Biden Claims He Was ‘Appointed’ to Naval Academy, Roger Staubach Prevented Him from Attending

Schizophrenia: Biden

Schizophrenia involves a range of problems in how people think, feel and behave. Symptoms may include:

  • Delusions. This is when people believe in things that aren't real or true. For example, people with schizophrenia could think that they're being harmed or harassed when they aren't. They could think that they're the target for certain gestures or comments when they aren't. They may think they're very famous or have great ability when that's not the case. Or they could feel that a major disaster is about to occur when that's not true. Most people with schizophrenia have delusions.
  • Hallucinations. These usually involve seeing or hearing things that other people don't observe. For people with schizophrenia, these things seem real. Hallucinations can occur with any of the senses, but hearing voices is most common.
  • Disorganized speech and thinking. Disorganized speech causes disorganized thinking. It can be hard for people with schizophrenia to talk with other people. The answers people with schizophrenia give to questions may not be related to what's being asked. Or questions may not be answered fully. Rarely, speech may include putting together unrelated words in a way that can't be understood. Sometimes this is called word salad.

Well that's 3 out of 5 and none of those 3 lies, have KILLED anybody. Biden really did get 81 million votes, and he really has been a college professor.

Trump told 37,000 lies - thousands of them about covid. Just those lies alone cost over a million Americans their lives.

I could list for days, the damage done by his lies about immigrants, Muslims, Russians, and the Constitution of the USA.
So..nothing. Same old, same old. Because your alt-right sources say so. :)

I look forward to Biden kicking Trump's ass in the first debate. If Trump's man enough to show up.
If Biden debates he will be running high on the latest experimental drug for dementia. He will appear sharp as a tack. He will look and act like he did in the State Of the Union Address.

What ever that drug is, it must have some nasty side effects. Biden is back to his normal stumbling, bumbling self in a day or so.
Only May and the number of Blacks and Hispanics supporting Trump is growing and will continue to grow. Trump actually can't lose.

That's what Trump said last time and he lost. It's going to be a much bigger loss this time because people don't trust the lying criminal and he did such a bad job the last time he was President.
Well that's 3 out of 5 and none of those 3 lies, have KILLED anybody. Biden really did get 81 million votes, and he really has been a college professor.

Trump told 37,000 lies - thousands of them about covid. Just those lies alone cost over a million Americans their lives.

I could list for days, the damage done by his lies about immigrants, Muslims, Russians, and the Constitution of the USA.

… and he really was appointed to the Naval Academy, raised in Jewish, black and Puerto Rican homes and commanded the French forces at Waterloo.
You've just described the nation under Donald Trump. Nothing to die for, and a nasty system which will crush those who pushed for him. It's EXACTLY what he did last time, and why he was voted out of office. Trump promises to be your "retribution". Who is he taking revenge against??? And for what?

How is that going to help your economy? Your family? Your world standing? Your national security. Already the Russians, the Iranians and the Chinese are working hard to get Trump elected, as you well know since you're part of that effort.

A leader is a man who would die for his PEOPLE. A despot is a man who asked you to die for HIM.
Foreign interference was a warning from the founding fathers. They were neutered and one party has them on their haters list. In his 4 years, Trump was a man of peace. He tried to tell you America First and it did not register. Fixing all of this is not going to take a couple of years. There are some things like reducing the pressure on inflation and creating higher paying employment opportunities that can come quickly. All of these stupid commie state names of Prog legislation has hurt more people than helped. Progs knew the answers as they destroyed Trump every day from election night in 2016. All of you lied. And continue to do so. The same old same old started when Joe was installed in Jan. 2021. Lies.
How is that going to help your economy? Your family? Your world standing? Your national security. Already the Russians, the Iranians and the Chinese are working hard to get Trump elected, as you well know since you're part of that effort.
Trump has his tongue further up Israel's ass than other President in history and you think Iran wants him to be President? And in case you didn't notice, it was Biden who let a Chinese spy balloon fly across America. China knows that Pedo Joe is a pushover. Something else you didn't notice was that Russia invaded Ukraine when Pedo Joe was President, not Trump. Your talking points bear no relationship to reality and you should be embarrassed by them.
LeftofLeft has no athletic ability at all. He was on the chess club (mediocre) and on the yearbook staff.
What is wrong with you? Insulting people who excel at chess and people that have layout and design skills to capture a year’s worth of memories? And, for what? Because you disagree with someone politically?

Though I wouldn’t classify myself as a star or NCAA D1 material back in the day, I had enough athletic ability to make high school varsity football and baseball teams.

I’ve also been around enough former High School athletes who embellish about how good they were. As for the President, he just put his football skills in the class of a Heisman Trophy and Super Bowl winning NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback. Did I miss something? Was he joking?

LeftofLeft has no athletic ability at all. He was on the chess club (mediocre) and on the yearbook staff.
Biden beat the draft by claiming "asthma" but how could he have passed the physical for lifeguard if he had asthma? His entire life is a lie and in his advancing mental deterioration he actually believes the fantasies he created in his mind.
Whitehall is blaming all his own failures in life on Biden.
What is wrong with you? Insulting people who excel at chess and people that have layout and design skills to capture a year’s worth of memories? And, for what? Because you disagree with someone politically?

Though I wouldn’t classify myself as a star or NCAA D1 material back in the day, I had enough athletic ability to make high school varsity football and baseball teams.

I’ve also been around enough former High School athletes who embellish about how good they were. As for the President, he just put his football skills in the class of a Heisman Trophy and Super Bowl winning NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback. Did I miss something? Was he joking?
No, I am dishing what you give out to others. Have some decency and grow up.
No, I am dishing what you give out to others. Have some decency and grow up.
Find a post I have done where I have personally insulted a fellow poster or people who have different interests than myself? Do I call people out for their behavior or expose hypocrisy or falsehoods? Do I insult politicians like everyone else on this board? Yes.

I suggest you learn the difference between personal insults and spirited debate.
You loons go crazy if Trump does one gaff, but overlook the daily Biden gaffs. Has he done a speech without one?
Trump says a lot of loony stuff. He lies constantly. Most of it done whilst spitting out the sides of his mouth. Now, I expect a career politician like Biden to stretch the truth and flat out lie while they're campaigning. Par for the course. But not as a habit of daily speech. I've also never seen Biden espouse violence, threaten retribution against his perceived "enemies", and try to tear down and rip apart the very documents this country was founded on....all because he lost an election.

They both make gaffes. But only one of them wants to be a dictator. Guess which one? :)
Only May and the number of Blacks and Hispanics supporting Trump is growing and will continue to grow. Trump actually can't lose.
Yes he can. And he will. Again, we aren't even to convention time and the race is neck and neck. That does not bode well for Trump. The only place for him to go is down.
Here's the bottom line. When the moment comes to actually check the box for Biden or Trump, the majority will choose Biden.
Yes he can. And he will. Again, we aren't even to convention time and the race is neck and neck. That does not bode well for Trump. The only place for him to go is down.
Here's the bottom line. When the moment comes to actually check the box for Biden or Trump, the majority will choose Biden.
Why? What has Biden done to help the citizen or this country? The answer is nothing.

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