Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

At the cost of markets and labor. In other words, at the cost of taxpayers.

to the benefit of market and labor,,,if not for the rich none of it would exist in abundance,,,

in a true free market the tax payer is separate,,, taxs are for the purpose of paying the countries bills nothing else,,

We owe the rich quite a bit. I agree.

Without their philanthropy we would live under much worse conditions. Much of what they do is laudable. They have paid for the parties.

They are just forgetting their duty to society at the moment and need a reminder of their social responsibility and duty to the rest of the demography.

Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

Not a dime.

Okay. So you just want to give it to other people who also didn't earn it.

You know that doesn't count as generosity, right?

I am French and will not argue English terms, but doing ethical actions towards the poor, it would seem to me, would be synonymous with generosity.

In fact, science has shown that in a sense, since it is a win win situation, it could be said that the poor are being generous to the rich, if the rich fools will just cooperate.

If you vote for a Dim, you'll be voting for healthcare for illegal immigrants, and they expect you the taxpayer to pay for it. So they indeed will be imposing poverty on a lot of Americans.

All part of the cost of being a civilized nation.

Bite the bullet and do the right thing, for a change.

Canada does not mind birthing your babies here instead of seeing you bankrupt people for needing medical attention.

The U.S. could use some of out attitude. Not mine of course but the better Canadians. I am sure they will not mind sharing in your joy of giving.

Funny how Canada's generosity doesn't seem to extend to First Nations peoples.
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


I will ask you do you believe wealth is finite that there is only a limited amount so when one has more it causes another to have less?
We owe the rich quite a bit. I agree.

Without their philanthropy we would live under much worse conditions. Much of what they do is laudable. They have paid for the parties.

They are just forgetting their duty to society at the moment and need a reminder of their social responsibility and duty to the rest of the demography.

Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.

What happened to the conservative philosophy that poverty is caused by people that refuse to work and and wealth by people that do work.

Look at what we are passing up to our next generation.
Do we really want to follow the old traditions that created the mess?

I do not and unless society helps me find which oligarch owns me, I cannot effect any change.

That is pure slavery and you and are employed as just that.

Slaves have no power and that is what we have. We live in Hypocrisies, not Democracies.

My wish is that we all stop being blind hypocrites.

we arent a democracy you ignorant fuck,,,

and as I said its the dems and repubes that got us in this mess by ignoring the constitution,,,,

If, We The People, ignore our collective duty to the nation and its ideals, and never unite into, We The People, can our leaders be blamed?

No. They are elected to serve us and yet they make us serve them.

Who is the fool?

We The People are fools.

All those who agree with me are, of course, exempt from that epithet.


unless its the leaders that are keeping us divided,,,and thats exactly what the party system does,,,

and what is this collective duty you refer to???

Country first and screw the laws that are obviously not serving you well.

There is no way that the America I love would tolerate a Trump for as long as you poor fuckers have.

Where have real Americans gone?

to the benefit of market and labor,,,if not for the rich none of it would exist in abundance,,,

in a true free market the tax payer is separate,,, taxs are for the purpose of paying the countries bills nothing else,,

We owe the rich quite a bit. I agree.

Without their philanthropy we would live under much worse conditions. Much of what they do is laudable. They have paid for the parties.

They are just forgetting their duty to society at the moment and need a reminder of their social responsibility and duty to the rest of the demography.

Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

Not a dime.

Okay. So you just want to give it to other people who also didn't earn it.

You know that doesn't count as generosity, right?

I am French and will not argue English terms, but doing ethical actions towards the poor, it would seem to me, would be synonymous with generosity.

In fact, science has shown that in a sense, since it is a win win situation, it could be said that the poor are being generous to the rich, if the rich fools will just cooperate.

That's not science. It's ideology.

You seem to think the rich have an infinite supply of money. That's a laughably simple worldview.

From 2012:

But it’s a fantasy to imagine that raising taxes on the rich will solve our deficit problem. If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit. Our national debt would continue to explode.

It’s the spending, stupid.
From 2011:

What would the United States gain if in fact the government did confiscate the wealth of the so-called rich and taxed at 100% all the income above $200,000.00 per household per year?

Using the latest statistics from the IRS, in 2004 there were 2.7 million adults with a net worth above $1.5 million. If the government were to seize all the wealth above the $1.5 million threshold, Washington would realize a one-time windfall of $4.0 Trillion -- and no one would again attempt to accumulate wealth. Assuming it was applied to the national debt (unlikely with the Left in charge as they would spend it) the national debt would only be reduced from$14.5 Trillionto $10.0 Trillion.

