East?

I humbly ask what is so different from your interpretation → with that of the way the real world works?

The standup of a nation is not such an easy task. Are you advocating that the Christian West once again unite in a stuggle against the Jewish people?

What is it that you want? Tell me. Maybe you know the right answer.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: Selective enforcement of some fashioned moral code for governments is a slippery slope.


How far back are you going.

2017: People's Republic of China (PRC) seized a major area of the South China Sea.​
2014: The Russian Federation (RF) seizes the Crimea​
2015: Kingdom of Norway (KoN) takes the South Pole​

As crude as it sounds, the Principle of "Might makes Right" is just as alive and well, as much today as it was in the time of First Dynasty of Egypt ≈ 5000 y/o...

Before you start trying to advocate and impose a moral code on the acquisition of territory in the Middle East, you might want to figure out how you're going to make it international justice for everyone. What is your time frame. How far back are you going to start implementing this moral code? And if you find that it is unenforceable you can't enforce it on the PRC, the RF, or the KoN, how do you justify imposing the rule on Israel? Are you going to advocate the use of force just because the others are too big or too important to challenge? Is that not the thinking of the Arab League when they used force in 1948. Is that not similar to Jordan annexing the West Bank in 1950. Is that not similar to the establishment of every single country in the Middle East?

I humbly ask what is so different from your interpretation → with that of the way the real world works?

The standup of a nation is not such an easy task. Are you advocating that the Christian West once again unite in a stuggle against the Jewish people?

What is it that you want? Tell me. Maybe you know the right answer.


Most Respectfully,
Gandhi defeated the British and MLK defeated Jim Crow. Every situation is unique but accepting force as a morally acceptable concept won't work for me.
Gandhi defeated the British and MLK defeated Jim Crow. Every situation is unique but accepting force as a morally acceptable concept won't work for me.
YAWN…,,, Israel didn’t start the 67 War. The West Bank was formally recognized as being part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt
BTW, Israel left Gaza but the Rockets continued
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: I do not disagree with you. But the fact of the matter is: Use of the Military is generally a sign that diplomacy failed.

Gandhi defeated the British and MLK defeated Jim Crow. Every situation is unique but accepting force as a morally acceptable concept won't work for me.

Almost every country has an military force. Even Sweden has the Swedish Defense Force.

I don't think there is any educated diplomat in the world that does not know the moral, ethical, and legal prohibitions against:

◈ organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts
◈ territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force
◈ activities the threaten the international peace and security

You know that every educated diplomat in the world knows that it is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) when normally Protected Persons (ie Arab Palestinians commit) an offence:

◈ which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, or seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them,
◈ which is an acts of espionage, or a serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power,
◈ which are intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons.

You may have the best of morals and ethic behind you, but if Customary and International Humanitarian Law is ineffective in the prevention of conflicts - the consequence is a conflict.

You and every educated diplomat in the world knows that when normally Protected Persons (Arab Palestinians) take actions to avoid participating in good faith - negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, to seek early settlement of their international disputes, the consequence will be an armed conflict.

The real-world just does not have any approximate moral or ethical code to the ideal you are in favor of, even though they are perfect proper. They are the great objective, but hard to achieve (near impossible to achieve).

(Ω) Israel is working in the best interest of it citizens the use of force by an external entity. It is not likely that the Israelis will surrender their duty to support and defend their citizenry against all enemies.

When the normally Pretective Persons have the ability to rally a multitude of nations to support the very selective enforcement and judicial action against what they call the Occupation Power, then the Occupying Power will eventually turn its back on the political standing of the unified body being used to support the goals aand objectives of criminal entities; and go its own way. Almost every 21st Century nations works in the best interest of its people and will resist the adoption of solutions forced upon them by nations supporting terrorism.

Just MY Thoughs,

Most Respectfully,

(Ω) Israel is working in the best interest of it citizens the use of force by an external entity. It is not likely that the Israelis will surrender their duty to support and defend their citizenry against all enemies.
No one would expect them to. Unfortunately the Palestinians feels exactly the same about their citizenry.
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

No one would expect them to. Unfortunately the Palestinians feels exactly the same about their citizenry.

First I would like to call your attention to an excerpt from a Letter from the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, wherein they noted in December 2012 THAT: "Palestine was not identified as a State or country nor could its authorities be identified as a Government..."

Excerpt of .pdf Memo Leagal Affairs DEC 2012.png

So, they did not have a country when the Treaties between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt and Jordan were signed. And the PLO (sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people) did agree that Israel would have full civil and security control over Area "C." The Abbas Government of the (so-called) State of Palestine want the borders to be the pre-4 June 1967 Armistice Lines. But the Arab Palestinians did not have control of the territory. How can they as for the return of something that was not theirs, to begin with? The Sovereignty was in the hands of the Hashemite Kingdom.

So, I am a bit skeptical about any territorial claim made by the Palestinians.

PRE-TRIAL CHAMBER I • International Criminal Court said:
5. It has come to the Chamber’s attention that, on 19 May 2020, President Abbas declared inter alia that ‘the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine are absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the commitments based on these understandings and agreements, including the security ones’.

Footnote 4
ICC-01/18-82 (submitted and notified on 16 March 2020).
Wafa Palestine News Agency, President Abbas declares end to agreements with Israel, US; turns over responsibility on occupied lands to Israel, 19 May 2020.

Now you the story on this. Abbas back peddled and essentially said it is not so. You cannot trust any commitment the Arab Palestinians make.


Most Respectfully,


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the PLO (sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people) did agree that Israel would have full civil and security control over Area "C."
The area C agreement included provisions for Israeli leaving some parts of the area. I believe they did withdraw but soon they reoccupied the areas. Israel has been encouraging Jewish settlers and giving them preferential treatment. Not a path to peace.
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: In my opinion, the OSLO Accords Need a Kick Start.

