Where We Are Now: Trump Says Haley Will 'Be On Our Team In Some Form', Nate Silver: Red Siren Alert For Democrats.

The Election IS the 5th of November.
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And to think, a mere two days ago you would have said the precise opposite.

It's almost as if you simply obey what the corporate media instructs, and have no ability to think critically on your own.

Go flap your jaws to a like retard that agrees with you.
Go flap your jaws to a like retard that agrees with you.

I guess the whole Nation is retarded.

If you judge by a hatred for Joe Sniff-Tard and his gang of Democrat commie losers.

Be embarrassed already.

You should be, you're losing big time.

Reaganesque style.
There's such an abundant surplus of good news flooding the zone in May 2024 that I feel like a medieval monk whose partaken to excess but still feels top notch.

I mean, when you have the Democrat coalition collapsing, and top-revered Democrat pollsters like ABC's Nate Plastic...eeerrr.....Silver....admitting it; kinda hard to avoid that unwavering reality.

First off - we have the Trump/Nikki detente:

Next we have Nate's friendly fire warning to Team Commie:

I say this in the most magnanimous, objective way possible:


You're in trouble. :(

The reigning king of the unforced error vows to make yet another one.....Bird brain will stab him in the back at the first opportunity.
The reigning king of the unforced error vows to make yet another one.....Bird brain will stab him in the back at the first opportunity.

Fuck you dude.

Seriously, what a hopeless doomer.

Suck city.
Whatever, Buckwheat.

Neocon scum like Bird brain (in fact INCLUDING her) are the ones who undermined Trump at every turn...There's no peace with people who will never stop hating you.

He said He'd "Consider her in some form"....

Then probably did his classic Fonzie gesticulation and boogied down to 70s disco.

In other words, he's a Nazi.

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