Assuming Michael Moore & Company decide that $200,000.00 per year is sufficient for any household, then in 2008 (the latest IRS statistics) the 6.9 million filers that had adjusted gross income above $200,000.00 would have forfeited all their income above that ceiling to the government. The one-time gain to Washington D.C.: $221.0 Billion; but in the future no one would work long enough to earn more than $200,000.00 per year. Tax revenues in subsequent years would never increase unless tax rates are raised which are self-defeating and historically results in even lower tax receipts.
The math simply doesn't support your plans. Reality isn't swayed by your emotions.
What happened to the conservative philosophy that poverty is caused by people that refuse to work and and wealth by people that do work.

Look at what we are passing up to our next generation.
Do we really want to follow the old traditions that created the mess?

I do not and unless society helps me find which oligarch owns me, I cannot effect any change.

That is pure slavery and you and are employed as just that.

Slaves have no power and that is what we have. We live in Hypocrisies, not Democracies.

My wish is that we all stop being blind hypocrites.

we arent a democracy you ignorant fuck,,,

and as I said its the dems and repubes that got us in this mess by ignoring the constitution,,,,

If, We The People, ignore our collective duty to the nation and its ideals, and never unite into, We The People, can our leaders be blamed?

No. They are elected to serve us and yet they make us serve them.

Who is the fool?

We The People are fools.

All those who agree with me are, of course, exempt from that epithet.


unless its the leaders that are keeping us divided,,,and thats exactly what the party system does,,,

and what is this collective duty you refer to???

Country first and screw the laws that are obviously not serving you well.

There is no way that the America I love would tolerate a Trump for as long as you poor fuckers have.

Where have real Americans gone?


but what is this collective duty you claim we have???
Which begs the much of what other people earned is your "fair share"?

My fair share is when that demographic pyramid or graph takes on a moral shape.

Do you think it moral for a government to impose poverty?

Of course not. So why do you support plans and policies that ruin economies and keep people poor?

So advocating to reduce and end our imposed poverty, is me trying to bring down governments increase what can easily be decreased. Wow.

Good reasoning there buddy.

How many times has that been tried? How many times has it failed? Hint: All of them.

NO REALLY ITLL WORK THIS TIME PINKYSWEAR is not a compelling argument.

To continue doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity.

You want the same old while I offer a logically sound theory that, as you can see, has few, if any, real arguments against.

Demographers will rule in the information age. I am showing you how that works. By having you visualize the actual small change on that graph to end poverty. Count the few bricks you have to move. Chump change for a huge profit.

Only a fool would be against moral action against governments that are knowingly imposing poverty.

History has already proven what you suggest is a massive failure, causing untold death and misery.

Yet you insist we do it all again. That's the insanity you just spoke about.
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


Everybody complains. I am not rich but never had it better. I think arranging your own reality by where and how you work, who you associate with, and how you take responsibility for your own life and conditions makes your life rewarding or a struggle.

Sure, but where and how you olive matters. The way too many in your homeless shelter and in your streets should be having those many you reference, to get on board and move some of their wealth to where it is needed.

The streets of Eden are full of rich trash who do not want to even keep the homeless housed well. They prefer to walk through tent villages instead of productive cities.

They are hoarding even the chump change that would make the world of difference to the world.

They are knowingly maintaining an immoral demography and ideology.

Sorry to sound harsh, but I"ll guarantee I went thru more hardship than 90% of those homeless and nobody gave me anything-all anybody needs is available-if you really want it. I lived in crap holes and made sure I hustled to move out as soon as I could. If we have wounded vets, that is a different story. Don't blame somebody else for what you could have or should have done. Take responsibility for your own life.
and what is this collective duty you refer to???

You American misuse the word freedom but that aside.

You claim to be a free man and like way too many Americans today, you seem to have forgotten or are ignoring the first duty of a free man.

That being to insure that all men and women share in that freedom as that is the only way to really insure your own freedom.

You, as well as all of us, have allowed oligarchs to enslave us all.

As the leader of the free world, you have lost a great moral battle and have capitulated to your owners. I think that to be a shame.

You may as well add slave collares to the stars on your flag.

and what is this collective duty you refer to???

You American misuse the word freedom but that aside.

