If Trump isn't hearing it, it's because he isn't listening to the hospitals about the supply shortages

ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

and start threads like this one...
ventilators,” said a March 13 report in the Washington Post. “If we were struck with a severe pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu, we would need more than 740,000 ventilators — many times more than are available.”

Uh oh. On record calling it the "Spanish Flu". They will have to erase that eventually.
The Spanish are white, so it can stand
German measles
That's RACIST!
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
Sick indeed.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.
There are no hospitals here having issues either. The only issue is no one with the virus needing supplies. The few that test positive aren't sick.

More democrat nonsense. See why I call them evil and loathsome.
none here too.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

and start threads like this one...
The apology tour for Trump is over;
So, quit apologizing for him.

I bet you think Hillary would have handled it better.


IMO, she would have been one of the first victims.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
The 'head of stores' at a small local hospital is a well known fucking raging Trump hater.
Turns out she locked up hundreds of masks where no one could find them. She then called the local radical fucking Trump hating TV station and was interviewed. She claimed that Trump was refusing to supply her hospital with masks.
Someone found out about what the fucking evil POS bitch was doing.
The hospital board fired her on the spot!
YOU can ALWAYS find some Trump hating 'medical professional' who will use the virus to try to undermine the great work Trump and his world renowned medical experts are doing. You're a pretty sick POS!
You tell em!

Medical Professionals hate Trump
So do weather forecasters, climate scientists, historians, economists and every reporter not wearing a MAGA hat
Because they aren't total dumb asses like Trump and his potato head idiot followers.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
The 'head of stores' at a small local hospital is a well known fucking raging Trump hater.
Turns out she locked up hundreds of masks where no one could find them. She then called the local radical fucking Trump hating TV station and was interviewed. She claimed that Trump was refusing to supply her hospital with masks.
Someone found out about what the fucking evil POS bitch was doing.
The hospital board fired her on the spot!
YOU can ALWAYS find some Trump hating 'medical professional' who will use the virus to try to undermine the great work Trump and his world renowned medical experts are doing. You're a pretty sick POS!
You tell em!

Medical Professionals hate Trump
So do weather forecasters, climate scientists, historians, economists and every reporter not wearing a MAGA hat
Because they aren't total dumb asses like Trump and his potato head idiot followers.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
The 'head of stores' at a small local hospital is a well known fucking raging Trump hater.
Turns out she locked up hundreds of masks where no one could find them. She then called the local radical fucking Trump hating TV station and was interviewed. She claimed that Trump was refusing to supply her hospital with masks.
Someone found out about what the fucking evil POS bitch was doing.
The hospital board fired her on the spot!
YOU can ALWAYS find some Trump hating 'medical professional' who will use the virus to try to undermine the great work Trump and his world renowned medical experts are doing. You're a pretty sick POS!
This is the great work of your lying pos president. He's getting everyone killed. The apology tour is over;
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
....YOU people--you nazis who don't accept a fair, legal, American election--- are the biggest threat
You mean the threat of Trump getting help from Russia? Or the fair election from voter suppression ? The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Or the part about Republicans closing down 868 polls in mostly minority areas? Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election
Republicans wouldn't know about a fair election, because they're a bunch of cheaters. They can't win without cheating. Period!
you people are exactly like nazis..here's MORE proof:
[QUOTEThe SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents]


etc many links
:auiqs.jpg:Blacks are Nazis? Who knew? :auiqs.jpg:
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that.

Supplies? Like all the masks Obama depleted during N1H1 and never replaced, ever?

Maybe he didn't hear about the shortage, CDC has to tell him and they are against him like you libs.

It's all Trumps fault? Nothing to do with the CDC?
The CDC was gutted by Trump, and Trump tried to cut its budget, not make more masks. Obama left a virus task force in place when he left, and Trump had the top people in that department just say bye. They walked off because Trump wouldn't work with them. Trump had zero interests in masks, because this was a hoax less than a month ago.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Do libs think hospital equipment grows on trees?

if there were more ventilators to be found the hospitals would get them
Really? Why is that? Hospitals aren't set up to serve thousands of people locally, because they are set up to make a profit. They are in business to make money, not produce ventilators. Why is it that you fools don't get that? You talk out of your ass man.
sure the hospitals are set up to serve a region of city populations. So you haven't a fking clue what you're talking about. The question for you is why doesn't the hospital without supplies need to reorder them if they need them instead of trump? please educate me how trump knew your hospital needed equipment?
Hospitals are not run by the federal government. They are run on the idea of making a profit, not stock piling supplies. These are not war time hospitals that handle thousands of patients in ICU. Anyone who doesn't know that, has been living in a closet their entire life.
So how can trump’s name come up? The
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.
Crawl under your bed. Take a snickers bar wit ewe. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out!
You have to give it to the bottom feeders in this country. They never miss a feeding opportunity to pull shit out of their asses.

"Bottom feeders"? :laughing0301:

That's pretty funny, coming from a lowest common denominator individual like you secular progressive baby-murderers.

Thanks for the chuckle, mang.
" Baby -Murderers?" You have documented evidence of me murdering someone right?
You support abortion?
Of course I do. Do you think I would jeopardize the life of the mother if she were having complications?
so you're for killing babies because. too fking sad
You don't even know what killing babies even means. Too fucking stupid.
It means dead babies. Intentionally. What do you think it means?
These Trump dopes need to grow a pair. They don't have the wearwithal to debunk the facts that surround Trump and his failure to get these supplies to the hospitals, so they make pussies out of themselves by posting emojis folks. Lol! What a bunch of cowards. Worker at NYC hospital where nurses wear trash bags as protection dies from coronavirus

Has that been confirmed?

Last I heard, it hadn't.
ER Doctor: Trump is ‘not listening to people on the front lines’ Trump continues to be the single largest threat to containing the Coronavirus in this country. He doesn't listen to the doctors and hospitals about the medical supply shortage. He said he hadn't heard that. We'll, you are the one on the GD TV every day, listen to what they are telling you, you dumb oaf. You lied when you said it was a hoax, then you kept it from us when you said it was a pandemic before it was declared, you lied about the fifteen cases going to zero, you want to open the economy back up to more infections, and now you haven't heard about the shortages. Someone get his lying ass out of there. Enough is enough. This doofus is costing lives.

Where I live, there are no hospitals having issues.

Great you can generalize from something local.

And be wrong...again.

No shortages here. Matter of fact, the ER's around me aren't even busy. Even the wetbacks are staying off the street.

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