The area C agreement included provisions for Israeli leaving some parts of the area. I believe they did withdraw but soon they reoccupied the areas. Israel has been encouraging Jewish settlers and giving them preferential treatment. Not a path to peace.

Well, yes, in part, there is something to that effect. But I'm not a lawyer. The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Annex IV • Protocol Concerning Legal Affairs) has exceptions in favor of Area "C" and the Israeli.

For the purposes of this Annex, "Territory" means West Bank territory except for Area C which, except for the Settlements and the military locations, will be gradually transferred to the Palestinian side in accordance with this Agreement, and Gaza Strip territory except for the Settlements and the Military Installation Area.​
I chose this small subparagraph of the particular Annex because of its implications and location. Yes, as one of my acquaintances pointed out; "The Palestinians have been using the word Occupied Territory for so long, they forgot what it means."

In the main body of the agreement, there is a broader concept.
For the purpose of this Agreement and until the completion of the first phase of the further redeployments:​
The territorial jurisdiction of the Council shall encompass Gaza Strip territory, except for the Settlements and the Military Installation Area shown on map No. 2, and West Bank territory, except for Area C which, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, will be gradually transferred to Palestinian jurisdiction in three phases, each to take place after an interval of six months, to be completed 18 months after the inauguration of the Council. At this time, the jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. SubPara 2a Article XVII, Chapter 3 • INTERIM AGREEMENT ON THE WEST BANK AND THE GAZA STRIP.​
There are meanings within meanings, but the one constant was the Permanent Status Negotiations. The PLO did not really use this tool.


Most Respectfully,

RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: In my opinion, the OSLO Accords Need a Kick Start.


Well, yes, in part, there is something to that effect. But I'm not a lawyer. The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Annex IV • Protocol Concerning Legal Affairs) has exceptions in favor of Area "C" and the Israeli.

For the purposes of this Annex, "Territory" means West Bank territory except for Area C which, except for the Settlements and the military locations, will be gradually transferred to the Palestinian side in accordance with this Agreement, and Gaza Strip territory except for the Settlements and the Military Installation Area.​
I chose this small subparagraph of the particular Annex because of its implications and location. Yes, as one of my acquaintances pointed out; "The Palestinians have been using the word Occupied Territory for so long, they forgot what it means."

In the main body of the agreement, there is a broader concept.
For the purpose of this Agreement and until the completion of the first phase of the further redeployments:​
The territorial jurisdiction of the Council shall encompass Gaza Strip territory, except for the Settlements and the Military Installation Area shown on map No. 2, and West Bank territory, except for Area C which, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, will be gradually transferred to Palestinian jurisdiction in three phases, each to take place after an interval of six months, to be completed 18 months after the inauguration of the Council. At this time, the jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. SubPara 2a Article XVII, Chapter 3 • INTERIM AGREEMENT ON THE WEST BANK AND THE GAZA STRIP.​
There are meanings within meanings, but the one constant was the Permanent Status Negotiations. The PLO did not really use this tool.


Most Respectfully,

Going back to my original point (I think), when the conflict started Israel wanted nothing more than peace and to be accepted as an independent Jewish state but the Arabs were certain of victory so they refused. I'd guess that by now most Palestinians have accepted that Israel will exist and they want nothing more that peace and to have their own independent state. It is now the Israelis that want to secure their territorial gains and reject any peace that would force them to give them up. We've come full circle and gotten no where.
RE: Israel is doomed!!
SUBTOPIC: The Question on the Future of Israel!!
※→ alang, el al,

BLUF: We are not that far apart in these issues.

Going back to my original point (I think), when the conflict started Israel wanted nothing more than peace and to be accepted as an independent Jewish state but the Arabs were certain of victory so they refused.

Yes, we agree, given this is a thumbnail view.

I'd guess that by now most Palestinians have accepted that Israel will exist and they want nothing more that peace and to have their own independent state.

No, we do not agree.

Negotiation Affairs Department • State of Palestine (PA)/Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO):

◈ "Since 1988, however, in the interest of achieving peace and ending the conflict, the Palestinian leadership limited the national aspirations to statehood to 22 percent of mandate Palestine, seeking a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital (that is, all of the territory occupied by Israel in 1967)."​
◈ "The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem.​

Khaled Meshal, Hamas' "political" leader (2013)

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.​
2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim.​

On May 1, 2017, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal presented Hamas’ much anticipated political document, which does not abrogate the Hamas Charter but outlines the strategies that the group has tailored to its current political circumstances.

◈ Political deceit: Hamas does not recognize the authority of the United Nations, its institutions, or its resolutions, including Resolution 181 on partitioning the Land of Israel/Palestine.​

I do not believe that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) of one mind on your issues. Both the PLO and HAMAS have a policy of "armed struggle" or "Jihad." Peace? The political underpinning here is that the HoAPs will not be satisfied with a two-State solution.

I'd guess that by now most Palestinians have accepted that Israel will exist and they want nothing more that peace and to have their own independent state.

I'm not sure we agree on this point.

"Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south,
is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its
legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof,
no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures." (HAMAS)

Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate,
is an indivisible territorial unit. (PLO)

PLO: Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it.

HAMAS: Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle


Most Respectfully,
Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate,
is an indivisible territorial unit. (PLO)
These words are from 1968, I suspect the Palestinians of today are more realistic.
PLO: Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it.

HAMAS: Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle
When you don't see the other side as being flexible, you have no incentive to be flexible, you'd be negotiating with yourself. Also, if people don't see a peaceful path open to them, many will turn to violence. Palestinians are no different from any other people, including Israelis.

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