You claim to be a free man and like way too many Americans today, you seem to have forgotten or are ignoring the first duty of a free man.

That being to insure that all men and women share in that freedom as that is the only way to really insure your own freedom.

You, as well as all of us, have allowed oligarchs to enslave us all.

As the leader of the free world, you have lost a great moral battle and have capitulated to your owners. I think that to be a shame.

You may as well add slave collares to the stars on your flag.

but what is this collective duty you refer to???
we arent a democracy you ignorant fuck,,,

Correct. You are an oligarchy.

how so???

Money rules all.
It is perceived as security and security is our main focus in life.
We are tribal and the rich create tribes.
Some call it fellowship. I call it what it is. Insecurity. It is natural and controlled by our selfish gene. It creates the sheeple mentality and we should mitigate that harm.
The more religions the more division and that is a detriment to peace.

Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.



Who are our owners? Did you know that in liberal land LA, they have 12 million rats? But, they just let the garbage pile up. Owners?

It is good that you recognize that you are owned.


Who owns us?

The rich write your laws.


That's not some new revelation.
Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?

Taxation determines what poverty levels will exist within it’s demographic form. It controls the graph shown below. Governments control taxation and thus control poverty levels directly.

Imagine if you will, the real truth of that taxation, if used correctly, to move the wealth shown in this graph wherever it wants to, with minimal effect on the whole. The fact is, experts say that such a reality would be a win win for everyone.

Not how little of a change would be needed to reach the ideal.

Wise and moral people throughout history, as well as most religious movements, put poverty as the number one enemy to man’s first priority, which is security.

For perhaps the first time in history, we have the wealth where we could end poverty quite easily, --- just with our collective loose change.

It would seem to me that governments are not acting ethically and should be chastised.

I guess that George Carlin, a wise person, was correct in what he said of what Americans cannot feel in their anal orifices. I apply the same condition to the vast majority of the world.

If true that we are being willfully ignorant, and do not even care about each other to insure we live in a moral environment, then our owners have succeeded in cowering man’s moral nature to a state of subservience. We have given up our freedom. If we ever had any.

We have all accepted to be slaves. Shame on us all.

We do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Hypocrisy.

We can easily rid ourselves of poverty.

Should we?

Morality says yes.

Will we do the right thing?

Not till hell freezes over.


What's this We shit?

How are you fighting for your freedom?

US Air Force...

My fight to preserve freedom for all

You mean slavery for all.
The one giving you orders has been bought and paid for by someone you do not know and would likely not respect.
It is not your fault that you and most of us are forced, as in all slave based economies, to do the best we can in any given situation.
We do not like that they have us all by the balls, we just grin and bear it while all trying in our own way to subvert the system.
Such is the way of entrenched tradition and why Jesus cursed them.
Not that anyone cares what Jesus taught.
So, your solution to an over-powerful government is to give government all power over the economy.

You don't mind being a slave. You just want leftist slave masters.

No major changes please. Just a tweak of the tax numbers to what the population thinks is building to a more perfect union, as the constitution says.

Nice that such a simple change can give life to your law, for a change and really be, For The People..

we arent a democracy you ignorant fuck,,,

Correct. You are an oligarchy.

how so???

Money rules all.
It is perceived as security and security is our main focus in life.
We are tribal and the rich create tribes.
Some call it fellowship. I call it what it is. Insecurity. It is natural and controlled by our selfish gene. It creates the sheeple mentality and we should mitigate that harm.
The more religions the more division and that is a detriment to peace.

but what is this collective duty you refer to???
If you vote for a Dim, you'll be voting for healthcare for illegal immigrants, and they expect you the taxpayer to pay for it. So they indeed will be imposing poverty on a lot of Americans.

All part of the cost of being a civilized nation.

Bite the bullet and do the right thing, for a change.

Canada does not mind birthing your babies here instead of seeing you bankrupt people for needing medical attention.

The U.S. could use some of out attitude. Not mine of course but the better Canadians. I am sure they will not mind sharing in your joy of giving.

Funny how Canada's generosity doesn't seem to extend to First Nations peoples.


We apologized for the blight on our reputation and honor, as a country, for creating the genocidal to culture residential schools.

You are just creating yours now at your border and are not apologetic at all. This puts our Canadian level of moral thought, what, 70 years ahead of your pathetic barbaric thinking.

Any time you wish to improve your morality, ask one of the good Canadians. That is almost all Canadians except me.


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