Where We Are Now: Trump Says Haley Will 'Be On Our Team In Some Form', Nate Silver: Red Siren Alert For Democrats.

Unforced errors, like the one being currently discussed, are a primary feature of the original version.
It wasn't an error to send Haley to a useless post like the UN. Returning her there would keep her out of way of real policy decisions.
He'd be a dope to consider her, or any of her Bushbot neocon ilk, for more than the moment it takes to say "FUCK NO!"

Four years of getting chumped by shitty staffing choices has apparently taught him nothing.
Hopefully this is just for show and her "place on the team in some form" is US Embassador to Tristan da Cunha.

A territory with no airstrip and the only ingress and egress being a six day boat trip.

Trump stupidly, inexcusably blundered in rudely attacking and alienating Nikki Haley. She would be the perfect running mate for him.

And it is worth repeating that Haley did not "endorse" Trump but merely said she is going to vote for him because the alternative is so much worse. She even specified that she stands by her previous criticisms of Trump.
Trump stupidly, inexcusably blundered in rudely attacking and alienating Nikki Haley. She would be the perfect running mate for him.

This off the cuff ignorant statement pretends that Haley didn't just tell the World she is voting for Trump, and that Trump is the one who would be begging Haley to be on the ticket.

You see what you want to see, but it ain't reality pal.
This off the cuff ignorant statement pretends that Haley didn't just tell the World she is voting for Trump, and that Trump is the one who would be begging Haley to be on the ticket.

You see what you want to see, but it ain't reality pal.


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