Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

Its puzzling but perhaps it proves the powerr of right wing misinformation.It also illustrates
the stupidity of many American voters. Perhaps if they paid more attention to the economy and less to banning books and stringing up trannys they might have more informed opinions.

Anyway it looks like many of them are about to make an act of nationa lself harm.

Its just a poll of a sample of people. Everyone has probably heard of the word recession but that does not make them the experts. It just an opinion which anyone can have. It is becoming the talk of the town in a election year.

Still some economist do believe that there is one coming but it will be a mild one.

"I think the characteristics of this recession are likely to be different than prior ones," said Gregory Daco, the chief economist at Ernst and Young's EY-Parthenon consulting group. He cited two reasons: the state of household finances, like healthy savings rates and relatively low levels of debt, and demand for labor, which continues to be resilient.

welfare is cash subsidies and after the 60 yrs theyve been happening the general welfare has decreased,,

so itss not just unconstitutional its a failed system,,
It's not unconstitutional. Quote the part of the constitution where it says cash subsidies are not allowed.
It's not unconstitutional. Quote the part of the constitution where it says cash subsidies are not allowed.
thats not how it works,,
if you read the 10th A you will see the burden is on you to show where they can,,

and dont forget to read the last sentence in the 5th A,,

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

Its puzzling but perhaps it proves the powerr of right wing misinformation.It also illustrates
the stupidity of many American voters. Perhaps if they paid more attention to the economy and less to banning books and stringing up trannys they might have more informed opinions.

Anyway it looks like many of them are about to make an act of nationa lself harm.
post #99, now let's see the GDP for Xiden. post it and let's see if there are two consecutive quarters.
Most people are going by how much they have after filling up their gas tanks and refrigerators every week.
They dont give a shit who has a job or not. Or how much money rich people are making on the stock market.
And for you hacks to tell them they are stupid and they are doing fine is a load of bullshit. Goddamn snobs.
An individual’s economic experiences or economic reality is not the US economy.

Attempting to equate them makes you dishonest.
thats not how it works,,
if you read the 10th A you will see the burden is on you to show where they can,,

and dont forget to read the last sentence in the 5th A,,
Amendment 5 is one long sentence. Again, quote which part you're talking about for the 3rd time.
The 10th has to do with powers not mentioned......what you're talking about is mentioned in the Constitution, which is the general welfare. Just stop already.
The core inflation is the change in the costs of goods and services but does not include those from the food and energy sectors...
Add food and energy to the mix and inflation is much higher than the reported 3.4%.... and this is why people are saying the economy sucks and prices are too high....
Prices are indeed too high. That’s neither a recession or a flagging economy though.
Wages like the amount of oil produced always goes up... but is it enough to keep up with inflation?... no... just like when you guys say we are drilling for more oil today... sure we will always produce more because demand is always growing... but is it enough...No...
wages have outpaced inflation since 2019.
Amendment 5 is one long sentence. Again, quote which part you're talking about for the 3rd time.
The 10th has to do with powers not mentioned......what you're talking about is mentioned in the Constitution, which is the general welfare. Just stop already.
the 10th says unless specifally delegated to the feds it falls to the state or people,,

so again where in the constitution does it say the feds can take from one and give to another??

and the last sentence in the 5th says you cant from me at all unless I get due compensation,,
I believe the voters do the best with the power they have and don't buy into either of the 2 major political parties. We seldom get one party controlling the White House for greater than 2 consecutive terms (1980-1992 being the one exception in my lifetime). Also, it is generally the case that the President's party doesn't fare as well in the midterm elections.

If folks are not satisfied with the economy who better to know their situation other than themselves?
If folks are not satisfied with the economy who better to know their situation other than themselves?
That’s just it. Their situation. Their experiences. Their economy.
Not the overall US economy.
Bidenhas done fine despite gop misinformation and stupid people like you. Feelz aint proof.
Tommy, I have the same problem as Independent Thinker, but the difference could be that my large family was able to survive on what little we had while I was growing up, and I know how to cut corners without needing constant wealth. My parents were both geniuses in making light of their situation and being totally loving & wonderful to all family members. Lucky me!

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