If you didn't catch Matthew Mcconaughey from the White House breifing room, live, You need to

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  • #41
Sorry but just as bands refused to play at Trump events, dress makers refused to make gowns for First Lady Melania, just as stations refused to carry Trump's speeches, I have a total blackout on all things coming out of the White House now especially from Hollywood flakes, until we get an actual, real, bonafide elected president and leader in the White House who has the People's backs.
Who is there is not the topic of this thread. The speech is the topic. If you don't want to know what is in it for any reason, that is on you. You probably will not be able to turn on the TV without hearing about it. I watched live on FoxNews. Brett will be interviewing tonight.
The Money Shot...

"We need background checks," he said from the lectern. "We need to raise the minimum age to purchase an AR-15 rifle to 21. We need a waiting period for those rifles. We need red flag laws and consequences for those who abuse them."

Ten pounds of Gun Grabber stuffed into a five pound sack.
We already have back round checks and long waiting periods. The back round checks did not get this shooter because he did not have record nor was in an institution. most gun owners say if you raise the age for gun owning to 21 then you do it for entering the military. That's how ridiculous it is. No on e is saying what to do about the criminals.
We already have background checks.

A state that has a drinking age of 21 could also apply that to the purchase of an AR-15 type.

Some states already have red flag laws but they need to be done in a judicial setting and not by some bureaucrats. And the feds have no reason to attempt to impose a national red flag law.

How about they do some of this stuff for people who want to buy legal marijuana? We know that marijuana cause psychosis in ~17% of users, so a psych evaluation should be required. And wasn't the Uvalde shooter a pothead?
then make it age to 21 to get into the military too. people wan t their cake and eat it too.
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  • #44
You write:

Saying the 2nd amendment is paramount to considerations of protecting our kids, our schools, our churches, our public spaces, must take precedence. To do otherwise, out of hand, as usual is bullshit.​

What is that supposed to mean?
It means the gun lobby and it's supporters have successfully framed (in the past) any attempt to reign in this ongoing problem, by falsely characterizing the discussion as an attack on the 2nd amendment, with the overriding importance going to 2A, while nothing is done of the clear and present ongoing danger.
Nothing he suggested struck me as unreasonable. Except for maybe the Red Flag Laws. I get it, but I have an issue with someone losing a Constitutional right without due process. Add in the fact that it would not be beyond the realm of possibilities that a spiteful ex could abuse the system... I guess I'm on the fence in regard to Red Flag laws...
I'll never be in favor of universal background checks.

It is nothing but defacto registration.

And these guys all PASSED BACKROUND CHECKS. They bought rifles from FFLs and filled out form 4473 and then took the rifles and committed murder with them.

The guy in Buffalo WAS INVESTIGATED under New York's RED FLAG LAW that was passed in 2019...and deemed not to be a threat.

☝️☝️☝️. Read that again!


Gun grabbers are always looking for an excuse to further THEIR goals.

If their solutions worked...there would have been no shooting in Buffalo. That's a cast iron, set in stone fact.

You cannot give an inch on proposal that haven't worked and won't work.

Look...for 50 years we gave them "safe, legal and rare" abortions and where did that end up.

Abortions at nine months and talk of post birth abortion.

Nope...never without a fight.

Why the would you agree to infringement of the rights of millions of 18, 19, and 20 year over the actions of 10 people?

Would you do that with the right to peacably assemble?

How about free speech?

Or religious freedom?

The answer is always no to infringement.

We're not going to throw millions of young adults under the bus to satiate the gun confiscators.
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  • #50
I'm trying to recall when Matt was elected to office.

Did I miss it?
Not a legislator, just a citizen, born in Uvalde, that grew up leaning to shoot there, and having just spent days back in his hometown, talking with the townspeople after the event. He makes a powerful witness in the aftermath.
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  • #51
Why the fuck is he even being listened to?

He LIES for a living!!

If HE wants to do something, then HE needs to put HIS MONEY where his fat mouth is!!!
He did not lie. But, you got to admit, many on this board lie for free and frequently, just in the way they try to denigrate or mold the stories to fit their party or adopted support group.
I am a gun owner, about all my life. I built my AR from the ground up, and it is hardly the only gun own. Give it a listen.

A Fudd is anyone who says, “I support the 2nd Amendment, but…”. There are no “but’s” allowed when it comes to natural rights.

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  • #54
so what. oviouslly he hasnt talk to gun o9wner in his life.
He has been a gun owner and probably still is and gave his opinion as one of the millions of responsible gun owners.
Not a legislator, just a citizen, born in Uvalde, that grew up leaning to shoot there, and having just spent days back in his hometown, talking with the townspeople after the event. He makes a powerful witness in the aftermath.

He wasn't a witness. He heard about it on TV and exploited it for publicity.
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  • #56
i doubt it. he still has not said what he will do about criminals and guns. Do you think a criminal with a gun it going to try to get one legally. The laws wont do a thing for them. Only hurt legal gun owners who are not the problem.
No answer is all encompassing or 100% effective. That is no justification to take no action.
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  • #57
He wasn't a witness. He heard about it on TV and exploited it for publicity.
He said he was called by somebody from his hometown. You can look at it as grandstanding, but should hear it first to be able to discuss, rather than just blowing it off. Your time. Do as you like. I do.

He is talking for gun owners? No gun owner I ever listen to talk talks like this. Does he own a gun? When he starts talking about what the government is going to do about criminals and guns instead of hurting legal gun owners. Then maybe I will listen.
You need HELP
He said he was called by somebody from his hometown. You can look at it as grandstanding, but should hear it first to be able to discuss, rather than just blowing it off. Your time. Do as you like. I do.

Who is there is not the topic of this thread. The speech is the topic.
No, you asked in the OP if anyone caught Mathew Mcconaughey at the WH, so don't try your Jedi mind games on me. Just the other week, I saw you calling the 2nd Amendment something outdated that had to go or some such similar thing. Please don't try to fool us now about what a stalwart gun owner you are. All I remember when Trump was in office was the people invited who turned down going there as some stupid political statement, so please don't tell me Matt is this great moderate. A Leftist's idea of a moderate these days is Che Guevara.

If you don't want to know what is in it for any reason, that is on you.
I just know that if there is a sane, simple solution to gun crime, it didn't come from his mouth visiting at the WH. He needs to stick with Jodi Foster and make another space movie. Far better someone take one of my cogent suggestions I just offered on fixing gun violence. If the Biddum Regime invited Matt into the WH, then without any uncertainty, something Matt said must have advanced the Biddum agenda, and nothing good can come out of that.

No thank you. I'll get my social advice from people with real background in the matter.

You probably will not be able to turn on the TV without hearing about it.
Maybe RAV News will comment on it giving it some analysis, the best news outlet for politics bar none on the planet. Besides, if Mathew, a minor Hollywood actor, actually had real insight into the gun problem, just imagine how stupid that makes all of the overstuffed, fat, do-nothing trolls Joe has hired?! :lmao:

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