Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

A little story Mr @msuster
,A couple of years ago, I entered Tel Aviv for the first time. I was frightened of what might happen to me; after all, I am a Palestinian & sure do stand out. I started my journey down Rothschild Blvd. Not one person gave me a strange look or made me feel uncomfortable. I was alone & lost (thank you
@Maccabi226km), but finally I mustered up the courage to ask for directions. I asked a few people throughout the whole trip, & every single one was helpful until I reached the beach. To my surprise, I saw Muslim women in hijabs at the beach. I wondered to myself, where's the damn apartheid? It’s not difficult to see the apartheid lie for yourself. The truth is clear without a shadow of a doubt. Sadly, the lies seem to always overshadow the truth when it comes to Israel & Jews.

An anti-Israel host attempts to prove that Israel is an apartheid state and decides to accept a call to support his point. The caller, however, states that he has been humiliated and racially profiled in Palestine, whereas this has not happened to him in Israel.The host abruptly cuts him off as his account didn't fit his narrative he was trying to push.

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